Micro Closet growbox under contruction


Well-Known Member
Hey Toast...

I think the bigger the res... the better off the plant is...

But we have space issues too... so I would go with the biggest size you can manage...

If you post some pictures, I will compare them to the containers I got and we'll see.... but I am not an expert.... I just got the biggest I could work with... hehehe....




Well-Known Member
Hey everybody. Haven't been around for a couple weeks, but I've been making major progress. I found a hydro store near me, the guy working there was really cool, and hooked me up with a 150w hps and ballast set up for $75. I also got some rockwool cubes, real net pots, ph up and down, and some perlite, so I'm sittin pretty now. My parental unit is going out of town for a week, so I will be busy finishing construction on the box, wiring power to the closet, and basically finishing the construction and set up phase. AND... I got some free weed from a friend who had a test coming up, and in it were 7 seeds, so if all goes well, I'll be germing seeds in a couple weeks. pics to come!


Active Member
subscribed... I am going to do something similar but am going to convert an old dresser (Ultimate Stealth Style) anyways thanks for the post hope all goes well.


Well-Known Member
Thanks purpcraze, its kinda slow now, but things should be picking up very soon. I can't wait. Drop me a line when you get a thread up, I'd love to compare and check out your op.


Active Member
Will do man. I think I have deceided I am going to go with Low Ryder 2, it is auto flowering, small in stature, and gets a decent yeild, I dont know mabye something you might think about.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm definitely considering a lowryder strain, but I've got some bagseed for my first grow, so I can get my fingers sticky so to speak. I don't really want to eff up some expensive seeds with some totally noob mistake, which is completely possible. Worst case scenario, I kill off some seeds I paid nothing for, and gain some knowledge in the process.


Active Member
Yeah I might do the same because I dont know if I have the guts yet to order seeds online. My first grow will probably be bag seeds and the aerogarden nutes. The only thing that concerns me is that I have read that when seeds come out of good bud, then they are most likely hermies, and that is all the bag seeds I got.


Well-Known Member
I haven't heard that seeds from good bud were hermies. Seems to me like seeds from good bud is kinda a oxymoron, cuz around here bud with seeds isnt that good. Plants use up energy on seed formation and less on trich and resin production. However, even if they do go herm on you, you'll have grown some plants all the way through showing sex, and your next grow will be that much better for it.


Well-Known Member
Alright guys, I need some advice. I need to route power from one wall of my room about 6 feet along the wall into the closet, and I have one of several options that I can think of. The outlet is behind my bed, so that part isn't an problem, but one option is running an extension cord under the crawl space of my house, which would involve drilling some holes through the wooden floor. (easily reversible) This way would be the most hidden I think, because it would go straight into the ground then pop back up in my closet. The other way would be to route is through the wooden trim under the carpet, which may be as easy as wedging it under there, or as hard as removing the trim, running the cord, then replacing the trim. This seems less easy, because there is corners and stuff to go around. Let me know what you guys think, or if there is some other way I haven't even thought of.


Well-Known Member
Drill a 1/2 inch hole under the wall socket and one in the closet run it in the crawl space in fact run two just in case! Cut the end off the extension cord and replace wth a new screw-on style ends. Dont forget large staples or bent nails to hold wire to te rafters in the crawl space.



Well-Known Member
Hey everybody
So.... I got some 120cm fans and a power supply, so at this point, I have everything I need to grow. I'm waiting for the sealer to dry on my box, then it needs another coat, then the cracks need to be sealed too, then the whole thing painted, then cutting and mounting and wiring fans and stuff, then holes drilled in my floor and power routed to my closet, then........


I have about a 3 day window to achieve this goal, and I think it is entirely doable. I'm taking pics, and will take more throughout the steps of construction, so in the next couple days I should have a sizeable update with lots of pics. Tips, questions, comments, mindless bantering welcome.



Well-Known Member
What up everybody.
Here are some pics for you guys, a little peek of things to come.

To give people an idea on how I decided to hang my light, this stuff is like .79c a foot at OSH. You can use two pairs o pliers to remove/replace links. Two hooks are going to be screwed into the top of my box, and I can move the light up or down by hooking it higher or lower on the chain. Super cheap!

Fans yo. These are extremely quiet, and move a lot of air, AND were some of the cheapest they had, so I'm very happy. I already removed the 4pin connectors. Blue for clean air, green for dank air hahaha.

Here's an adapter you can use to power the cpu fans. It was only like $14.99, and switches between outputs, so I can bring my fan speed down to 9v if I wanted to.

Something I didn't even know about these fans till I wired them up.

More to come.


Well-Known Member
Haha dude, the second picture in my most recent post is chains hooked up to my 150w HPS. So, I'm covered. Thanks for stopping by though!


Active Member
I dont think you will have a prob if you let the fans run, that is what I will be doing most likely. I am diggin all your sweet gadgets. It is going to be awsome when your done, keep up the good work.



Well-Known Member
To anyone still scribed to my thread...
I am back in the game, and my box is currently about 90% done. I don't have my cam, so I can't do a pic update for about a week, but my needs list is pretty damn small. I still need to run power in to the closet, and I need some environmental things (temp & hum.), then I need to wire everything up. Vent holes have been drilled tonight in the box, my DWC tub could use some more coats of primer to make it light tight. Pretty much a bunch of little things between now and gettin some seeds in the rock. Thanks to anyone still stickin around, it should get more interesting!