My first DIY growbox and grow, need some help!


Well-Known Member
WHy would I need more for my mother? She will have the whole pump with two large stones inside a smaller container. I was thinking that my larger grow unit was going to be the one that may need more but either way i think that these are still plenty strong enough as far as air pumps go.


Well-Known Member
its just when you grow dwc the rootballs are massive your other plant wont ever get near as big as your mother will thats what i was saying

just updated the outdoor check it out


Well-Known Member
Alright that makes sense, sorry if my previous post sounded angry or attacking haha.

So, today was a great day!

I accomplished a lot and can say that I am planning on starting germination on sunday.

First, I scrubbed it all down. Walls, floors, all of it. Then, I took my mylar and did the inside of my box and the bottom area of the closet. I hung up the door, built a door frame for it. Set up a lock that is only going to want people to get in more too. Oh, I finally found vent fans at Home Depot. I got an 80cfm 4" fan for the top of my veg box, and got a 250cfm 6" fan for the top of the closet. I am going to return the 6" though and get the 8" instead. 250cfm is on the low end for that closet, and 500cfm is definitely plenty. Is my thinking correct?

I also got new stones for my hydro systems. I got a big circular air stone for the bucket and it wins. I took both outputs of the pump and t'ed them into one, and ran that to the stone. Is that bad to do? Also, I bought two 10 inch air stones, that work great, when they aren't clogged. One doesn't let air through it at all, so that is trashed, the other works great with both inputs in it, but I think I may want something else too.

Also, my electrical situation in my grow closet is horendous, I have no outlets. None in the bathroom work, so there would be extension chords everywhere, not my style. So, my roommates pop is an electrician and said he would come fix stuff and put in new sockets in some places for us. This was talked about every day for a good month before I started working on it. Now, the closet is very obviously not a normal closet, I can't have him know.

So, my dad is an EE as well, and has dun learned me goot about electrical shit, but I never got it. I got wood working, metal working, engine rebuilds, home repairs, all that stuff from him, but not the elec. It's in my blood somewhere man, I am going to have to learn how to install a GFI socket in my closet.

How hard is this going to be?


Well-Known Member
go get a diy 1-2-3- book fom home depot its a good place to start as far as learning the basics and maybe a few other stuff