my go around with bho


Well-Known Member
so i learned to make bho from a buddy and tmrw is 420 so my buddy that tought me gave me a extractor tube and a walmart bag of trim so i got my other buddy to come over and help me out in making some so we did and here are our pics fits 16 grams of trim..used 2 cans of butane...1 can would do 4 tubes worth trim so about 2 ounces of trim per can...put about 4 ounces of low quality trim in and got about a gram or more of nice honey now tmrw i have tons of honey to smoke my buddys and all it cost me was 15 bux for 2 cans of butane,new pyrex dish,new glass dobber...also bought the nail setup a few days ago for 40$ at my local head shop20130419_182315.jpg20130419_182320.jpg20130419_182508.jpg20130419_182512.jpg20130419_182616.jpg20130419_183522.jpg20130419_183527.jpg20130419_190247.jpg20130419_190254.jpg20130419_190313.jpg20130419_190318.jpg20130419_192641.jpg


New Member
little underpurged and you shouldnt be blasting inside like that, should be able to get more oil than that too. sounds like you could use a little more butane. looks decent though.


Well-Known Member
It was low grade trim so.not much oil...i keep front door open and sit at back slider with it open and fan in it it sucks the butane right out the back...i work in a print shop and deal with ink,laquer,alcohol fumes..and let the house still air out...i tan butane through till the butane ran.clear not very long with this low grade trim


Well-Known Member
it doesn't matter how you vent it you will get everyone telling you, your going to blow yourself up. promise


New Member
in this case, were the 99% and youre the 1%. ever wonder about that? I know a guy who had a fan going and there was a random spark or something in the fan half way through cooking the butane off that caused it to blow up. his pants melted to his legs and it lifted the fucking ceiling off the house, cracked all along the top of the walls.

ive blown it up before making it outside, with the door open a crack and about 15 feet away from the door.

learn from others mistakes, not your own. it happens faster than you can think "oh fuck he was right, I should have done this outside, now I got an explosion and a dish of butane with a flame 8 feet high in my kitchen and my skin burns so fucking bad I want to die"

some people dont know butane sinks. put a fan at head, or waist level and its very ineffective.

some people dont understand how to exhaust a room properly, and have adequate intake air coming into the room to help move air.

some people dont know the current wind direction and make it near an open door with a fan. thinking that the air is going out, but really its all just coming right back into the house.

its because of fucking idiots that make it indoors and blow themselves up, that making BHO is classified in the same categories for some people as making meth. can get 15+ years for making BHO in some places. wouldnt be like that if we all made it properly outside and werent blowing apartments up and burning houses down because were lazy or too pussy to go out in the cold.


Well-Known Member
It was low grade trim so.not much oil...i keep front door open and sit at back slider with it open and fan in it it sucks the butane right out the back...i work in a print shop and deal with ink,laquer,alcohol fumes..and let the house still air out...i tan butane through till the butane ran.clear not very long with this low grade trim
Consider that everyone who has blown themselves up indoors so far, thought that they could get away with it, but were wrong....................


Active Member
I don't know how many time i've thought...hmmm it would be convenient to blast right here while watching tv instead of being cold outside. I even go as far as making sure i'm in all cotton before blasting so no static gets built up. It's been rainy so the humidity and water has killed all the dry air which is nice for a change!


Active Member
i consider it neat, and i am a man of science, therefor i am aware and understand the dangers afoot. shit happens though no matter how careful you may be. it's not "if" it's "when", but i'm still willing to take that risk with great caution.


Well-Known Member
proud of what? you guys telling him how to do it right? did you see me offer any advice? nope just simply said "it doesn't matter how you vent it you will get everyone telling you, your going to blow yourself up. promise " and what happened he got a bunch of replies telling him he was going to blow himself up. So besides from the fact of not blasting inside, what other insight can you give him, maybe some on how to purge it a little better? ;-)


Well-Known Member
Dan what are you using as a filter? and are you grinding up your material or just stuffing it in there? and how tight are you packing it? and by any chance do you know how hot it was getting on the stove?

looks pretty good if you really get balls deep into it you will have to start vacpurging it, like my friends name implies above.


Well-Known Member
I blast indoors all the time and this is how it's done. I wouldn't dare blow that amp up.
With all due respect, I blast outdoors with my closed circuit Lil Terp and Terpenators as well, in case something goes wrong, goes wrong, goes wrong........... For instance, I have had valve stems leaking, or a worn gasket in a hose weeping butane.

We operate the automated Mk II indoors, in a specially ventilated closet designed to exhaust the butane if (when) something goes wrong.