Mushroom in soil question ?!


Active Member
Found very very small mushroom growing out of new fresh soil today, just wondering if that is a bad thing that a mushroom would grow or is it harmless to plants and normal ?

Also plant is leaning a little from height and weight, leaves are healthy, always had fan on it. What can I do to straighten her out ?

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Turn that fan off, a couple minutes per day, if any is cool. I use Mushroom Compost to grow in, having them growing in your soil may be due to too moist soil and/or not enough light. The mushooms themself, I don't believe, will cause harm. But the growing environment may. Mold or bad fungi can be dealt with by making a tea with stone ground cornmeal. Sounds like healthy soil to me. Seaweed wil strenghten your plants stem, & help your root system. Hope this helped.