My First Grow!


my understanding of autos is that u don't have to change to 12/12 to make it flower, it will flower based on it's age. i also understand that u can grow and flower an auto under any light schedule from start to finish and it will happily do it's thing. i've read that u can go 12/12 if needed (i.e. if heat is a problem) but that 18/6, 20/4 or even 24/0 throughout is optimum (different people say different things). i've just started an auto grow and will be going 18/6 from start to finish.


Active Member
I am going to lift up the CFL's tomorrow and try to get her to spread out a bit more. Need opinions switch to 12-12 now or in a week or not at all? I value ALL opinions and


Well-Known Member
My instinct says keep it 18/6 the whole time, since it'll flower anyway you can give it more light, but it'll be able to nap and rest still, but that's just me


Active Member
My instinct says keep it 18/6 the whole time, since it'll flower anyway you can give it more light, but it'll be able to nap and rest still, but that's just me
I thought this too but some people seem to disagree, I'll keep your suggestion in mind, anyone else?


Active Member
autoflowers are not affected by the light period and they need as much light as possible. 18/6 is good, 20/4 might even be better.


Active Member
autoflowers are not affected by the light period and they need as much light as possible. 18/6 is good, 20/4 might even be better.
Alright, I thought someone was saying it seems autoflowers do their best growing during the dark or something...? But unless other people show up I'll be staying with 18/6...

Plant News: 1/3 Watering session I used ---- PH'd Nuted Water
2/3 Watering session I used ---- PH'd Nuted Water
3/3 Watering session I used ---- PH'd Regular Water
Today I did the 3/3 Watering session and I noticed some MINOR but HARSH nute burning on the tip of 3 of the leaves, so I watered with Regular water... She's a bit over-watered now but I had to make sure she got the nice regular water in. I also gave my smallest plant that's about a week and a half old some nuted water and she grew A LOT but I noticed some SUPER MINOR nute burning forming so I made sure to give her fresh water as well. This is my first grow and I am learning A LOT from it.. (Kinda high so if somethings funky lemme know)


Well-Known Member
I've heard they all do their best growing during darkness, autoflower or not, not sure if definitive proof has been shown yet though, there are always doubters, but my plant is always bigger after darkness. they need the light to grow though, I'm guessing since autoflowers have had their autoflowering traits bred into them from cannabis ruderalis which grows natively in northeast europe, I'm guessing during the summer when the days may be near 18 hours long far enough north. This is purely hypothetical, I could be wrong about anything or everything, but seems logical to me that 18/6 should work


Active Member
Alright, may switch to 12-12 due to heat but I'd be happy staying with 18/6. So angry I burned my girl... Now she's droopy as fuck because I had to make sure she got some clean water...


Well-Known Member
I did 12/12 from seed and still got a 45" tall plant -_-. is Sweet Seeds Fast Bud Feminized an auto? Thats sooo funny, i was looking at some seeds today and those are the ones i am going to buy. Did u get them from "the attitude" seed bank? Will be ordering them in a couple weeks. So i am REALLY looking forward to seeing how ur grow turns out :D


Active Member
Yep, it's an auto all right! My girl is especially small though, so I might not be the best one to compare to.


Active Member
She is getting pretty big... Still not in flower? I'm guessing I have to put her into 12/12 to help her to flower (Some fast buds had this defect or whateveR) 27 days old


Active Member
In picture 4,6 you can see the burnt tips, any comments? Does this look like nute burn or light burn?


Active Member
Unless your lights are less than 1/2 inch away or leaves have been touching the lights then I doubt it is light burn. On pic 6 you can see the yellow starting to go round the edge and I would probably say that was nute burn. Doesnt look too bad though :)


Active Member
Unless your lights are less than 1/2 inch away or leaves have been touching the lights then I doubt it is light burn. On pic 6 you can see the yellow starting to go round the edge and I would probably say that was nute burn. Doesnt look too bad though :)
Yeah, I seem to have caught it right away. I've done 2 watering sessions with just Ph'd water, when do you think I should switch to a session of nuted water?

WATTAGE UPDATE : I actually have 237 watts and I'll check-out the lumens in a minute. I have 4x42 2700k focused on my largest plant, and 3x23 6500k focused on my youngest plant. I can't fucking wait to have my vegetation box done... Just gotta install the fans and get my mylar blankets..


Well-Known Member
Looks great Foolet! Really dark green leaves, thats awesome.

I hate burnt tips -_-. Thought mine was getting nute burn but it turns out it was deficiency and I am paying for it now :(.

Yours is looking great. wanna trade plants :D. Mine will pull through.

im going to go cry now. after i get high -_:eyesmoke:


Active Member
S***, as long as your baby's happy and healthy, that's what matters. Plus, some of the best things in life take a little time. ;)

Whatever you're doing, it's working. I know you're worried, but your plant looks great. :D The best thing you can do is have confidence in yourself and in your plant's amazing ability to come back from whatever crap we inadvertently toss their way - and just, well, read your plants as if they were your own children. You'll be able to tell how they respond to miniscule facets of their care, but not necessarily by watching them like a hawk (even though I'd def understand why you might feel compelled to), just by maintaining an awareness, not neglecting, not coddling, just letting these f'ing wondrous weeds do their thing. :leaf:



Active Member
S***, as long as your baby's happy and healthy, that's what matters. Plus, some of the best things in life take a little time. ;)

Whatever you're doing, it's working. I know you're worried, but your plant looks great. :D The best thing you can do is have confidence in yourself and in your plant's amazing ability to come back from whatever crap we inadvertently toss their way - and just, well, read your plants as if they were your own children. You'll be able to tell how they respond to miniscule facets of their care, but not necessarily by watching them like a hawk (even though I'd def understand why you might feel compelled to), just by maintaining an awareness, not neglecting, not coddling, just letting these f'ing wondrous weeds do their thing. :leaf:

I just don't understand how she is surviving in such hot temperatures.... and everyday she tells me how hot she is (Leaves sticking up) but there is nothing I can do yet.... Ma poor girl! :( I'll be giving her some nuted water again but then I'll do 2 sessions of reg water.


Active Member
Looks great Foolet! Really dark green leaves, thats awesome.

I hate burnt tips -_-. Thought mine was getting nute burn but it turns out it was deficiency and I am paying for it now :(.

Yours is looking great. wanna trade plants :D. Mine will pull through.

im going to go cry now. after i get high -_:eyesmoke:
You have A LOT of bud coming your way though :) I'm subbed to your thread :)