my first grow, super skunk


Active Member
thought id shed a little light upon my current grow, 1 to get some info and some advice, cause every mary jane has its own unique sense , so i guess everyone's situation is different...

Well first of all, my project is being performed in my room, i have plenty of space say a meter squared if not more.I am using a osram 400w HPS light, complete with a horticultural lighting reflector. Ive started off with using a basic homebase multipurpose compost, but i intend to purchase some better quality Westland west+ multi purpose compost with added john inners which i saw and was recommended in a few days (as i feel she needs re potting very soon also). Wont be using nutes until flowering, and if so only a tiny bit, got some terra flores from canna for flowering with a NPK of 10-9-19, and also some tomato food, which has 4-4-8. Ill also top that off with some molesses.Cant really get all the fancy stuff as of yet, cause i dont really want stuff like that sent to my house, and im on a budget at present so i cant really afford it, also bearing in mind this is my first go at things, and i guess its a learning curve that can only get better from here on.

I did germinate two seeds which were given to me, they are Super Skunk seeds feminized, unfortunately one of my sprouts got a little too eager to grow and became top heavy. and basically while trying to support it up, i dropped the pot, and it was unrepairable. so im left with one which i call precious..

Currently im into my 8th to 9th day of being sprouted, from which i simply stuck the seed into soil un germinated, and let mother nature do its thing, i saw a diagram and basically followed that, pointy end upwards i think but i cant remember, but it seems ok anyways. From the pics as you can tell, the name of the seed says it all, in just under a week and a half, it has grown this much. for my first ever plant i am absolutely amazed. I intend to take clones from precious for a much bigger yield, but anything really to me is going to a be a dream come true. few other things, i dont have one of those digital thermometers or humidity testers as of yet, but i presume the temperature to be 23-28 degrees celcius. got a fan to keep it cool and strengthen the plant up. it aint humid at all seeing as its my room. Might also be receiving some additions to my grow but i wont say anymore. Heres a few pictures for you to check out..

picture 1: day 1 or so, the other one which i dropped sprouted out the soil a day or so before the other. so it was a abit bigger.
picture 2: was it 4 days later... see the difference.
picture 3: This is my make shift vegging chamber thats in the corner at present, i will be upgrading it within a few days.
picture 4: as you can tell by the comparison of the clipper lighter, which is 3 inches in height, that my precious has grown to a incredible 5 inches in just 8-9 days!
oh and picture 5: is a close up of the top section, see how its already growing 5 bladed leaves

more updates soon...



Well-Known Member
looks kinda streched. how far away do you have the light?? try to keep in mind that its not so much how tall it grows, but how wide and bushy it grows...


Well-Known Member
She looks good mate, lookin at the last pic she dont really look stretched, looks great for a first plant!

Do you have any extraction in the room?

And odour control?? Come flower time shes gonna get pretty stinky!!

Especially when you get the cheesy and hazy additions to your room hey hey sshhhhh hush hush :lol: To the other readers, ask no questions, get told no lies...:bigjoint:

Dont worry about the fancy over-priced ferts and addatives, theyre not needed.

When your canna runs out get some Bio-bizz grow and Bloom or Bio-canna Grow and Bloom.

Yea dont feed while in veg, your compost contains shit-tons of fert already, shes nowhere near needing to be re-potted on just yet, she'l be happy in that pot for a week or two more at least, wait till you have roots showing at the pots drainage holes before potting on, then when you pot up into a bigger pot the fresh compost will feed her fine again until your into 12/12.

Whats your growroom height?


Active Member
I dont think its stretched personally myself either, the stem is roughly 1cm thick already. and she is already producing lots of other little leaves, so i dont think the bushy part will be a problem soon come :)

thanks for the info londoner oi oi, no extraction at present, just opening the window here and there for fresh air, i thought to myself i could wait until near flowering to construct myself a make do extractor...

ill use a fresh tumble dryer extractor hose thing, got this air vent already in the room, so ill jus buy a extractor fan of some sort, and make a DIY carbon filter. so i think that should be ok?

oh and i have around 9ft ceelings, but somehow i intend to keep them relatively small and compact, from alot of research i am considering a SCroG?? if its called that lol hopefully ill get em 4/5ft or something, and let them concentrate more on the bud rather then their high heels hehe. but i dont know about any of that fancy stuff with hose pipes and that. i could get a water pumper thing to reach the back plants what do you people think?


Well-Known Member
I dont think its stretched personally myself either, the stem is roughly 1cm thick already. and she is already producing lots of other little leaves, so i dont think the bushy part will be a problem soon come :)

1cm thick? Are you sure matey?? :lol: thats as thick as my lil pinky

thanks for the info londoner oi oi, no extraction at present, just opening the window here and there for fresh air, i thought to myself i could wait until near flowering to construct myself a make do extractor...

ill use a fresh tumble dryer extractor hose thing, got this air vent already in the room, so ill jus buy a extractor fan of some sort, and make a DIY carbon filter. so i think that should be ok?

Hmm you may be stumped there, without extraction and and a thermometer id say your temps are probably closer to 30`c+, you could get away with using a bathroom extractor, but, 1. they wont be strong enough to pull sufficient airflow thru any carbon filter. 2. Theyre not designed to run 24/7, just for short periods of time, on and off throughout the day so they will fail in no time under 24/7 use, and you dont want it to fail while your out or something with the growroom door closed + 400w hps = cooked weed.

With a hps theres no real substitute for a proper inline extractor fan + carbon filter for odour control, i have an old 5" carbon filter, its used but still works ok, it would do another grow, better than nothing? some spare 5" duct and duct clips, all youd need is a 5" rvk fan about £45 and youd be sorted!?!?

oh and i have around 9ft ceelings, but somehow i intend to keep them relatively small and compact, from alot of research i am considering a SCroG?? if its called that lol hopefully ill get em 4/5ft or something, and let them concentrate more on the bud rather then their high heels hehe. but i dont know about any of that fancy stuff with hose pipes and that. i could get a water pumper thing to reach the back plants what do you people think?

Id get a few grows under your belt before attempting a scrog, its not realy something for the first time grower, just let em grow naturale stylee for now, and 4 or 5 will be fine under your 400, up to about 3ft plants, couple of Oz each! switch your light to 12/12 when the plants have vegged up to just over a foot or so.

Oh and save some money by not buying a water pump for watering, just push a bit of hose onto the spout of a watering can for the hard to reach pots, its what i use, works great and saves my back trying to water the plants at the back of the room.


Active Member
I guess you right about the SCroG, but me being the adventurous type it did seem kind of tempting for me, i love a challenge.

i was over eager with the right measurements, but i just measured them and they are half a centimeter thick. a little less thicker at the very bottom, but after transplant i will fill her up a tiny bit more to even it out.

and by the way ill be transplanting them into 11 inch tall basic pots which are 14 inches squared width topside, and 6 inch sq bottom side think they would be suitable?

and i also picked up somewhere else that it gets kind of near transplanting when you see roots comming out of drainage holes, which i can see 3 or 4 starting to do so.

also i doubt this temperature is in the 30's, yes the bulb is very hot, read it can get to 100 celcius, but it being london, and starting to get quite cold at times, and not having my heater on and the use of a half decent fan, i think the temp is reasonable.. but i not confident in that statement, but ill be buying a meter this friday also.

just had a bubble on ebay, and noticed i can get a RVK for a reasonable price, as well as a carbon filter, and a temp/hygro etc meter for a nug not including p n p trade :D. very grateful for the offer, but i guess your sorting me out more then enough with the advice and everything :)

I will be constructing a proper semi closet type grow corner, have already had plans on paper etc will be purchasing resources on friday. wont be updating until then, but will be checking regularly for advice :)


Active Member
UPDATE: after being extremely busy over the weekend, i didnt have the time to update my journal until now... few things have changed, ive made a more permanent grow area, as the other was only a make shift for a few weeks. Today i also transplanted precious, she needed it badly, as i suspected she was quite root bound and a few droopy leaves justified my presumptions. heres a pic of precious on her nearly second week of sprouting... she has grown and excelled to a degree where i am extremely pleased about, she is even producing 9 tip leaves!!! (from what i can see, maybe 8 tip cause the very bottom of the leave dont look fully matured) also noticed a strange smell comming off it, not a bad one as in eww sewage, it smells like my grandads greenhouse, kind of vegative smell lovely!!

one concern though, a few stems are producing a purple/redish pigment, not really worried, but is that normal?



Well-Known Member
Looks good mate, i wouldnt worry about the reddish stems and petioles, its a sign of a slight P (phosphorous) deficiency, but this is very common in young plants because this is the time when it is establishing a rootball and lots of P is used when roots are growing. it should pass but the stems that are already red wont go green again but after a while you shouldnt see too many more, its very common.

The droopy leaves looks more like a touch of over watering more than rootbound probs to me, but again dont worry too much, just keep to a good wet-dry watering cycle.

Was it from a feminised seed mate?