My 1st grow


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone sorry I didn't make the post yesterday, but I baked a cake with my canna butter, & went on to eat just a 12th of it , about an hour later I couldn't even remember my own name :lol:
I also got a kitten on saturday :D

But just a note to doctord, I have been really looking forward to posting harvest pics, from the day I planted those seeds, but aswell as growing & posting pics, I have to admin on another site, run a house, look after my pets, my boyf & not to mention our 2 kids, so the harvest itself was extra work on top of what I already do, anyhow, I'd also like to thank you for your imput x

Hey Toolage, email, jord9nne, drhigh, alto, mmclean, cheetah & everyone else who has followed my journal & helped my grow,THANKYOU VERY MUCH xxxxxxx
I hope you all keep in touch, cos your a cool bunch of guys :wink:
Heres the cola from the first one I chopped:

Here's the rest as they are now - hanging up to dry :

Thankyou all for looking & helping, I really appreciate it,

Oh, nearly forgot, yes I am deffo gonna plant some of those seeds, til then, make sure you all take care xxxx


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone sorry I didn't make the post yesterday, but I baked a cake with my canna butter, & went on to eat just a 12th of it , about an hour later I couldn't even remember my own name :lol:
I also got a kitten on saturday :D

But just a note to doctord, I have been really looking forward to posting harvest pics, from the day I planted those seeds, but aswell as growing & posting pics, I have to admin on another site, run a house, look after my pets, my boyf & not to mention our 2 kids, so the harvest itself was extra work on top of what I already do, anyhow, I'd also like to thank you for your imput x

Hey Toolage, email, jord9nne, drhigh, alto, mmclean, cheetah & everyone else who has followed my journal & helped my grow,THANKYOU VERY MUCH xxxxxxx
I hope you all keep in touch, cos your a cool bunch of guys :wink:
Heres the cola from the first one I chopped:

Here's the rest as they are now - hanging up to dry :

Thankyou all for looking & helping, I really appreciate it,

Oh, nearly forgot, yes I am deffo gonna plant some of those seeds, til then, make sure you all take care xxxx


Well-Known Member
Look great GG, wonderful job!
was fun watching and I look forward to the next journal.
Myself, I think next grow I will chime in with a few pictures now and then but don't expect to keep a full blown journal.
(Probably will again after that tho. I get very busy during fall and so don't want to a half assed job)

Thank you very much for sharing your grow with us.
You rock:clap:


Well-Known Member
Hey gg!! I dont remember if i told u lol, but its me clean :P anyway haha ya those pictures look nice!! Those buds still look tasty as shit. I'm soo excited for you!!


Well-Known Member
Hey great job. I wasnt talking about you reallly I didnt intend to offend. I know we all have things to do I was just venting.

Well-Known Member
my plants grow alot dirfrently than that, the leaves in between the stems havent started to grow since a while ago, around day 65, im looking to upgrade my lighting to 20 watts or 42 watts. good plants btw


Well-Known Member
Thankyou very much :D

oh yeah! have you tried any? how does it taste and feel?
Well I havent actually smoked any, my boyf has though, it blew his head off, he says it tastes good too, that said tho he doesnt usually smoke as often as I do, so will deffo let you know,
But I did bake a cake with all the small left over buds I couldn't be bothered trimming, I was the stonedest I've ever been :lol:
It's a couchlock x

Look great GG, wonderful job!
was fun watching and I look forward to the next journal.
Myself, I think next grow I will chime in with a few pictures now and then but don't expect to keep a full blown journal.
(Probably will again after that tho. I get very busy during fall and so don't want to a half assed job)

Thank you very much for sharing your grow with us.
You rock:clap:
Aw, thankyou very much Alto :D
I was happy to share with you :D
Goodluck with your journal, I'll keep an eye out for it x
Hey gg!! I dont remember if i told u lol, but its me clean :P anyway haha ya those pictures look nice!! Those buds still look tasty as shit. I'm soo excited for you!!
Hey clean :D :D
No you didnt say, but I'm glad you did :lol:
Thankyou very much for all your support :D

Hey great job. I wasnt talking about you reallly I didnt intend to offend. I know we all have things to do I was just venting.
Hey, no offense taken, don't worry about xxx
Thanks again for watching x

my plants grow alot dirfrently than that, the leaves in between the stems havent started to grow since a while ago, around day 65, im looking to upgrade my lighting to 20 watts or 42 watts. good plants btw
Yes, light is the key, you need LOTS of light I used a 600w hps & would deffo recommend them :D
Thanx for dropping by x