My Cousin Doesn't Get High.

Well he texted me saying he smoked a joint today with some friends and that nothing happened either. Seems like the brownies are gonna have to be made very soon.


Well-Known Member
idk bro....

I'd say keep trying with the smoking otherwise it probably isn't working...

one dude in this thread said he didn't get high till his 7th time... I'd use this as an indicator.... if he's tried it 7 good times and it still didn't work then maybe he's a rarity that doesn't get high... but I doubt it.

I just don't think it should be edibles that triggers it, as they could be wayyy too intense. even for pro smokers.
Hmmm so which smoking method would be better for him to feel the effect?? Like smoking it from a joint, blunt, vaporizer, or a normal pipe??


Well-Known Member
It doesn;t matter, its not the weed or the method... its just some people take longer for their bodies to recognise the stoned thing... same thing happens with salvia.

I don;t suggest throwing him in on the deepside with edibles, shit, those fuck me up, to the point I'd avoid them unless there was nothing else.


Well-Known Member
yeah I'd say keep trying with a pipe joint or bong....

but like anc said its probably not just the method... just try the 3 normal styles above... maybe even vaping but smoking is truly the best way to be introduced to it imo.


Well-Known Member
Hot knives pretty much guarantee retardation.....the good kind. Ball up some good sized chunks of kief and pancake it with two red hot butter knives. Inhale thru some kind of hooter. I just use the top off of a 2 Liter pop bottle. He might cough up a lung, but he'll be stoned.


Well-Known Member
First time friends LOVE the Volcano Vaporizer. They usually hit the bag a few times before they stop and go "holy shit this is awesome" when it creeps up on them. Excellent introduction device!


Well-Known Member
yeah kief or hash is a sure thing

the reason I don't think vaping is good for the first timers is that they can't reach those epic body highs like you can with smoking, its totally different. I just think everyone should experience it from that perspective first, then try vaping.


Well-Known Member
yeah kief or hash is a sure thing

the reason I don't think vaping is good for the first timers is that they can't reach those epic body highs like you can with smoking, its totally different. I just think everyone should experience it from that perspective first, then try vaping.
thats true. the vape might be too much of a head stone for a first timer