Miniature hut I made from ganja stems/stalks


Active Member
This is the best idea I have ever gotten from this site- I am going to take your idea and claim it was mine, - Beardo's the original grass hut, thanks
THIEF!! I might just do this too though, or something similar... :shock:

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Is this piece secured together by string or something?
My lovebird would really like to sleep in a box like this. He's a real pothead.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
omfg that is so cute. if it happens take a picture and share please! :)
I will for sure take a picture of my little lovie "Pickel" for you. He is especially fond of harvest time. He helps to trim the buds with his little beak.
He sucks on the leaves and maniucures them. By the end of the day he's meowing instead of cherping.
I actually just used some clear Elmer's glue. The box was made by gluing 2 down one way, then 2 down perpendicular, just like lincoln logs. Took like 2 days to dry. This thing used like 10% of the old stem I have bagged up.


Well-Known Member
Dude a bird? that helps trim and grow? Seriously, that is FUCKING awesome. Imagine if you were a bird that had a nice loving grower as an owner? Hell imagine if you could even fly! You could just get high and fly with no concept of buying weed or anything.. nothing, just fly and get high.. Dude thats kick ass lol
sorry dude this is my idea and I did it first. copy written @ Beardo- The original grass hut.
Let's see the pics, homie. I just killed off 3 males this week, so I'll soon have another big pile of dried stalk ready to be used for add-ons, such as a driveway, maybe a chimney, perhaps a dope dog out front. So yeah...I win, but I'm totally stoked to see what you other folks can come up with. I've also got about 50 roach papers saved up and dried pressed fanleaves galore. I think eventually this entire thing will be full. So by all means, to all you other grass-hoarders: bring it ;).


Active Member
A bird that helps trim is pretty sick but I want those bears from B.C. that were guarding those weed fields lol. OR LIONS! Nobody fucks with a lion!