My first decent grow, how I have evolved over a year, still not their yet though.


Well-Known Member
I think that's sound advice but I would stay away from the cooltube, as it doesn't reflect light as well as most of the rectangularish reflectors. I read that in Jorge Cervantes's Grow Bible...
Jorge is an idiot at times ;)

a cool tube doesnt reflect ANY light at all since it is just a tube of glass... think of it like a bulb within a bulb.

you put the reflector over the cool tube ;)

but hey, use what you want and take advice that fits your budget and grow style.


Well-Known Member
I am amazed at what your friend is doing, I have been accused of putting up lengthy post a time or two, don't sweat it, many folks, myself included will go back and read those lengthy post. I am positive they tell an awesome story. Be sure and send Garden Knowm a link to your journal, we are having a contest of sort with journals and he is heading that up.
You need to link this to your signature. That way when you help some one out by answering questions they have posted they have a link to all of your information. Welcome to our forum. Thier loss is certianly a gain for us. VV:mrgreen::blsmoke:
i agree totally with this :joint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone,
Their really smelling now, I don't notice it when I am here but when I'm gone the whole day and come in it reeks :mrgreen::blsmoke:

Of course ya put a reflector over a cool tube :P
But still I think the other ones work great, I've heard the umbrella ones are really good? Do they make vented umbrella hoods?

I went to put links in my sig and it kept giving me 2 errors, saying it was over 300 charactors, which it wasnt, and more than 2 lines long? wtf is up with that lol how did I do the one I have now then? and plenty of pople have long sigs. Anyone know whats causeing this? I'll go try again myaybe the server was freaken....

Oh and I don't think my my plants/journal could win anything and I don't realy care either:joint:
Thanks though

I just tried to edit my sig, again... If I just go to edit and not even do anything and save it gives me the errors...

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Well-Known Member
i aint arguing that your should ditch your vented hood ;) i just got off on a tangent.

put an exhaust duct at the top of a parabolic (umbrella) reflector and it is now vented ;)


Well-Known Member
i aint arguing that your should ditch your vented hood
I never thought that?

put an exhaust duct at the top of a parabolic (umbrella) reflector and it is now vented
heh makes sense :P
meh, I think eventually I want to add another 600hps, same size hood, and get them both on a custom rotating light mover (Design in head but funds not available, Maybe within a month depending on yeilds :D) It will be sick when I build that though, I'm sure I'll post it.

I know why not a 1000... I'm sketch about the power bill readings and for some reason feel 1600 watts on and off for 12 hours is less noticiple that 2000... ehh... I dunno.

Man I havn't had Steel Reserve 211 in along time.... shiizit


Well-Known Member
Jorge is an idiot at times ;)

a cool tube doesnt reflect ANY light at all since it is just a tube of glass... think of it like a bulb within a bulb.

you put the reflector over the cool tube ;)

but hey, use what you want and take advice that fits your budget and grow style.
I'm not trying to argue with you because I'm not entirely about the cooltubes and they may have generic ones, but all the pics I've seen, show the cooltube with an internal and external reflector. The point Jorge tries to make, in his own words is, "The air-ventilated tube is very inefficient, leaving a "hot spot" below." They tested twenty different reflectors before making those comments. He's just trying to say that when you use the reflectors that come with it, they suck. I guess you could always get the cool tube and then put a really big Dome or Adjust-A-Wing reflector over it, like you say, but that seems like a waste of money to me...


Well-Known Member
2000 watts is what a small LAN uses ;)

bigbong1411, debate is cool and even differences of opinion :)

a batwing reflector works very well and a cool tube is cooler than a vented hood with a rectangular reflector... so to me, it seems more trouble and cost to set up but far more efficient in performance... but i have never run a vented hood and compared with a cool tube... i have run regular reflectors in the past and replaces with a cool tube and THAT was worth every penny!

i have a home made vented reflector now and i dont like it much... but i am sure a lot of that has to do with it being crappily made and being around a gad load of CFL's :p

which version of Jorge's bible was that bit of research in? i think i have the latest and i dont recall seeing it... i do recall seeing him show some interesting studies on light height though... filled it under stuff to reread again later.

sorry to hijack your thread, darknezz... i cant help myself sometimes :D


Well-Known Member
I don't mind, I want people to talk and share opinions about what they use, or would like to use. Thats whats this thread was really for is to get opinions... And explain my shit of course...
and I'm not one to get offended easily anyone say whatever ya want :blsmoke:

What you mean by LAN? Do you mean computers cause thats all I know lol. That would be at least like 6 comps, actually on a processing at all times. Posible I guess.

Oh yeah... Does anyone know why I can't change my f-ing sig?!
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Well-Known Member
yeah, DiZzYNaTiOn bagged it ;)

i am a computer professional, i have almost 2000 watts at my desk at idle ;) had to get a whole new dedicated circuit run and everything... my 600 watt grow is barely noticeable on my power bill ;) i think i see an extra $20 on the bill for it.

with manufacturers making bigger power hog devices our grow ops get less and less obvious on the meter :D

the biggest concern is whether our circuits can take the draw on just a couple plugs.

BTW, a light mover makes a BIG difference in a grow unless you are using it to make the grow area larger instead of just more effective... my old SOG i had to move the plants from the outside to the inside every week or so till i got my light mover... after that, i had nice big and tight colas all through the grow without having to move the plants around. you wont be sorry to add that! i am trying to figure out how to add one to my microgrow... but i think that may be too much cost/complexity to be worthwhile.... i am thinking i will just go with a few 100 or so watt bulbs rather than a single 400 or 600 watt bulb.... cant be any hotter than the 20 or so CFLs i have going now :p


Well-Known Member
Yeah of course I know LAN is network, that's why I asked if it was about computers, or some marijuana growing term I never heard of. I assumed network... My job is computer tech and networking, I still say that that would be a allot of computers or wheteva, a 360 only uses 175 watts, and PC's dont use the full wattage of the PS all the time, things like burning dvds make it use more power at that time. Def posible thow to use around that much power with some big screens, sound systems, pcs and suck all on.

BUT here is the thing.

There is no common electric device or household appliance (that I know of) that would use a solid continuous 2000 watts for 12 hours on and off. Everything else goes up and down all the time and on and off like AC. The electric companys keeps hourly logs of your power usage.

I suppose theres lots people pulling 10ks that dont get caught... but I'm unlucky and just catious. I'll end up adding a 1000 most likely. Not THAT worried, especially cause I live in the country, there a field, a creek, and another field with cows around me so I dont think I got much to worry about.

Thats why I welcome the smell too, heh ;)

bfg: ya u posted while I was typin. wow, how the hell does your computer pull that kind of power?... Unless you had a few comps, domain server, file server, massive network hubs, and a bunch of flat pannels... what the hell you doin then lol?! EVEN STILL. And you have an inline watt meter to tell you your actually using that much do ya? watts on allot of electronics is the max rated, on average only half that that is used.

btw besides being a computer tech, with classes, I've also had all classes in ac residential, commercial, high voltage, dc and micro electronics. Honestly I'm not trying to show that I know more than anyone, just backing that I do know what I'm talking about

and again my point about your comp isnt using the same amount of power for the same amount of time everyday on the dot. Besides for when the light first turns on it uses a little more to warm up then its pretty consistant.

any way I'm not really to worried about the power thing

2 1000 watters both on a light mover would be awsome :D
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Well-Known Member
unless you have a digital meter or are the only house on a grid node the electric co cant tell your hourly usage... and unless you are stealing the juice they dont care how much you use... cant say i blame you for being cautious though. it is always better to be safe than sorry!

living in the boonies you could augment your power usage with things like solar panels and wind turbines or such... i have been thinking on adding such things since before i started to grow again.

anyway, i am just stoned and babbling now ;)


Well-Known Member
Heh I like to babble, obviously, I'm glad someones actually reading though it though lol

Yes it is a digital meter, I can go right now online to my account and see my DAILY usage, if they have that Im sure it keeps track of hourly.

I want solar soooo bad...
no wind here :-| that would be cool though!


Well-Known Member
yea that's why im so sketch, I wouldn't care at all on the old style meters, but these things are reading your usage all the time and recording it on a computer at the elec comp. Seriosly not cool.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry unless you hit 3000 watts of lights. The single most important thing is, pay your electric bill on time, every time. That's what they really want, your money. The electric company isn't working to put people away, they just want money for their electricity.

On the 12-hour cycle, what you can do is run a 1k light during the day and a different 1k light during the night. That way, other than a tiny blip when you switch over, the power usage is steady.

But I am positive they don't have an army of people looking over usage logs to find suspicious activity. What would they gain? If they find something suspicious and turn you in, they *lose* a customer, which is obviously the exact opposite of what they want.

That said, I have a digital meter, and have been running two 600-watts, one 400-watt, and one 432-watt (low profile fluoro for veg), for years, with no probs. I run the 600s at night, the 432 is always on, and the 400 watt runs during the day. So the variance is +800 watts at night, which is not at all abnormal. People come home from work, flip on their big plasma screen, their surround sound stereo, their PS3 and their computer -- boom, that's quite a bit more than 800 watts I'm sure.

Honestly, unless you're going for a really major operation, I wouldn't worry about the electric company. They only lose when a paying customer becomes a prisoner. Just pay your bills and they'll be happy.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone,
Their really smelling now, I don't notice it when I am here but when I'm gone the whole day and come in it reeks :mrgreen::blsmoke:

Of course ya put a reflector over a cool tube :P
But still I think the other ones work great, I've heard the umbrella ones are really good? Do they make vented umbrella hoods?

I went to put links in my sig and it kept giving me 2 errors, saying it was over 300 charactors, which it wasnt, and more than 2 lines long? wtf is up with that lol how did I do the one I have now then? and plenty of pople have long sigs. Anyone know whats causeing this? I'll go try again myaybe the server was freaken....

Oh and I don't think my my plants/journal could win anything and I don't realy care either:joint:
Thanks though

I just tried to edit my sig, again... If I just go to edit and not even do anything and save it gives me the errors...
Contact one of the mods, PotRoast, Fdd etc. They did make a change in the amount of stuff you can put in signature, some kept what they had, kinda Grandfather clause type thing. Should accept this for sig though. VV


Well-Known Member
yeah, DiZzYNaTiOn bagged it ;)

i am thinking i will just go with a few 100 or so watt bulbs rather than a single 400 or 600 watt bulb.... cant be any hotter than the 20 or so CFLs i have going now :p
The only problem with that is the 100 watt bulbs aren't nearly as efficient as the 400, and especially the most efficient 600 watt bulbs.


Well-Known Member
absolutely no argument at all!

but i do only have a space that is only 29.5 inches tall right now LOL

i like to burn my pot in the bong, not before ;)

i was just at Lowes today and i found a HUGE wooden cabinet for $109... 4 foot wide, 3 foot deep and 6 foot tall... if i go that route i will more than likely go with higher wattage!

truth is, i am a BIG fan of the 1 kw HPS with a 600 watt MH kicker :D

as with any equation though when you start monkeying with the numbers efficiency goes right out the window.


Well-Known Member
which version of Jorge's bible was that bit of research in? i think i have the latest and i dont recall seeing it... i do recall seeing him show some interesting studies on light height though... filled it under stuff to reread again later.

sorry to hijack your thread, darknezz... i cant help myself sometimes :D

It doesn't say on the cover but I got it a few months ago and the copyright says 2006. I think it's his fifth edition "Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower’s Bible". I think that's his latest one...

Sorry about the late reply, I got caught up doing some stuff.