Mutant or something more sinister?


Hi! :leaf: lol

I was hoping someone might help me identify an issue in one of my plants. Here is some background on my setup:

First time grower from bag seed: (probably skunk)
Container: 2 liter bottles
Meduim: Poting soil, peat, worm casings, perlite, & vermiculite (roughly 20% each)
Light: 400w HM
Temps: 75-80F
RH: 45-55%

I'm currently on day 21 of my grow. The plant in question is in the lower left in pictures one (day 14) and two (today). After germinating and planting the seeds, this plants taproot came thru the top of the soil. I gently manipulated the seedling into its proper orientation and it began to grow. The first set of leaves had rounded tips that never fully developed. The second set had five fingers instead of three like the other plants. All new growth has claw-like leaves and the plant is tall and lanky compared to the others even though its from the same bag seed. The claw-like symptoms look nothing like the other pictures I've seen. Up until now, all plants have been receiving the same treatment using bottled water only, no ferts yet.

Would some of you more experienced growers please take a look and let me know what you think?




Well-Known Member
3 main things you need to feed them, check your ph and switch containers because roots don't like light. Looks like the first stages of multiple def's.... But to me it looks like your having ph problems


I fed them today a diluted 12-1-3 and pH is 6.6
Oh, and I'll wrap the containers with foil.

But that still doesn't explain the condition of the one plant...???


Well-Known Member
could be the genetics.... bagseed's aren't always stable, if your serious about growing you wanna get some good . genetics... As for wrapping the containers in foil I wouldn't rec it, because foil can produce " hotspot" and that might not be to good for your roots. Repot them. What type of food are you using?


I'm actually looking into some good genetics but there are so many choices and so little space! :mrgreen: I figured I'd give it a test run first to work out some bugs, etc...

Anyway, I'm using a organic dissolved earthworm humus with some other trace nutes (local manufactuer).

And you're right about about the foil. I knew that about the walls but it didn't register for the bottles.

Got any suggestions on strains? I like being high not baked...


Well-Known Member
could be the genetics.... bagseed's aren't always stable, if your serious about growing you wanna get some good . genetics... As for wrapping the containers in foil I wouldn't rec it, because foil can produce " hotspot" and that might not be to good for your roots. Repot them. What type of food are you using?
Or breed your own seeds... take forevers and you have to know your priorities and goals/


Or breed your own seeds... take forevers and you have to know your priorities and goals/
I like your style! It would be nice to come up with my own strain. :eyesmoke:

skunk strains are good for beginners, easy to grow, beefy and gets you high as hell
Like I said in my first post, skunk is probably what I have. I'm just hoping it wasn't from a hermie. I know bag seed can be a crapshoot, but you never know until ya grow it out! :leaf: Maybe I'll get lucky...

Also, should I take some clippings now and flower the mothers (assuming they're fem), or root, then flower the clones?


Well-Known Member
thanks for posting those pics. ive got a Thunk mom that looks exactly like that but clones normal go figure