My Cousin Doesn't Get High.

So I smoked with my cousin and this was technically his second time. He said that the first time he smoked bud he didnt get high so we assumed he didnt do it right. We smoked some oG Kush and a good amount of kief (keef idk). He didnt seem to be high as me, My eyes get SUPER low and his are barely low and his eyes are white as noramal, he also says he doesnt feel anything different. So do some people just not get high or is he so high he thinks hes not high, which I dont think is the case anyway. I saw him take very good hits since hd didnt know how to use a bubbler and was chokin a good while. So idk whats wrong with him. Haha Any ideas??

Total Head

Well-Known Member
it's only a little weird. i'm one of those who didn't get high my first time, and i did it "correctly". not getting high the second time is a little weird, but i'm assuming the same principle is involved. has he done other drugs? i've never met anyone who didn't get high from weed but i know of people who are into harder drugs and the weed just doesn't do it for them. if that's not your cousin i would keep trying.


Active Member
Thats definitely strange, I got really high my first time, I held it in for a good 5 seconds and I accredit it mostly to that. But, if he seemed to hit it right, and was coughing and what not, I'm really surprised he wasn't baked. Anyway, I'd say next time have him hit it and hold each hit in for 8 seconds, and make him smoke a bowl to himself, if he doesn't get baked then he either can't, is lying, or just really dumb, no offense of course
Ohhh nope he doesnt do any other drugs or smoke or anything, hes a chilled guy. But hmmm so were assuming that this time was his first time right?? Meaning the second time would have more effect on him.


Active Member
Well if he hasn't smoked in awhile then yeah that would have been basically his first time. I would test him a few more times, but I really think the next time he'll feel something

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
The only thing I can think of would be prescription medication for something like depression, anxiety, or ADD/ADHD. These drugs could be binding to and blocking the cannabinoid receptors in his brain and on his spleen or disrupting his natural brain chemistry preventing the release of compounds that would make him feel high.

If this is not the case then he simply needs to inhale for longer and smoke more. Hell, holding your breath for 30 seconds should give just about anyone a small buzz, if he's claiming to feel nothing at all then he's definitely either a mutant or doing it wrong.


Well-Known Member
I never got high till like the 7th time... then I got fucked to the point of hallucination.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
give him a stroonnng brownie and ask if he feels anything loool

i ate like crumbs and im blazed as tits
Hmmm well its almost xmas break and I might be able to make some brownies. I was wondering if this is better and would make it also be more potent for him.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
its like... smoking a few blunts to the face

except you cant be a bitch and puss out halfway through the first one because you eat it and your done. bam. fucked for 6 hours.

so if your friend is a bitch with smoking then brownies would fuck him upp
Hmmm well hes not a bitch at smoking he basically hit the bubbler harder than me since he doesnt know how to, I saw the hits he was taking and they were big hits for a starter. He was choking alot and needed some water. So im hoping the brownies would do some effect on him. Maybe 4 medium sized brownies. Haha

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
dude i used like

60 g of vaped weed, some keif and a gram of chronic in a batch of brownies

i eat like a half of a half of a brownie and im like 4x more stoned than I was off a joint



Well-Known Member
I wouldn't give a newbie a brownie under any circumstances... if it works well you can guarantee he wont wanna try weed again.


Well-Known Member
yeah bubble hash would be a sure thing....

also I remember the gravity bong was the first time I got HELLA high....

I was too one of those people who didn't get high their first time, and I smoked a joint and 3 bowls... the next time was a gravity bong and it sealed the deal...
Hmmm not sure where I can get hash around here, I added a very good amount of kief to the bowl. I dont own a gravity bong so idk about that. Would trying to get him high the same way probably work better or something?? He tells me that his throat was hurting from all the coughing because he was taking very good hits.


Well-Known Member
I dont own a gravity bong so idk about that. Would trying to get him high the same way probably work better or something?? He tells me that his throat was hurting from all the coughing because he was taking very good hits.
gravity bongs are pretty easy to make...I use them all the time because I can't be trusted with a glass bong (too clumsy :()
we call them pails...not sure if it' exactly the same but to make it you just take a pail of some sort (bucket, large container, etc), and you take a water bottle that will fit inside. you can either cut the bottom off the waterbottle or poke/burn holes in it. take the lid of the water bottle and burn a hole in it, then fashion a makeshift bowl out of aluminum foil (or substitute with something else if you're fancy ;)) in it, tape down the sides of the foil, poke some tiny holes in it, put the weed in the bowl, fill the pail with water, and as you light the weed, slowly pull up on the waterbottle. the water goes out the holes in the bottom and creates a suction effect, pulling in the smoke. when filled (it gets creamy), unscrew the lid and breathe in the smoke while slowly pushing down on the water bottle. the water will rush back in, sending the good stuff straight down your throat :)

but it's also gonna sting like a bitch, it's a lot of smoke and it's easy to over light it

if I've got time I like to make holes in the water bottle by taking a safety pin and bending it straight, then holding the tip over a candle until it gets hot, then quickly poking holes. because it's hot, the pin goes in really easy and you can make hundreds of tiny little holes. this way when the water drains out it'll go slowly and the hits are super smooth. my friend showed me this method and she called it a fizzler