My First Grow, what you guys think, pics


Well-Known Member
ok all this is my first grow and i've learnt a lot from it and the forums already. already have a few ideas for my next grow but this was just a trial grow in some ways. im in day 15 of flowering atm and just wanted to know what you guys think of my plant. the strain is Honey B from Barney's Farm (sativa dominant 18% THC) :D

ok a few things, i was rushed for time and put it into flowering rather early. unfortunately i had light leaks so i guess the plant thought it was in vegetation still. i lost two weeks because of this and i am also on a trial lighting schedule i read around in RIU. it's 6hr on and 12 off (18hr day). supposedly it reduces flowering time but i currently have nothing to compare to.

the beginning two weeks from the seed, the plant was just in natural sunlight as i didn't have the MH lamp at the time. it was also cloudy and shitty weather here so it didn't help :confused: so it grew rather slow and stretched at this time

my 400W MH lamp broke for a few days in vegging so the plant looks stretched in some places and the plant pot is rather small now considering the size but i dont want to slow the grow down by transplanting. being on a tight budget doens't help either but i've got by so far. just started using bloom nutes at 2-6-4. seems to be working well since i started using it. btw i've heard you are to flower using 2700K or HPS light but i've been reading that it fine flowering with MH lamps. the buds don't grow as big but the are generally more frosty which i would prefer. not interested in large amounts, just enough. of course i dont want a pathetic amount but seeing the size of the plant, i should be satisfied. let me know what you think, the good and the bad :joint:



Well-Known Member
looks good, like you said, a bit stretched out, but overall not bad at all..... good job so far, keep it up.

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
High ganja. They look healthy! It's odd that they have no side branches, look heathy tho! Keep up the good work man! :peace:peace man:peace:


Well-Known Member
they have 2 side branches, 1 on each side. probably a shit angle so u can't tell. i also flowered relatively early so these side branches didn't hve time to develop so they are pretty small. thanks for your comment though.


Well-Known Member
Lookin good! How long did you let the flowering plant vegg for?? Im looking into an early flowering process too..Mine are roughly 18 days old.. not tall but extremely bushy...


Well-Known Member
about a month and a half. but if your plants have been under lights for the whole time you can start earlier. as i said earlier, mine started out in the sunlight and they grew very poorly. but once i introduced them to the MH lamp, they grew so much faster.

i would have flowered them earlier but i had light leaks for the beginning of the flowering period, which made them think it was still in veg. otherwise i would have began to flower them from 1 month old.


Well-Known Member
about a month and a half. but if your plants have been under lights for the whole time you can start earlier. as i said earlier, mine started out in the sunlight and they grew very poorly. but once i introduced them to the MH lamp, they grew so much faster.

i would have flowered them earlier but i had light leaks for the beginning of the flowering period, which made them think it was still in veg. otherwise i would have began to flower them from 1 month old.

Yes, I've had the 2 under a 70 watt 24/7 for roughly 15 days..first few days was a crappy 15 watt flouro before I picked up my you can imagine the slow growth I experienced too at first..Once the HPS hit, they started to blow up and grow like champs. but total between flouro and HPS its been bout 19 days now. Let us see more pics soon!