My first attempt at growing


Well-Known Member
yea his grow is intense!! one of those threads I dont feel like I have much to add to cause it is so far beyond what I am capible of. but a ton for me to learn in it!!


Well-Known Member
?? I'm riding shotgun on the bus and your going there before I do?? This information may nedd to be probed into, what do you think Earl?? You will enjoy your visit with the dirtbag, be careful with the cookies. Peak Seeds is in BC, I don't thnk they have a 'showroom'. I got my blue varieties from them. VV


Well-Known Member
thanks vv!! glad to see ya here! I read the post after you and earl had the cookies.. Got me really excited to visit db... just hope I dont pass out on his floor!!~! Ill check out peak also if I can find it...


Well-Known Member
i have read this thread all the way trou now i want to see harvist pic's love the grow whould love to know how much dry you get with the over heating.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
The northwest is gorgeous HHM!!! I used to live in Washington state. I can't wait to go back there! The NW is the place to be. You'll have a blasty blast!! Taking the ferry from Port Townsend is going to be beautiful!!!!

And i've only been to Portland once but the frozen waterfalls i saw were something i will never forget.....even if i was only 5. :joint::mrgreen:\

You'll have to tell me how it is up there in B.C.
My gf is iffy about ordering seeds online so when we go up there maybe i can get some good seeds. Don't wanna just grow with shwaggy bagseed ya know.



Well-Known Member
i have read this thread all the way trou now i want to see harvist pic's love the grow whould love to know how much dry you get with the over heating.
Thanks for stoping by domr! Im curious my self!! Hope to chop this weekend if I have time!! got pic post comming in about 30 min!

The northwest is gorgeous HHM!!! I used to live in Washington state. I can't wait to go back there! The NW is the place to be. You'll have a blasty blast!! Taking the ferry from Port Townsend is going to be beautiful!!!!

And i've only been to Portland once but the frozen waterfalls i saw were something i will never forget.....even if i was only 5. :joint::mrgreen:\

You'll have to tell me how it is up there in B.C.
My gf is iffy about ordering seeds online so when we go up there maybe i can get some good seeds. Don't wanna just grow with shwaggy bagseed ya know.


Yea man I cant fucking wait!!! Im really looking foward to it!! this whole trip started as a trip to go to hempfest in seatle, now we will be in seatle for only one day! lol


Well-Known Member
well no much to update... still flushing.. I did have two rez so I didn't have to circulate the water. but that only lasted two days after I realized how much I would have to be emptying the inlet rez.. that sucked! anyway here are some pics..

This cola is a fucking giant!

This one is for you db... I know there is still to much yellow in here for your taste but here is proof I tried! lol

and before I forget, I dropped my damn camrea tonight and now the flash wont work... so I dont know how many more pics I will be able to take and have them look worth a damn.


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
well no much to update... still flushing.. I did have two rez so I didn't have to circulate the water. but that only lasted two days after I realized how much I would have to be emptying the inlet rez.. that sucked! anyway here are some pics..

This cola is a fucking giant!

This one is for you db... I know there is still to much yellow in here for your taste but here is proof I tried! lol

and before I forget, I dropped my damn camrea tonight and now the flash wont work... so I dont know how many more pics I will be able to take and have them look worth a damn.

Jesus F'n Christ!!! Those look beautiful!!! You know, you could go east instead of west!!! :mrgreen:

Can't wait till harvest bro!!!



Well-Known Member
yea I dried some out in a food dehydrator this past weekend! pretty nice!!! smooth even before flush.. not much taste really. but nice strong high!


Well-Known Member
oh mother fuck! you just had to put a soda can in there to let us all see just how much we should hate you... this is one of the most impressive bag seed first time grows i have ever seen!

it is like a train wreck... just gotta keep watching ;)

(i would have dropped my camera too if i walked into my first grow and saw that going on!)