My first grow.


Active Member
That's awesome your plants look great! I know I couldn't run an HPS in there considering my temps were almost 100F with a couple CFLs... hopefully they'll stay down now that I put in the exhaust fans.. I'm gonna stick it out a few more days I think and if the plants live, then they live.. if they die then I'm gonna start over with better soil.

Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
Your welcome man, live and learn thats what its all about. keep me posted. I am about half way done flowering! So another 30 days or so she should bulk up nicely!! Do you live with your parents or somthing trying to keep it on the Down Low or somthing?


Active Member
Your welcome man, live and learn thats what its all about. keep me posted. I am about half way done flowering! So another 30 days or so she should bulk up nicely!! Do you live with your parents or somthing trying to keep it on the Down Low or somthing?
Yeah I will man. I just got home and it's almost 6am here, I'm really high I admit haha.(thanks to my awesome friends who have weed and smoke with me :D)
Yeah I live with my parents.. they know I smoke but I donno what they'd do if they knew I grew.. I'll tell them if I have to, but I really enjoy growing so far.. I always liked gardening. My cab's locked inside my closet so no one know it's there, partly why it's so hot..

Thanks again


Active Member
Plants are looking a bit better today without that fan rattling them around and temps are still a steady 85F :D.. oddly the three plants under the 13w CFL aren't doing much, they need more light I'm sure..

I'm still excited at the prospect of at least keeping two or three plants healthy.


Active Member
I've been reading about molasses lately and just realized that I have a brand new jar of Grandma's Molasses in my pantry, I've heard people add it at like a tablespoon per gallon to their water? Is this suitable and could I begin using it now as a nute or should I wait till the plants are larger and flowering? I'm beginning to think my plants could use at least a little something and I'd like to try it.



Well-Known Member
I would wait till you start to flower as molasses is high in Potassium which is needed during flowering. I have not heard of anyone using it in VEG state.


Active Member
Updates. I bought a six pack of 26w, 1750 lumen CFLs. Here's some photos of what the cab looks like now:

The plants are a bit yellow as you can see, they were starting to get like that before I put in the new lights so I think it's because I've been watering with molasses, next watering I'm going to stop and see if they improve.

Do you think that it's too much light for the moment? I don't want to burn them.
Comments and suggestions?
Thanks to everyone.


Well-Known Member
I think its because you need good soil bro. Plants need nitrogen, get some worm castings and sprinkle it on top of the soil and next time you water it should get some nutes down to the roots. one of my plants was real yellow into flowering and i did that and she is perking right up and turning a nice dark green. light yellow is usually a nitrogen deficiency. Hope this helps.


Active Member
Been watering them with 1/2th strength Miracle Grow(all I had) for the past few days and they look a lot better.. grown quite a lot. When should I go to larger pots?
Here's some photos taken today. Some are kinda yellow but I don't know why. Looking better since I've started the MG though:

Thanks :D


Well-Known Member
They look good but either they're getting root-bound or you're over watering, is they they are droopy like that...get some MG potting soil from X-mart if nothing else, it isn't that expensive. Would transplant into some bigger pots asap


Active Member
It may be a combination of both. I've started watering them less. I believe I'm going to buy some cheap potting soil or whatnot soon and transplant them.. should I use 1 gallon or 3 gallon containers? I'm not sure that four 3 gallons will fit well in there so I might just use 1 gallon..
I only want to have two plants in there, just waiting to find out sex eventually.

I can see tiny roots coming out the holes at the bottom of the cups I'm growing in so that's a sign for larger pots.

Thanks for the help.


Active Member
I transplanted them into larger cups and just bought a timer. My lighting has been 24/0 since the beginning and I've heard that's not the best, so I've switched to 18/6. Hopefully they like it.

Will post photos soon.


Active Member
Been quite a while since an update, sorry about that.
The plants are doing well, transplanted into some 1 Gallon pots and added another CFL in the middle.. here's two photos:

What does everyone think?
They're getting pretty large, when should I start flowering?



Well-Known Member
Lookin good man, if your not flowering thats pretty good because that second photo has some Female Pre Flowers shooting out! Anybody else concurr? keep it up!


Well-Known Member
Definately! My grow is similar to yours. I'm starting a new grow box and I've been too busy to start working on it. I planted seeds almost a week ago under 2 floresent grow lights and 1 cool white, my plants are now 3 inches tall. I really need to get to work on that box by the weekend.


Active Member
Oh really? Well it's because for like four days I accidently had them on 8 hours light and 16 darkness.. DUH?! I felt so stupid. They're now on 18 light and 6 darkness like they should be..

From what I recall (really high right now) seemingly all the plants have those female preflowers... is that possible? Damn!

Thanks! :D


Active Member
It's been about a day more than four weeks since they've sprouted.. I checked again and it definitely looks like all four plants have the same preflowers.. this was just bagseed from some pretty good regs, nothing special. Do you think the seeds could have been feminised? I have no clue myself but 4/0 odds would have to be abit irregular?

When should I start flowering? I've still got a good amount of headspace for some more growth as the lights can be moved at least another 10 inches higher.. should I wait another week or two and let them really fill out? Should I even SCROG? I was planning on a wooden frame with chicken wire but will it even be needed?

Post comments/recommendations for me. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Shit man i would maybe try to take some clones, how tall are they right now? And how much room do you have to work with? Just to give you an idea on how much they will grow when you go 12/12 i started flowering my girl at 12" inches and she grew to 29"s most of that is within a 2 or 3 week period, its crazy that stretch they go through!!