My first grow mistakes


Just a newbie making so many mistakes. Thought I'd post to try and help the other first timers. Started out ordering seeds from a bunch of dodgy seed companies and got scammed for around 250 u.s. Should have ordered in smaller quanti es and should have ordered from attitude or Nirvana. Started my seeds in solo cups. After two weeks my beautiful plants stopped growing. I thought the roots would be about half a qtip deep at this point. I transplanted today and was shocked at the massive root ball at the bottom of my solo cup. Guess that's why they stopped growing. Why not start in 1 gallon pots at the onset. Never tested the ph of my soil. Should have confirmed a starting ph. Just didn't check it. Didn't check the ph of the tap water i was feeding with. It is 7.3 ish and is causing problems. Started nutes at three weeks. waited unitl all lower leaves were yellow for fear of burning them. However, transplanted today, started nutes and have seen an explosion in ten hours. Can't wait to make some more mistakes but the learning is fun. Tis the season.


Dude, thats exactly what you should do.. First grow ever, if you some how luckily managed to grow a set of high yielding plants with no errors what so ever.. well then you're not gunna see the cause an effect of deficiencies & over-abundences, light stress, pH problems and you wont get the experience of solving those problems.. Waiting for the lower leaves to turn yellow, then supplementing nutrients will give you a mental gauge of how, when, how much and what nutrients to give them.. Itsall about the learning curves... WAY OFF TOPIC.. But Computer Programmers purposely plug in errors into programs to analyse the effect of SHITTY SITUATIONS just to get the gauge, a new perception. Mapping the complexities to make navigating around easier and improving our judgement... This can apply to virtually everything... Growing Weed is not the easiest thing in the world, so we should make mistakes, and then correct them.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I know on my first grow I made almost every mistake possible but like was said before it gave me a much better understanding of how to raise em good lol. While still in no way an expert I feel those mistakes showed me not only what not to do, but also it taught me a lot about myself like my complete lack of patience and also how to drop my stupid pride and change the mistakes I made rather than arguing. Wow sorry bout the rant really baked right now


Active Member
Just a newbie making so many mistakes. Thought I'd post to try and help the other first timers. Started out ordering seeds from a bunch of dodgy seed companies and got scammed for around 250 u.s. Should have ordered in smaller quanti es and should have ordered from attitude or Nirvana. Started my seeds in solo cups. After two weeks my beautiful plants stopped growing. I thought the roots would be about half a qtip deep at this point. I transplanted today and was shocked at the massive root ball at the bottom of my solo cup. Guess that's why they stopped growing. Why not start in 1 gallon pots at the onset. Never tested the ph of my soil. Should have confirmed a starting ph. Just didn't check it. Didn't check the ph of the tap water i was feeding with. It is 7.3 ish and is causing problems. Started nutes at three weeks. waited unitl all lower leaves were yellow for fear of burning them. However, transplanted today, started nutes and have seen an explosion in ten hours. Can't wait to make some more mistakes but the learning is fun. Tis the season.
Ah, first time growing.

It's just a string of mistakes that eventually lead you to the way that you grow effectively. You'll find a seed source that works. Or you'll go to cloning, which is far more effective, in my opinion. And easier. Really.

Too many crap seeds out there.

I think you should also focus on learning from your mistakes and actually doing some research on your own when things go wrong.

I learned a lot from watching about a billion videos on Urban Grower and YouTube. And I bought books - Marijuana Horticulture was the best one out there.

Take your time and read what you need to do and while mistakes do happen when MMJ growing, if you're always making stupid mistakes, you're never going to get the harvests you want.


Active Member
Thanks for the words of wisdom from your first experience. I too am about to begin my first grow and your post gave me a lot to think about.
Thank you!


Active Member
when I first started I think I expected magic to happen. I came into this not knowing a damn thing. now realizing there is so much to learn. Its seems to be something new everyday

newb weed grower

Active Member
man u guys make me wanna tell my noob story first of all i didnt germinate first time didnt sprout then i did germinate and i used miracle grow died then i didnt use miracle grow and i had nice seedlings and i ocerwatered and killed like 3 crops
last time i made my own soil gave good drainage with perlite put cfls on it and checked ph did ful mile and it grew stupid fasr like 1 1/2 inches every day and it didnt get lanky cause i had a fan on it and its nodes were close together so it got really bushy and at 26 days it was 2 1/2 feel was really booshy and was so smelly that going to see it was torture when i didnt have any smoke


New Member
Read more, do your research and learn from your mistakes. If it's not fun and interesting then people should just buy from a dispensary. Good luck.