My first 1000w+ Grow (LED+HPS)


Active Member
Good shit..+rep for selling me on think im gonna spend my 200 this month on leds instead of seeds..i wanted 2 kno what would YOU get as the most bang for ur buck led 2 go with ur 600w..i was thinking 2 ufos but those panels look good

The UFOs are a pretty good addition, but they don't have much coverage. If you can save up for it, I'd recommend a 250-300w panel but that's around $400.

Here's a 250w panel I came across for ~$340 including shipping.

If you can afford it, 2x those panels (one on each side of a 600w) would give a huge boost, and I doubt you would have to add any additional cooling. But, wait a couple weeks till I get an exact yield, then I can say for sure if 1000w of LED/HPS lighting is better than just 1000w HPS. I don't want you to drop a ton of cash if it isn't going to pay out for you :)


Active Member
Today is the start of Week 7 for the Grandaddy Purps, the Bubba Kush, and the ChemDog. Here are a few shots just before the lights went out.

Left to right - ChemDog, GDP, Bubba Kush, and on the far right is XJ-13 on week 6 (she was added a week late).



Active Member
Those ladies are looking gorgeous and I must say, even if those LEDs didn't make a difference, they sure do make for some awesome looking bud pron!


Well-Known Member

Your LED's really dont look too bright at all. mine light up the camera massively. Do you have a high quality camera with good filtering?

Fantastic grow :)


Active Member

Your LED's really dont look too bright at all. mine light up the camera massively. Do you have a high quality camera with good filtering?

Fantastic grow :)
It's probably the added HPS that makes everything a little more photogenic (or at least less purple). There are a few pics that the red is just too overpowering, I usually just post the ones that come out better - so, I experience the light problems sometimes too. A couple pics are of corner plants with less direct light, that tends to make the light less overpowering. bongsmilie


Active Member
Here comes week 8 photos! (weeks 7 on a few)

Here's ~ChemDog~ week 8 (2 plants)


Week 8 ~Bubba Kush (pre 98')~


Week 7 ~XJ - 13~


Week 7 ~Blue Dream~


Week 7 ~Green Crack~



Well-Known Member
The UFOs are a pretty good addition, but they don't have much coverage. If you can save up for it, I'd recommend a 250-300w panel but that's around $400.

Here's a 250w panel I came across for ~$340 including shipping.

If you can afford it, 2x those panels (one on each side of a 600w) would give a huge boost, and I doubt you would have to add any additional cooling. But, wait a couple weeks till I get an exact yield, then I can say for sure if 1000w of LED/HPS lighting is better than just 1000w HPS. I don't want you to drop a ton of cash if it isn't going to pay out for you :)
Im gonna wait till u harvest 2 get an estimate..i might jus buy like 2 250w cfls for now..its only like 100 bucks ..and i kno i can get atleast an extra 20 grams with that


now...where do i find the tutorial to make the LED panels?
do they run on pc power supplies?

How does it actually word? you get more wattage p/ $?
a little confusing but nice idea, i would love to make a xmas tree, hahahahahahha

Why the red and violet lights? Did i miss any other colour?

I am very interested on this LED light project, if u can help please send me some links!


Well-Known Member

look at my link. I will send info if you need it. just ask me lots of questions, I prefer it this way :D



look at my link. I will send info if you need it. just ask me lots of questions, I prefer it this way :D
Thanks man, i do appreciate that!!! NICE!!! :blsmoke:
I have two little babies now growing on the same pot, i need to split them to their own pot by now i think. I have tried growing many times, but i keep loosing me plants because i dont have a place to grow. I still live with my parents and the babies are still in mum's garden :)

Need to find a safe spot for them... Last time i had 6 plants about a meter tall growing on the guerilla, but last time i check them they were stolen :(

So i need to find a safe spot, and start growing them on LED, which i am sure will be WAY cheaper them running HPS's lights... I am not an expert in growing, but one day i will have a farm :)

How do the plants grow only on Led lights? Is it possible? Or the HPS kit is a must feature alongside the LEDS? Have u tried growing only under LEDS? Are the results good?




Active Member
Most of the plants have finished. I took 3 more down last night. Here is a pic of the XJ-13 and Blue Dream. I still have 2 Chemdogs that won't finish! It's been 10 week and they still look a week or 2 away.

I will have yield in about 2 weeks, I might take the ChemD down a week early to get my new round going. They are dense and big, they just won't stop pushing white hairs!

These 2 are the plants that I put in a week late. So, this is XJ-13 and Blue Dream week 9.



Well-Known Member
Most of the plants have finished. I took 3 more down last night. Here is a pic of the XJ-13 and Blue Dream. I still have 2 Chemdogs that won't finish! It's been 10 week and they still look a week or 2 away.

I will have yield in about 2 weeks, I might take the ChemD down a week early to get my new round going. They are dense and big, they just won't stop pushing white hairs!

These 2 are the plants that I put in a week late. So, this is XJ-13 and Blue Dream week 9.

View attachment 1061374View attachment 1061375

Be patient with the Chemdog strain. Also, remind yourself.. that the fact is.. is some strains can take anywhere from 7 weeks to finish..

all the way up to 13 or 14 weeks to finish.

So, again.. just be patient with them. ;)

Good luck.. and so far so good buddy. Blue dream is looking REALLY good my friend.. the same goes for the XJ-13.

Your doing everything right.. its just some plants seem to take longer than others... which.. the more grows you get under your belt.. the more

you will realize what I'm talking about.

So, again.. be patient! the end result will be greatly rewarding!



Well-Known Member
i am looking into some side lighting for my plants, which do you think is more cost/energy efficient, floros or LEDs?


Active Member

The final weight is in
- 466g dry weight

What went right - Most of the plants did very well, the lighting was sufficient and the result was very dense and very potent. No spider-mites this round (which has been a problem in the past).

What went wrong - I let a few of the plants get too tall/bushy for my indoor spot. Light couldn't penetrate the lower branches and I lost a lot of weight to 'fluffy' weed at the bottom.
-Also, I grew too many different (new) strains. I found out after the grow that only half of my plants were heavy producers. I had a couple plants that I got 25-30g off of, and 4 other plants I got 45, 46, 55, and 60g in yield.

Next time - I'm going to have 2-3 strains I am very familiar with and that have consistently had good yields. I'm finally tired of trying out new strains every grow and seeing what works best. With 10x XJ-13 and 10x Blue Dream (based on yield from this grow and previous) I should be looking at between 700-900g with the same lighting.

Conclusions - LED with HPS
- It is a great alternative to HPS only if you are having heat issues. Cooling is minimal and the combo of the two types of lighting seems to really make the plants do very well. Larger plants are not advised, flower no later than when the plant reaches about 12-14". I waited till 18"-20" on a couple and they got too tall/bushy for the area, which dramatically limited the light availability for the lower portion of the plant.

13 1/2 weeks later, ChemDawg finally finishes, weighing a wopping 55g and 60g. Worth the wait this time, but I'm not sure I want to flower a 13 week plant again. I'll stick to 8-9 week plants in the future.

