

Well-Known Member
I agree with *some* things Buck says. I don't agree, at all, with using family member pictures as ammunition and I do feel like that should have been the point where someone stepped in and said knock it off. That being said, i'm not an administrator on this site so it doesn't matter how I think the rules should be.

Also, I feel like this would've been better handled privately, Gunnar, between you and admin. This didn't need to be a public post. You only succeeded in making an ass out of yourself. You aren't going to get the BBB's attention with this, and, even if you did, the BBB is not an agency for RIU to fear. You could've chosen any agency and you chose the Better Business Bureau? Seriously? Like now RIU will have a bad business reference? How spooky. The admins don't live in this country. You aren't going to have an international lawsuit at all. Ever. Humble yourself for a minute and ask yourself who you think you are that anyone would pay attention to this at all. This is an RIU problem, and it will stay an RIU problem, and no one outside of RIU is going to come rushing in to save you from it.

That is all.


Well-Known Member
That "bully" has ran several racist shitheads, and countless other sick fucks off this site. A good example would be that especially sick fuck that was just offering to trade child porn...

UB lit his ass up.

You shouldn't be condemning him. You should be thanking him...

He is an extremely loyal friend, and raises the tone of the forum by being a part of it.
MOST of the time IMO... other times he's just talking shit .... i like that he actually grows cannabis when it is clear he could be successful elseware in the world....


Well-Known Member
Please stop trying to control my behaviour with shame and insults. It will not work.

Or maybe THIS would be more up your alley?

By the way I'm done "talking" to you Trowsie. You and I don't see eye to eye, and never will...


Well-Known Member
Naw man i love this site i even like the shit talking, but not from buck. Believe me when i tell u the site will be ok. Xenforo,Cloudflare and the creator Megatron.illutioncreations are all happy to rid buck of there proxy server,as of today they make 77$ a day for each member and he is making ppl delete their accounts and losing money...they will be happy
You been talking to lawyer dog again?



Well-Known Member
Please stop trying to control my behaviour with shame and insults. It will not work.
"Behavior" with a "u" is funny to me. It makes me want to write a cheque.

I am not trying to change your ridiculous, vain and unbalanced behavior, I am just amused buy it.

By the way I'm done "talking" to you Trowsie. You and I don't see eye to eye, and never will...
You have said that many times. Then you made a thread about how you want me to like you.
All along I have asked for his to be in private messages.
I have not initiated any contact with you and only replied to your posts about or to me.

It is not a matter of use seeing eye to eye, it is that I will not be what you want me to be.
I am not going to be some epooning weirdo metaphorically tonguing your asshole in hopes of getting a glimpse of your tits.

You want me to be a part of your fan club, I think you should respect yourself.
Neither seems likely.



Well-Known Member
You are entitled to your opinion.

Now why don't you just go ahead and...

How many times do I have to tell you that before you get it?

Maybe ONE more will do the trick...

You said you were done talking to me.
The next time you are not talking to me, why not come up with something funny instead of that tired old video you post ad nauseam?


Well-Known Member
"Behavior" with a "u" is funny to me. It makes me want to write a cheque.

I am not trying to change your ridiculous, vain and unbalanced behavior, I am just amused buy it.

You have said that many times. Then you made a thread about how you want me to like you.
All along I have asked for his to be in private messages.
I have not initiated any contact with you and only replied to your posts about or to me.

It is not a matter of use seeing eye to eye, it is that I will not be what you want me to be.
I am not going to be some epooning weirdo metaphorically tonguing your asshole in hopes of getting a glimpse of your tits.

You want me to be a part of your fan club, I think you should respect yourself.
Neither seems likely.


Well-Known Member
And your wrong, the mods live in the city's that the server is located in and thats Singapore, Australia,Georgia, Italy, CalIfornia, Texas and a few other geological areas. The mods are hired thru xenforo witch is the program designer and work for the servers,cloudflare and another one i cant remember.
OK and...mods and admin are two different things as far as I know. Anyone can ask to be a mod.


Well-Known Member
You said you were done talking to me.
You are not very good at not talking to me.
In the future,when you are not talking to me, could you do it in private messages?

I'm going to bet money right now that Fucking Trousers was one of the sock accounts that got every naughty thread locked down tight.
Where does one make such bets? Is there some sort of Moron Casino in Canadia?
I have been here longer than you, dumb dumb.
I have one account here. Go pester the mods and have them look at ip addresses precious child.
Multiple accounts or socks are not my style.
I am honest. That is one of the many things you hate/love about me.

I have never received this amount of blind negative energy from someone except from Trousers, and those dickless, no-nothing, pathetic pussy-faced socks.
So why do you keep talking to/about me? Why did you make a thread about how you want me to like you? It is like you want it.

What kind of a fun-ruining retard gives 2 shits what strangers post on the internet. DON'T READ IT IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT!!!
You should calm down. If this place made me as mad as you are getting, I would leave and seek counseling.

Do you know how to read, you ignorant fuck?
No, I do not know how to read.

Isn't there an ignore button? Use it already!
It was great for those few hours when you had me on ignore and did not talk about me. It was much nicer for me and people did not have to read your ridiculous posts about me. Please put me back on ignore and stop talking to me and about me.

I think myself, and probably EVERYONE ELSE is tired of hearing what you think of me.
I have asked you more than a dozen times to take this to private messages, precious child.


There is no page to turn, we have been over this. I have asked you to stop talking to me or about me. I asked that if you must you take it to private messages.

You could not handle that so you made a thread about me.
I am not going to fawn over you in hopes that you post a bewb pic.

Deal with it.


Well-Known Member
OK and...mods and admin are two different things as far as I know. Anyone can ask to be a mod.

I thought it was a punishment for something.

Like you ate a magical apple and a witch hexed you to baby sit a bunch of whining pussies on the internet until the end of time....

Or something...
