My First GROW! 2month qp set up


Junior Creatologist
god damn man, everyone is growin out vegggies now, ?! i gotta stick around man, maybe ill hit up home depot n grab my ass some veggies n fruits myself, n get some dem bitches goin once i free up my 600w action, lol. Lookin good weedman, glad to see your alive n well, n thanks for stayin around my journal n wonderin where the fuck i went, hehe. Im back now, ive posted in all the guys' journals, n i aint goin nowhere. Just check out my post in the journal for the full on explanation :D dont wanna take up too much space in your journal like i did basically repeating myself 3 times in everyone elses!!

But seriously man, im gonnna need everyones help this time around. Ebb n Flow all the way man. I got 13 or somethin ladies startin to veg out as mommies, n then ill be takin clones from 4 of them, n throwin them up on a 4x8 table, n hookin up some seriouus ScrOG action. Not gonna lollipop or perpetual this time around, gonna have some full growns goin on under a net. But its the hydro part imma need help with, so if your willing man, join the coalition of people willing to help a dumbass :D

I mean, i know whats up with the soil, but i wanna do dro man. Gyps guilted me in to it finally, so im just gonna say fuck it n do it. After i read a chapter in Mel Thomas book about ScrOG ebb n flow growing, i really am interested in doin it. Im just waiting on the last of my equipment to come in, n then im gonna re- setup my basement, table, tarping, 1000w's n all, n then once i take all my clones from my moms that i want, im gonna just flower them out in my spare bedroom under the 600w action. Anyways, i almost just did a fuckin replica post of everything ive posted tonight, lol, so ill quit n just let you read the action for yourself in my other posts brother.

Stick around man, i really appreciate you stickin around this far, n any help you can hook me up with along the ride for this one, not only will i be grateful, but im also thinkin about rewarding my homies for all their dilligent work that they put into all my grows, lol.

keep it up man, n im back for good now FORREAL this time, so dont be in no hurry to catch me or anything :D im here man ;)

thanks again bro, for everything :D



Well-Known Member
good to see you back k1ng ! :)

so last nite i chopped my 2 HGs that were sharing a 2 gal, and my WW in the 2 gal ... im gonna let the durban and the clones go a bit longer. ill also be releasing a bunch of ladybugs when i get home :clap:

i have the plants hanging up in my office, the hgs bb & ww cant be more than a z total but they stink up the entire room and hallway...... its a awesome smell :weed:


Well-Known Member
cant fuckn wait :) its just gotta dry now..... ill try and cure most of it ... well see

i took some pics last nite, just too lazy to upload... i will later today ;)


Well-Known Member
One of my strains needs the curing the other tastes about the same without it ... I guess diff weeds diff care procedure!


Junior Creatologist
Man I've almost given up on curing lol. I suck at it man, my buds most of the time end up stinkin like shit man. They almost smell like mould or somethin, even though there isn't any on the nugs-- I think it's probably cuz the last couple crops were either not completey dry when I went to jars, or from what sub told me it could also be because my girls may have been cut down a tad premature. Eiter way I'll keep tryin, but my next small harvest I may just dry them out, n to to jars for a day or two to bring some moisture back out to give it that danky consistency. I've yet to have a finished product actually stink like some dank nuggets, even though it's some of the best shit I've ever blazed.

U ever have problems with gettin the finiswd product to smell properly weedman??


Well-Known Member
I dry them till they are bone dry then put 1wet nug in a jar full of dry ones and let them (rehydrate) a bit before smoking:)


Well-Known Member
Man I've almost given up on curing lol. I suck at it man, my buds most of the time end up stinkin like shit man. They almost smell like mould or somethin, even though there isn't any on the nugs-- I think it's probably cuz the last couple crops were either not completey dry when I went to jars, or from what sub told me it could also be because my girls may have been cut down a tad premature. Eiter way I'll keep tryin, but my next small harvest I may just dry them out, n to to jars for a day or two to bring some moisture back out to give it that danky consistency. I've yet to have a finished product actually stink like some dank nuggets, even though it's some of the best shit I've ever blazed.

U ever have problems with gettin the finiswd product to smell properly weedman??

word, with the first one i kept it too damp and a little mold started .... which became butter

now ill hang em for 3-4 days ... then put in jar
and depending on how damp they are i might leave the jar open for a day then close and check after 6 hours and re-evaluate.....repeat
smells like different types of pot :):weed:


Well-Known Member
weighed the BB plant today ...drying for 3 days. 13g ...... not too bad actually :-o

i took a couple pics of my clones that have been in veg for a month.
most are doing very well now :joint:

heres a hg clone .... example of one of my clones that still needs work
and is still in 16 oz cup

here is an example of one of my good ones WW in a 40+- oz container:weed:

now on to buds :clap:


you can see here how much they stretched

over all i am pretty happy with the results ... these were straight out of cloner into flowering

and heres the WW bud :hump:

and a ladybug orgy :hump::hump:



Well-Known Member
damn so the 13g you got off ur BB, was that in a dixie cup or a 1 gal? and flowered straight from clone right? what would u expect off each of my clones in those big cups? i'd be happy with a solid 10 grams per. looks great tho man!!


Well-Known Member
nice stuff yet again brother!
thanks !

damn so the 13g you got off ur BB, was that in a dixie cup or a 1 gal? and flowered straight from clone right? what would u expect off each of my clones in those big cups? i'd be happy with a solid 10 grams per. looks great tho man!!
it was in a 2 gal (custom moded 3 gal garbage can)i have about 10 of those containers.... wish i bought more cuz now they dont carry the same one any more
my 3 16oz clones are coming out soon ! ... maybe saturday, along with DURBAN

then i have 3 in 1gallon + containers ..... 1 of them super cropped has a awesome bud on it .... these will come down next week or so

i should be able to add my HG Bush to flowering room on saturday .... its the biggest mother i have and will free up some needed veg space :)


Well-Known Member
Looks sweet weedman. Looks like a decent harvest for being flowered form clone. The WW buds look nice and fat too. I've been meaning to ask, wat is HG? lookin good though. Peace.. TC


Junior Creatologist
God damn your shit is lookin nice man. Lemme ask u - when u first took your clones for the first time, how big was the mother? My moms are only around 8-10 inches right now n branches really ain't all that strong. But stillim topping the shit out of all of them so they get nice n bushy, n whenever I take a top I try to clone it. Right now I have 8 or 9 clones that aren't taking root. I'm trying to clone a couple using my waterfarm bucket(that I converted into dwc instead of top drip feeding), and I have two in a rockwool cube tray, and the rest are in soil. Nothin is cloning at the moment man, I can't get roots for shit. Any advice man? Did u have this much trouble when u first started cloning or what? If u want, u can answer this In pms, but here works too man. I don't havecash for any more equipment right now but I do have a couple containers that I could make a smaller dwc cloner from. N as for the light, I'm using just two 4' plant n aquarium flourescents right now that I got from wal mart, but I don't know if that's the right spectrum or not, so I'm even thinkin about throwin them under the 600 n puttin it like 4ft above the clone tops. They're really tiny clones man- like 1 inch stems on some LOL.