My Campaign For You


Well-Known Member
I'm going to Vote for Dave, provided he also plans to do something about the confiscatory taxes that have me getting bent over and raped due to the fact that I don't have any dependents and don't have enough money to afford a lobbyist like big business.


Well-Known Member
Actually, let me rephrase that.

The fact that you are going to uphold the Constitution is great Dave, but how would you go about doing that?


New Member
I'm going to Vote for Dave, provided he also plans to do something about the confiscatory taxes that have me getting bent over and raped due to the fact that I don't have any dependents and don't have enough money to afford a lobbyist like big business.
i couldnt expect much more from you Brutal. You ARE a unionist.

you are just willing to believe what you have been told to believe

no surprise here


Well-Known Member
Chuck you are an idiot who routinely attempts to apply labels to people with out actually determining what their view points are.

You also have a lot of ideas that have been shoved down your throat by the mainstream, so you don't have a lot of room to talk about people that believe what they are told.


New Member
Chuck you are an idiot
personal attack that has nothing to do with anything
who routinely attempts to apply labels to people with out actually determining what their view points are.
I know exactly what your view points are.
Ignorance and believing what you are told.

You also have a lot of ideas that have been shoved down your throat by the mainstream, so you don't have a lot of room to talk about people that believe what they are told.
Nope, everything that comes out of my mouth comes from my head. It was a nice try.

I only wish the truth i speak of was in the mainstream, then my quest would not even be needed.

Not until my truth is in the mainstream will i stop.

so continue on posting, but please, post something intelligent for once


New Member
why do you believe in the constitution?

what makes it right?

you didnt think it up did you?

I know i had no say in that constitution.


Well-Known Member
I never said the Constitution was Holy.

Of course, seeings as how you have shown a tendency to attempt to put your words into the mouths of others I shouldn't be surprised that you are doing it again.

The constitution as it was originally written had a lot of flaws, but the question had nothing to do with the Constitution.

It had to do with the fact that your opinions dictate enslaving people for social betterment, and forced equality.

Thus, Chuck, you are a hypocrit. You can not state that you are against slavery, you are just against individuals having slavery, but you are for the state maintaining a system that can only be described as a system of slavery, or indentured servitude.


New Member
nope, but the people who wrote your "holy constitution" advocated for slavery. In fact, they did have slaves!

and i bet they had no say in that constitution those religious nut bars wrote
“ We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. ”

......what do you think compelled future generations, of virtuous Americans, to end the practice of slavery?


New Member
oh, and

I will not make anyone who provided a valuable service to society (such as helath care, food production, housing, education...) pay any income taxes, for what they do in their work is enough contribution to society.

However, the people who decide to choose to do something that has no use to society, such as anyone working in marketing, advertising, sales..., will pay EXCEPTIONAL income taxes but will still be rewarded for progressing society with money to buy luxuries


New Member
seeings as how you have shown a tendency to attempt to put your words into the mouths of others I shouldn't be surprised that you are doing it again.
wait a second... you were the one saying i am advocating slavery when i have suggested no such thing....
I think you are confusing me with you.

IN FACT, you have now come out and said that on two of my threads...


Well-Known Member
actually, I don't need to prove anything.

Just take a look around and see the poverty.
See the depression.
See the over-packed prisons.
See the poor health care.
See people starving and not being able to put enough food on the table and a decent roof over their head.
See the way we hate and kill eachother.
See the way we force beliefs on vulnerable people.
See the way the economy is going.
See all the greedy companies with CEO's who have millions of dollars yet still overcharge for things such as prescriptions.
See the way we are destroying our environment at a rate that it can not clean itself naturally fast enough.
See the way we have not pushed for an alternative fuel source that is clean and renewable (such as hydrogen) because of greed.
See the wars being fought and the needless killing and destruction.
See all the void of human rights
See the void of human equality.
See the racism
See the facism
See the hate.

Thats proof enough if you ask me.

and I will not uphold any "constitution" written by another human a long time ago. Thats just nonsense.
I asked you to prove it, after you said you could, and you haven't. Please explain how any of those examples are in the US Constitution. I call this a "dodge".


Well-Known Member
However, the people who decide to choose to do something that has no use to society, such as anyone working in marketing, advertising, sales...
Marketing, advertising, and sales play an integral role in our society and economy. You may say there is no use for them, but I'd be willing to venture a guess and say that most would disagree with your opinion.


New Member
I asked you to prove it, after you said you could, and you haven't. Please explain how any of those examples are in the US Constitution. I call this a "dodge".
i didnt say any of those things were in the constitution.

but they led to this

VTX sorry man, im sure you are good guy and all but there are a few other people debating me who are MUCH more intelligent than you are and i do not have time to waste on you.


Well-Known Member
i didnt say any of those things were in the constitution.

but they led to this

VTX sorry man, im sure you are good guy and all but there are a few other people debating me who are MUCH more intelligent than you are and i do not have time to waste on you.
That's fine. I had a feeling you couldn't/wouldn't prove it.