My Campaign For You


New Member
Marketing, advertising, and sales play an integral role in our society and economy. You may say there is no use for them, but I'd be willing to venture a guess and say that most would disagree with your opinion.
sure you would disagree,, a lot of you pussies have made it your goal to disagree with me.. sweet i dont give a shit, you have posed nothing.

how is marketing and advertising and that shit important? we could easily function without it. All those people are paid to do is make people think they want to buy products. If people need something they will buy it.

You dont need a real estate salesman to sell a house. People HAVE to live under shelter,, all a salesman will do is try to close the sale as quick as possible to make the most money in the shortest period of time by telling the "customer" that this is the house for them and that they should buy it because this and that.

Its a joke!

Just like you!


New Member
That's fine. I had a feeling you couldn't/wouldn't prove it.
what exactly have you proved..
all you have said so far is that you would uphold the constitution (other peoples ideas. NOT your own) and run against me.

good for you air head



New Member
He was a snub-nosed, flat-browed, common-faced boy enough; and as dirty a juvenile as one would wish to see; but he had about him all the airs and manners of a man. He was short of his age: with rather bow-legs, and little, sharp, ugly eyes. His hat was stuck on the top of his head so lightly, that it threatened to fall off every moment--and would have done so, very often, if the wearer had not had a knack of every now and then giving his head a sudden twitch, which brought it back to its old place again. He wore a man's coat, which reached nearly to his heels. He had turned the cuffs back, half-way up his arm, to get his hands out of the sleeves: apparently with the ultimated view of thrusting them into the pockets of his corduroy trousers; for there he kept them. He was, altogether, as roystering and swaggering a young gentleman as ever stood four feet six, or something less, in the bluchers.


Well-Known Member
what exactly have you proved..
all you have said so far is that you would uphold the constitution (other peoples ideas. NOT your own) and run against me.

good for you air head

The onus rests squarely at your feet my friend. You stated publicly that you can prove the Constitution is flawed and I called you on it. Your retort? "I don't have to prove anything". I happen to disagree.

As for myself, I don't have to prove anything here. We are a nation based/founded upon "Rule of Law". That "Rule of Law" is called the US Constitution and we are a Representative Republic. We are not a Democracy. That defines us as a nation and as a people.

BTW...The "air head" comment was a nice touch. Following Med's lead now I see. Well played. :lol:


New Member
here is the proof like i ALREADY said.

The U.S. is in a shit-hole

economically, socially, morally, and the kids are stupid as fuck (most anyway, some are still brilliant but only the rich are allowed to suceed because post secondary costs so much from government UNDERFUNDING)


New Member
All you're saying is opinion. You have provided no evidence related current status/events back to the Constitution. Please expound.
you are still not listening. I dont need to take excerpts from the constitution and prove that they are flawed. I can see they are flawed from what was going around me when I was there. And since I'm so close I still feel the heat from hell below.

I would go right the fuck up north to get away but i still have roots and i dont want to leave too far but im not proud anymore.

I used to be a proud american and i wish i still could be. But everyday my hopes diminish more and more.

that is why i made my campaign.. FOR YOU


New Member
Then can you not articulate it? You told me that you can prove it...Do so.
if what is going on around you is not proof enough for you than i am sorry. You are on the wrong thread. this is about change, not sticking with the same thing


New Member
"...How many times can the line divide
How many wars to uphold your pride
These fears uncontrolled just swoll the tide
Of blood in the streets while the people die
I'ma keep on tryin’
Longs as suffering's multiplyin’
And why not
These souls get tossed and left out to rot
My backs broad enough to help left your cross
As long as you help with mine
The process of healing will take some time
To see the pain in your face is the same as mine
It's not a game or a race but the stake is high
We maintain our mistakes for the sake of sides
As long as it takes I’ll say it one more time
As long as it takes I'll say it one more time
As long as it takes I'll say it one more time..."

Same Thing - Flobots


Well-Known Member
...this is about change
Unconstitutional change. Precisely the reason we are in the mess we are in today. I'm not the one who stated that I could prove that the Constitution is flawed and could prove it. You are. You have since dodged the issue entirely by deploying various strategies, yet have only offered your opinion; nothing more. You started this thread as your campaign, yes? I simply offered a retort and you stated that you could prove it...I'm politely asking you, once again, to do so.


New Member
"...How many times can the line divide
How many wars to uphold your pride
These fears uncontrolled just swoll the tide
Of blood in the streets while the people die
I'ma keep on tryin’
Longs as suffering's multiplyin’
And why not
These souls get tossed and left out to rot
My backs broad enough to help left your cross
As long as you help with mine
The process of healing will take some time
To see the pain in your face is the same as mine
It's not a game or a race but the stake is high
We maintain our mistakes for the sake of sides
As long as it takes I’ll say it one more time
As long as it takes I'll say it one more time
As long as it takes I'll say it one more time..."

Same Thing - Flobots
"left your cross"..........? What does that mean?


New Member
This Chuck guys lost.......popular though! :-P
how so? i am constantly ganged up on by 5 people minimum. And noone back me up because they are too scared to sound unpatriotic
not to mention most people hate me

"left your cross"..........? What does that mean?
its a typo.. "help lift your cross"... a reference to how we are all persecuted in some way... Like the fairy tale in the bible


Well-Known Member
how so? i am constantly ganged up on by 5 people minimum.
Interesting. Inane, but interesting nonetheless. You posted your "platform" and asked folks what they thought, yes? I disagreed and posted mine and asked you to back up your shit. You resorted to insults and evasive techniques, while I repeatedly asked you to prove your point (which you have yet to do). And now you claim that I'm one of those that are "ganging" up on you. :roll:


New Member
when i came to Canada I was fleeing from something. What that was specifically is unknown by even me, but I fealt like I needed to get away for a reason.

I never knew of a better life without the "holy constitution" but I found a land where the people are more free to choose, a country of peace and equality, and i have never looked back

I dont THINK there is a better way, I KNOW there is a better way.
There is even a better way than we have here.

And I want it in the worst way.

I am going to do everything I can to inform people and make that change come sooner... No matter how many of you flag wavers come around


I disagreed and posted mine and asked you to back up your shit. You resorted to insults and evasive techniques,
reference please