My first time stickin' it to the man!


Well-Known Member
Looks good. A tip, keep your lamp pretty far away to start with. They don't need TONS of light as seedlings and it can actually have negative repercussions. Try like 36" and then work your way down bit by bit after they get their first set of 3-leaves.


Active Member
Looks good. A tip, keep your lamp pretty far away to start with. They don't need TONS of light as seedlings and it can actually have negative repercussions. Try like 36" and then work your way down bit by bit after they get their first set of 3-leaves.
Thanks, Someguy! Yeah I probably should just take them out of there all together. I'll admit, it was a bit early to go putting them in soil. They haven't broken through yet, but I hoping that within the next 3 days or so we will see them start to poke out a little...


Active Member

My seedlings have sprouted!!!:razz::mrgreen::clap:

I thought for sure that I had killed them by allowing the soil to dry out once or twice. I had them under the grow lamp initially after I planted the seedlings and the lamp dried them out severely so I decided to pull them out and leave them at room temperature. Good call.

My top performer thus far has been the one I expected to not perform as well as the others: Belle. She was the one that had the least bit of a tail coming from the seed casing when I planted her yet she is doing very well now. I'm guessing that from now until I'm done smoking the entire harvest 6-7 months from now I wont have a clear idea on which plant is actually the best. They will probably be grappling for power back and forth for the duration of this grow.

Cinderella, the one that had the longest tail, actually is the only only one that still has her seed casing. I expected her to be doing better than the rest but I guess that just shows what I know about growing.

Update: I just checked the plants in my grow 'cab' and Cinderella has just lost her casing and actually has the longest 'leaves' now. Wow, isn't the ultra-fast pace of the plant race exciting! I'm on the edge of my seat! I wont bother to take a pic of this just yet as I am sure they will be looking all together different tomorrow.

Oh, and Ariel, The Little Mermaid, is doing very well too. Aurora is probably the least exciting one right now. But things are changing every minute. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

Still haven't gotten my PH meter or PH adjustment kit yet and I'm still using tap water (I know, I know....:roll:) until tomorrow when the 'dro store will be open so I can purchase my gear.

Well, here are my little babies:

This is Cindy (aww look at the seed casing, so cute!)

And this is Belle:

Thanks for looking, stay tuned!


Well-Known Member
Looks good, your on your way. It is good to let the soil dry out some. Until they have their first set of 3-leaves they wont need very much nutrient or light. It is always exciting from seed. Do you plan on cloning?


Active Member
Looks good, your on your way. It is good to let the soil dry out some. Until they have their first set of 3-leaves they wont need very much nutrient or light. It is always exciting from seed. Do you plan on cloning?
Good insight, thanks! As for cloning, I'm not sure yet. If this all goes as planned I'm going to have like 6-7 OZ of finished product so I will be set for at least 5-6 months. I'll probably disassemble my grow tent and hide it for a few months. I'm living in a apt so I want to minimize risk as much as possible. I do have some seeds left over so I'll be able to do it again if I want to later. Just gotta make it through this one.

As for Day 6 since germination, they are looking healthy, not gonna post any pics today. They are standing up, 4 leaves per sprout at the moment. I've got them sitting under 400w MH 24 hours a day for now. Is this too much?


Well-Known Member
I use 24 hr light after taking clones from flower and when re vegging. Once they revert I switch the light cycle to 18/6. Just keep that MH far away for now and they wont get hurt. After they develop thier first set of 3-leaves start gradually lowering every several days until you are about 12-16" from the tops.

I understand the apt thing. Keeping a few clones and keeping them in a small vegging box will cut the amount of grow time. I mean, even if you just keep a couple and keep trimming them inbetween grows. It saves alot of work, but I too like growing from seed. :) But know, that even fem seeds can be male, its rare but possible. MORE likely is the chance of hermie with fem seeds from stress. I prefer the old fashion way and prefer to stay away from fem seeds. Have fun!! thats what is all about anyway, well... that and the sweet, sweet dank bud....LOL

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Looking good there infidel. 24 hr light is fine. I have three different Nirvana strains. The finished buds of each strain are very different but in the early stages of flower they all smell like juicy fruit gum. None of my other strains do this so I want to see whether you get the same thing.

I also live and grow in a crap one bedroom apartment. I highly recommend switching out the doorknob to that closet with one that has a lock with a key if you haven't already done so. Let's say there is a water leak in the apartment above or some shit and the maintenance guy has to come in to your place to repair and you're not home. He smells the faintest aroma of herb or hears the sound of powerful fans and decides to investigate. If he finds your tent you are f*cked. If he finds a locked closet door he is not going to break it down. He will probably just forget about. Don't mean to get you worried but I've had one or two occasions where I was glad to have locks. So be safe, be smart, and keep it green -/\/\ared:bigjoint:


Active Member
DAY 13

My whole grow op failed as it was... So I gave it a makeover! :D

I know I haven't uploaded in a while, but I have a valid excuse. Basically, my temps were getting up to 120ish regularly. I tried *everything* to make it work out but it just wasnt happening and I didn't want to hurt my plants with the heat. Although, I may have hurt them pretty bad anyway (more details to come). To make matters worse, my apt complex announced that they had gone out of business and a new mgmt company was going to take over. Which meant inspection time (round two actually, they just popped this shit on me like a month ago, too). So I had to disassemble my whole tent, for like a second or third time now, and I decided that the setup I had - as cool as it might have been - simply wasn't going to work out. I was also getting fed up with dealing with all of the bullshit stemming from the grow setup. I took my hood, my bulbs, and my ballast back to the 'ponics store and got a refund (from an amazing staff of people I might add!) and picked up a CFL kit. It is a 125w 6400k bulb with a hood that I will be using all the way up to flower. I'm not officially a RCC member yet, what all does that entail?

Ok, so re-engineered my old dresser, which happens to match all of my bedroom stuff anyway - my whole bedroom is the Aneboda series from Ikea ( Look at it with the birch effect to see what it looks like. I think it's fucking hilarious that I have an Ikea grow box, lol!!!! Anyway, my temps are staying around 80 or lower now, my plants are back to getting decent light again (after like 2 days of hiding from possible inspectors) I've repotted all my babies and all is well.

Well, mostly. I think Ariel may have root rot. I pulled her out and there was mold on the side of the soil cake (which had been soaked for like 2 days since I had to hide the plants in the dark). What do I need to do about this? I've repotted her and for now I'm just crossing my fingers hoping that all goes well.

Notice in the bottom right (facing in) corner of my box that little cardboard jig I have set up. It keeps light from leaking out the back and forces the air through the full gauntlet up to my carbon filter at the top. I thought it was one of the smartest damn things I'd come up with since high school, but maybe I just had an uncommon flash of common sense. :)

Anyway, here are some pics to look at, gimme some feedback and/or questions if you'd like.


Dr. Haze, MD

Well-Known Member
Hey I like the setup!

Really cleverly disguised and a great strain too.

But i was wondering how long you plan on letting them veg because i don't think you can let a sativa (especial Snow white) grow too long in that dresser. That shit gets huge!

You probably should have started of with like one or two plants, given the strain and the space you got.

A couple solutions would be to either send them into flowering kind of early (which isnt a guarantee fix), or plant 2-3 outside.

Not sure what the climate is wherever you live but Snow White is a durable strain and if you go for a short high you could probably find a spot.

I just ordered my seeds, kinda late, i know (stoner fashion). But when they come, ima germinate, let them grow to about 3 inches then find them a nice home outside.

But four snow whites in that dresser wont work. Check out how big these snow whites got:


Active Member
My bad, i meant short hike not short high
Lol, thanks for the input dude! Glad you like it! I'm much happier with this setup as well.

Yeah, was planning on LST'ing them as I hear this cuts down on height, but will give me a decent yield. Also, that lamp's height is adjustable, I just have it as low as it will go right now.

Unfortunately, planting outside is not very much an option for me at this point, I'll just have to see if I can make it work. Ariel has a root mold and Belle lost a leaf and she's kinda brittle so I may end up losing 2 plants anyway, but even if I don't, I'm planning on the LST method to pull through for me and make the whole setup work. I know these plants can get pretty tall but I'm gonna have to work it out somehow. I think just LST'ing them and inducing an early flower ought to do it. What are your thoughts?



Well-Known Member
Hey I like the setup!

Really cleverly disguised and a great strain too.

But i was wondering how long you plan on letting them veg because i don't think you can let a sativa (especial Snow white) grow too long in that dresser. That shit gets huge!

You probably should have started of with like one or two plants, given the strain and the space you got.

A couple solutions would be to either send them into flowering kind of early (which isnt a guarantee fix), or plant 2-3 outside.

Not sure what the climate is wherever you live but Snow White is a durable strain and if you go for a short high you could probably find a spot.

I just ordered my seeds, kinda late, i know (stoner fashion). But when they come, ima germinate, let them grow to about 3 inches then find them a nice home outside.

But four snow whites in that dresser wont work. Check out how big these snow whites got:

Hey Dr... Thanks for the bump. I'm subscribed to this thread too, it's an interesting one. Oh, I could be wrong, but the place I purchased my seeds from says that Snow White's father is a pure indica. Gets huge though! Then again, I don't have anything to compare it to. Doh! :weed:

Wouldn't that make it a mix ?

This is the link of what I got:

Female Snow White is one of our highest quality selections from the “white” family. The fat pure indica father gives Snow White a denser statue than its close relative, White Widow. This plant is a big yielder with dense sticky buds covered in shiny trichromes. Well suited for hydro or similar systems. Great smooth taste and a powerful indica stone make this strain a nice Widow variation.

Owe you both some REP, but I've given too much out in the past 24 hours so I've been throttled.

And tehInfidel,

Looks like you've been through the ringer lately with everything going on. If you're definitely going to go with your setup, you could always just see which one is the biggest, maybe use 2 and just bend and twist them around the cabinet... one will probably fill it out. If you absolutely have to, that is.

I learned so much from this grow, especially wondering what people were talking about when they said how they would rather grow a few big plants than 6 small one's. Didn't register til now. And it's funny, it's the res size as well. I have a total of 6 plants, 2 of them in their own res. 1 in a 5 gallon bucket with decent sized roots... and 1 in it's own rubbermaid with 6 gallons of nutes and MAN the root ball is THREE TIMES the size of any of the others... it's SICK. Next time I'm going to either go soil or do four rubbermaid contaniner with 4 plants... who knows.


Dr. Haze, MD

Well-Known Member
Ya nasd your right. Snow White is a mix but im sure you would know better than me that it gets huge. I guess thats just one of the traits it chose to retain from it's White mother's side.

And yo Infidel whats LST?


Active Member
Ya nasd your right. Snow White is a mix but im sure you would know better than me that it gets huge. I guess thats just one of the traits it chose to retain from it's White mother's side.

And yo Infidel whats LST?
This is my first time growing so I've only just read about it but it stands for "Low Stress Training." It's basically where you wait until you have 3 or more nodes of leaves going on the plant, then you gradually bend the sucker by about 90 degrees at its base. (I know, I know, thats a very broad generalization of what LST can be but its probably the most common method I've read about) in doing so you force hormones in the plant called auxins to go not just to the main cola, but to other branches of the plant resulting in multiple short, "main" colas. If it works the way I hope it does, I may not have the super huge buds that I wanted but they will be quality and I will have many of them none the less.


Well-Known Member
This is my first time growing so I've only just read about it but it stands for "Low Stress Training." It's basically where you wait until you have 3 or more nodes of leaves going on the plant, then you gradually bend the sucker by about 90 degrees at its base. (I know, I know, thats a very broad generalization of what LST can be but its probably the most common method I've read about) in doing so you force hormones in the plant called auxins to go not just to the main cola, but to other branches of the plant resulting in multiple short, "main" colas. If it works the way I hope it does, I may not have the super huge buds that I wanted but they will be quality and I will have many of them none the less.
I've thought many times about lst, i dunno if i should or not!!!
I want a main huge cola and maybe a few small guys, but then a few medium cola's also soun ds good, my first time i dont think im gonna.
i wanna see what yours will do though