My First Grow Tent - Any Advice?


Well-Known Member
i almopst lost too now on veg and flower lights. I hear so much that hps ok for veg that i gonna just sit and try and forget it. I gonna try and go to hd to dya i am building a veg can beside my flower tent. I want t8s or t5s i confused on that gotta forget the awe of my hid it has to flower now and read bout veg again. I got 2 industrial black light ballasts that can be replaced with flouro tubes so i might use tose and hope black light and flouro ballasts the same!


Well-Known Member
i almopst lost too now on veg and flower lights. I hear so much that hps ok for veg that i gonna just sit and try and forget it. I gonna try and go to hd to dya i am building a veg can beside my flower tent. I want t8s or t5s i confused on that gotta forget the awe of my hid it has to flower now and read bout veg again. I got 2 industrial black light ballasts that can be replaced with flouro tubes so i might use tose and hope black light and flouro ballasts the same!
I'm confused now too. I'd hate to think I dropped $300.00+ for a piece of equipment I didn't need.

Hopefully some dank-master will drop by to square us away....


Well-Known Member
Did I really drop unneeded money on the T-5's when the HPS would have worked all the way through?
I'll bet you never reply to one of my threads again..... ;-)
helping noobies who aren't as far along as this advanced noobie seems to be my current purpose in life. i'm learning alot as i go along.

anyway, yes and no to your question. people who have a separate veg and flower room will often use flouros for vegging because they're cheaper and you don;t need as much light as for flowering.

you're right they do produce different spectrum but again the light is not as important for vegging so many just use hps for all.

bottom line - you don;t need those tubes if you're in a single grow space
if you were using one space which i asked that 600 hps is want it better get a mh bulb. you got a digital ballast so you can get a ho mh bulb instead of a conversion bulb and just switch bulbs thru can keep the t5s as they might come in handy later.(when you do decide to get a veg box for those t5s)


Well-Known Member
watch out for flushing a pre-nuted soil. the leaching can activate the time release formula and just increase the amount of nute in the soil.

you can try and add an n only nute (x-o-o) and see if that does the trick.
I didn't have any N only nutes, so I took 2 liters of my 8.3 pH, 0.8 EC tap water and added 10 ml of CNS17 (3-2-0) that came with the E & F system. 10 ml was 50% of recommended amount. After pH down, I've got 5.8pH, 2.8 EC feeding water for tomorrow.

Hopefully the lower pH and additional availability will increase the plant's N uptake.


Well-Known Member
please post how it works out for you. good luck
Still can't get the 8 bulb T-5 to cool down. Have been running with 4 bulbs only and holding around 80F. I'm taking it back, and trading it in on a HiLux Grow 600w MH Conversion bulb for the Cool Jr.

I'm also trading in myFloraMicro for the Hardwater FloraMicro. I plan on using the KISS feeding plan from GH. Tri-part Flora system with KoolBloom and FloraLicious Plus additives.

When, and if, I get my seeds from Nirvana, I will be using 6 - 1 gal pots filled with Coco, surrounded by hydroton to fill the 3'6" x 3'6" table of the E & F system.

It's been two days since I watered with the 5.8pH, 3-2-0 brew. It seems to have perked up the test plant a bit. You can also see where I tried to FIM the plant and got 3 new starts. Two more than a top, but one less than I was expecting... I need to cut just a bit higher the next time...

Thanks to all of you for your comments and advice. With your help, I hope to be ready for my first seed grow!


Well-Known Member
why are the stems so red???other than that good luck
From what I can find, it is a N-P-K deficiency. I have been afraid to feed this test plant too much, as I don't know what kind of soil it was put in... It's time to water and feed tomorrow. I'll mix up something in the 1800 ppm range with lots of the N-P-K. I hope the plant will be able to uptake the feed, and does not lock up on me.


Well-Known Member
If any of you fine folks that helped me set up my tent would care to see how it's going, my Grow Log is in my sig.
