My First Grow Help Needed


Active Member
Ok so this is my frist grow ever. I decided it was finally time to start growing my own bud when the prices here started running about 35 for a 3.3 gram quarter. Yeah its reidicilous.

So i thought it would be best to get a small grow box setup so the plants would have a nice place as sproutlings until i can move them into there new home (yes i will post pics of the new grow room when it is done. I read around for a while and this is what i came up with. All qeustions and comments are welcome. becuz believe me i need help. ^_^

So i started off wondering where to put this "box" and becuz of a lack of space i decided my computer desk was the only option. So i stated out with
200w computer power suppply
two 8 inch UV lights (some people say they help produce more potent bud others argue they do nothing. well its worth a try anyway.)
one 16 inch floro,
two 80 mm fans,
some reflective housing for the fans,
reflective bubble wrap.
a heating cord with adujustable knob
1 regular themometer.
one digital thrmomemter.
and some jiffy pucks.

The seeds themselfs were planted about 2 days ago just starting them out fresh in a napkin. i have no idea what strand becuz well my dealer didn't know.
but i have named these two strand
whiteny brown (becuz its dirt weed)
and Lil Darling (gf did that becuz she loved the bud so much.)

Also I would like to order some seeds online, if yoiu can suggest a place that can ship them discretly and to my home with out risk of well incarceration, that would be bery nice.

Notw that no final touches have been done at all this is just a ruff set up. As mentioned above i need help, this is my first grow, and yes i can use google. ^_^

SO here is the set up.



Well-Known Member
That is a very clever spot for a grow box. You should do some reading on LST and SCROG it could become an essential skill set for you to learn since you are currently working with such a short box. With effective use of the scrog techniques of height restriction you could produce some massive buds in there. The plants themselves would not be monstrous obviously but they could have one nice quality bud for sure. If you get a couple bud sites going more could even be expected.
What kind of light spectrums do those bulbs put out? Have you made sure to cover the required growth spectrums. Also what are the dimensions of your box?
What country are you shipping your seeds in? That is a big factor in determining who to order from.

Good luck with this man. There is some interesting potential here.


Well-Known Member
$35 for 3g? thats a bargain dude idk where u live but here i cant find 3g for 50...nice setup good luck


Active Member
I have no idea what kind of light spectrum the bulbs put out. Here is the link to the two uv bulbs.

The floro is a F15t8 bulb 18 inch long and can be bought at wally world. and only puts out 15 watts.

I have read some more on the subject of lighting and have decided for now to replace the 18 inch with 3 of these floros.

i still have no idea what kind of spectrum they put out but i hear that these do very well as i have seen people online talking about how these are great for beginers. i figure with these and the two uv lights the plant should get all it needs until it is ready to be moved into its new home.

The dimensions on the box are

19 inch high
20 inchs deep
10 1/2 inchs wide.

but as stated above this is just a temp home for the plants until the grow room is done. i just wanted a small places that they could grow under constant watch until they are ready to be moved.

Well i live in the good ol US of A. SO yeah that presents a problem.

engage757, there is and exhaust blowing air in with an 80 mm fan and another blowing air out with a 80 mm fan. I know its kind of hard to see how everything is laid out becuz of the crappy quality pictures so i labeld things here to make it easier.

And finally zoink29 i have moved everywhere in my life time and never paid this much for it. a quarter in new orleans is 6 grams of decent to mid bud for around 30$. a quarter in florida is 7.5 grams and is around 25$ usyually kryppie or better. but here *(and im not going to disclouse the location becuz of the content of our conversation) the prices are just redicilous. If i were you i would suggest getting a new dealer just to check things out you might be getting ripped or where you live might not have a surplus of bud. i wish you the best of luck.

Thanxs for all the questions and comments i will read up on the LST and SCROG. I must say that i have just begun and i am really enjoying this i never new nature could be so fun.


Well-Known Member
yea im like 30 min outside new york city and everythin is expensive here im used to i guess...we pay between 75-120 a quarter(7g) which is why im growin my own lol i cant afford that shit


Active Member
Ok here is an update, the little seedlings have sprouted in an amazing three days and were transferred to jiffy pellets this morning.

I have taken out the 18" floro and added in 2 of the screw type floros above. (planing on adding a third soon) The two floros produces an output of 120w so they should be good enough for now with the uv light still in place.

So that is it for now just wanted to give a small update as always an comments questions or suggestions are welcomed. ^_^


Active Member
i live in new york and i would gladly pay 40 bucks for 2 grams. you are incredibly lucky to have bud for so cheap. 3.3 grams would cost me 65 usually


Active Member
wow i have never imagined it would be that high anywhere. just to throw this in. the weed is question was dirt weed, not good.

i would have no problem paying 30 or 40 a gram for good, but for reggie or dirt i can usually buy an oz for around 75, which is why i was so angry at the recent prices.


Active Member
Ok and here is today's update. Just wanted to show the progress of these little guys. can't believe they look green and healthy so early.

It has only been six days from the beginning. literally put them into zip lock bags as seeds only firday night and they are already sprouting out the ground.



Active Member
Wow Dude I really like the little setup you have built there. That would make an awsome cloning box. I would love to cuctom build a Hydroponic system to fit in there. I custom build Hydroponic systems and ship them all over the country. Check us out at


Active Member
lol/ i know this one is so trash. im thinking about getting a 10 megapixel its running about 149$ but i have to wait until i get paid.

Also as today update. I will be going out of town for the next four days. my plants are not on timers as i am too broke right now (literally dont have a Pennie) to get one, so i was wondering what to do with these babys. i have been maunally switching the lights everyday, and well i wont be here to do that and i have no one that will be here to trust with it.

So and suggestion would be great, i have been thinking about leaving them in a window sil becuz i live in the country and no one would see them, but i dont know if they will get enough light there, also i cant put them outside as it is way too cold right now. but it is very sunny here.

If anyone knows how to build a cheap timer please just the info here i have tryed googleing with no luck. I bought a Remote control on/off switch which my light are now hooked up to. the switch works on a 3.3v battaery. I have bypassed the switch so that any time power is applyed the switch activates (turning the light on/off etc.) but i cant find a timing device that will work properly. alarm clock genereall y only give out .5v to the speakers when the alarm geos off so that wont work. and suggestion, comments, or just bull is welcome. ^_^


Active Member
Good news everyone, i was able to rigg up a timer for the lights, the plants are doing 16 hours light and the other 8 dark for the four days i will be away.

updates wont come again untill monday. as always thanxs for the comments. ^_^ :weed:


Well-Known Member
Very curious as to how you built a timer. Mine has stopped working which is why I am running 24/7. I would likely to slowly bring it down to 16/8 before going into 12/12 for flowering. How is the box doing? Pics pics pics :)


Active Member
OK so i got back from my trip today and all my plants were dead.

Its seems that the jiffy pucks don't work well without the jiffy tray to secure water in the bottom in other words my plants had no water for 4 days.

Which i find to be amazingly lame of me considered that i made sure they had heating, air circulation, perfect light measurements, but forgot a simple thing like water.

I have lost hope for all but one, which might make a come back. I am going to try and revive them all but who knows how many will actually make it.

anyway here are the pics, any help will be appreciated.

So i will be starting up from the beginning with new seeds. Which luckily i bagged before i left so they should be good to start in a few days.

I will continue posting pics and info here until either they all die or harvest time,

but either way, water man how could i forget water. lolz.


Active Member
Very curious as to how you built a timer. Mine has stopped working which is why I am running 24/7. I would likely to slowly bring it down to 16/8 before going into 12/12 for flowering. How is the box doing? Pics pics pics :)

This is a link to a remote plug in alliance controller like the one i used in this project. A similar one can be purchased at dollar general for about 8 bucks.

The timer itself was easy enough simply buy a remote control on/off plug in switch. (it controls devices via remote control) then find a old cellphone.

Take apart the remote and bypass the switch by connecting the small solider bumps on the back of the switch.

the take apart your cell phone(cell phone must have ability to set multiple alarms) and find the wires running to the speaker of the cell phone.

Not take the remote battery out(should be 3.3v round battery) and hook the two wire from the cell phone speaker to the corresponding battery connectors.

You might have to add extra voltage in but wire in an AA battery or two directly to the remotes battery input.

Overall project cost is about 13 bucks much cheaper then a timer.

tape or box it together and set your alarms.

If you have problems understanding these directions and would like a full tutorial then just message me and i will set it up and send a link.