My first Indoor Grow, all Help Appreciated


Well-Known Member
looks great man, they are gonna get ssoooo much thicker

what kinda nutes you using? +rep great grow show u got goin sorta sucks about the lack of feedback,

i got my name out there by cruisin the forums, and answering questions an stuff best way to show people ya know what your talkin about. i updted mythread tonight if ya wanna see my pics stop by my thread


Active Member
To jump on a couple random questions I saw towards the end of the thread:

There've been studies which showed that a dark period at the end of flower can increase THC content by a pretty decent amount, however those studies harvested some plants on Wednesday, and then the rest after lights off three days later. The extra three days might account for something, but technically speaking, THC et al are created to protect the plants from light, as well as themselves degraded by light. Extra dark time gives the plants a chance to create more without it being degraded.

Personally, I just unplug my lights when the timer clicks over to night on the last day, and then harvest whenever I get around to it the next day. Not really an extra dark period, but it prevents light from effecting the plants you have yet to chop as you go along. Alternatively, you could just chop them all in the morning, but I trim by myself, and the plants start to wilt before they dry, which makes trimming more difficult. Some people chop all the tops in the morning, and leave the lower branches under 12/12 for a few more days to help them mature more.

When to harvest? When things are ripe. The two ways people generally go are based on trichomes, or on "hairs" turning brown/amber. That said, every strain is different, so trying to harvest based on time or a single factor is a little useless. YOU CAN GET MORE OF A HEAD HIGH WITH NO AMB- stop, if that's what you want, grow a sativa. If you ask me, it's pretty obvious when the plants are ripe, just like it's obvious when an apple is ripe. There won't be any new growth, etc, etc... I'm definitely still learning things myself, but this is one thing I feel rock solid on.

Realistically, your harvest window is a week or two long, look up the strains, there will be information on the number of weeks it should take, a week before then, start keeping an eye on the trichomes, and on the over all appearance of the buds. Watch new growth, it'll back off (hairs turning brown, and fewer new white hairs showing up), and... it'll make more sense as you watch it happen.

Trimming the lower bits isn't really needed unless you're growing in much closer quarters than you are... and... why are you complaining about how long you veged them for? As long as they aren't growing into your lights, you have nothing to worry about, and a bigger plant means more bud. If they start to get that tall, Google supercropping, problem solved... or... just move them to the side a bit.

The general rule of thumb is to flush during the last week or two, however cannabis does not store nutrients in it's buds so far as I'm aware. I've flushed, I've kept going hard till the day I chopped, I didn't notice any difference, other than a bit more weight and healthier plants when I didn't, but then... I wasn't growing in dirt. Regardless, I don't think much of flushing, but that's just me...

Remember, just because everyone knows something doesn't mean it's true... after all, most people in the culture think that foliage is pronounced "foil-ige." When you have a question, don't stop looking once you get an answer, find a few, and then weigh them yourself.

If you ask me, you're still a ways off from flushing if that's the rout you want to take... like I said, Google your strains, you'll get lots of information... things like whether a plant should be short and bushy, or tall and skinny... cause some just grow that way; weeks or days till harvest, pictures of mature buds to use for comparisons... I'm not being SO-YOU-CAN'T-USE-GOOGLE (the forum search function is always useless), I genuinely think the top few hits will give you clear and concise information which you won't find on forums.


Active Member
Hey Fatty, your plants are looking great bro! Don't know how much I can help you with your questions, but it seems like bibbles has already answered most of them ^^. I'm subbed, looking forward to seeing those grape ape's fatten up! How long have they been on 12/12? + rep, and happy growing!



Active Member
Hey Fatty, your plants are looking great bro! Don't know how much I can help you with your questions, but it seems like bibbles has already answered most of them ^^. I'm subbed, looking forward to seeing those grape ape's fatten up! How long have they been on 12/12? + rep, and happy growing!

Thanks Bibbles that was alot of useful information for me! and to TheCannabist, I put them on 12/12 Friday the 13th (January 13th 2012) So Im heading towards the END of WEEK 4 in 12/12


Active Member
Here's some more pictures, I know this is a dumb question, But my Super Grape Apes appear to be the ones that will be ready to harvest first.. right? And.. What do you think about my white widows? I have a picture of the one below, the other one looks just like it, they are starting to fill in more with bud, so thats good, but what do you guys think??


Personal pics....

I guess I could Have grown more plants... hmmm.. I had a 71 plants limit, I bumped it up the other day.. I have no idea why.. but I feel better??

Last Years outdoor I grew, came out pretty nice and still fresh (been keeping it in mason jars, poppin lid everyday, strain is "Belladonna") I also have about 6 other strains I grew outdoors that I still have too, So thats why I wanted to do this Indoor, Because I knew I would have some good smokeables the whole way through the grow! Hahaha


And then I found my orange pack of zigzags, and some goooooey hash, and made this:


^^^ I smoked that joint about 45 minutes ago.. it was DEE LI CIOUS! half way through I was pretty damn baked! haha


Active Member
Testing your luck planting them on Friday 13th eh? ;) They're looking beautiful man, that 2 months veg time will give you some juicy buds!


Active Member
For sure.

I believe Grape Ape is an Indica, so ~8 weeks, White Widow is a sativa dominant hybrid, so it's probably more in the range of 10. Some indicas come in around 6, but generally because they've been crossed with ruderelis, and pure sativas can go all the way out to 12-14.

Like I said, that's one thing you're best off Googling.

As for California law, the state limit was 6 in flower, OR 12 in veg + 8oz (with larger quantities allowed under county law, but never less). After The People vs Kelly reached the supreme court, they ruled that a state did not have the right to limit medication to someone prescribed it legally. Thus since then, the limit has more or less been 99, unofficially, because at 100 you cross into federal law.

EDIT: That said, 110 plants isn't going to have the DEA knocking at your door, best not to risk it, but the 500+ plant grows is where they focus their efforts, especially those on state property, like in parks, etc.


Active Member
For sure.

I believe Grape Ape is an Indica, so ~8 weeks, White Widow is a sativa dominant hybrid, so it's probably more in the range of 10. Some indicas come in around 6, but generally because they've been crossed with ruderelis, and pure sativas can go all the way out to 12-14.

Like I said, that's one thing you're best off Googling.

As for California law, the state limit was 6 in flower, OR 12 in veg + 8oz (with larger quantities allowed under county law, but never less). After The People vs Kelly reached the supreme court, they ruled that a state did not have the right to limit medication to someone prescribed it legally. Thus since then, the limit has more or less been 99, unofficially, because at 100 you cross into federal law.

EDIT: That said, 110 plants isn't going to have the DEA knocking at your door, best not to risk it, but the 500+ plant grows is where they focus their efforts, especially those on state property, like in parks, etc.
Yeah I agree with ya there.. Oh yeah quick question, I thought all these plants were gonna be done around the same time so the room their growing in was also going to be the drying room, but it looks like the purples will be done far sooner then the rest, I have a nice size garage, no cars in there, plenty of room, but it does get a tad cold at night, but it stays pretty dark in there, i got a fan out there also, could I use my garage to start the drying process? (when they are ready ofcourse)


Active Member
Yeah I agree with ya there.. Oh yeah quick question, I thought all these plants were gonna be done around the same time so the room their growing in was also going to be the drying room, but it looks like the purples will be done far sooner then the rest, I have a nice size garage, no cars in there, plenty of room, but it does get a tad cold at night, but it stays pretty dark in there, i got a fan out there also, could I use my garage to start the drying process? (when they are ready ofcourse)
Humidity should be a larger concern than darkness when drying, yes light will degrade THC, but you're in Cali, you've probably been to a dispensary which kept it's bud in glass jars, and it still got you medicated. Light will degrade THC, but heat and humidity are larger factors - plus, they'll play a larger roll in drying. Too damp and you get mould, too dry and you get shake. That said, it's not actually rocket science, and there's a lot of room for error. Your garage would probably be fine, but if you want to make a drying box/tent/whatever there are a bunch of DIY things out there, from a cardboard box with some vents and strings to hang stuff to whatever you can imagine. If I were going to build something I would probably just make a frame, cover it in crappy dollar store sheets (darkest color I could find, and most breathable), and then whatever inside to hang them (I trim everything before drying, so a rack, if you want to dry on the stem, strings or hangers).

Chances are, your garage is fine so long as it doesn't get too humid. Check on stuff twice a day, if something starts to go wrong, you'll catch it before it becomes a problem. A fan is good, but I wouldn't turn it on the first day, and thereafter I would simply have it near things, not blowing on them. If you want to do the cardboard box thing inside of your garage that would probably be the easiest way to go. I'm sure you have some boxes, if not, Safeway/Vons (depending on your end of the state) will and they'll be free (just make sure they're clean). The box will help maintain a decent humidity (mostly enclosed) , while not letting things get too high (cardboard absorbs water, hurrhurr).

EDIT: Also, light takes a while to degrade THC, the reason you shouldn't dry in an active grow is the heat and humidity and air movement... I haven't found much science on this, but the highest I saw was 8% in six months, the lowest 4% in a year. That said, the heat and humidity in an active grow will fuck up your buds, and the plants still growing. You always remove dead plant material from your garden right away, yes? To avoid bugs, mould, and all kinds of stuff... drying buds are dead plant material.