Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
actually that male with female traits is rare and should be kept alive...you can breed that male with any female showing those traits(hermi) and it does a reversal on the seeds basicly breeding out the hermi trait...fighting fire with fire so to speak

and thi is the answer to the whole strains being done quicker than others now you can buy a strain that states it will be done in 7 weeks and ppl see this as being done early oct maybe even sept, but when flowering time comes it's the last plant budding. Or the other way around you have a 8 week strain thats done sept 15..so what's up?...basicly this is a result of plants that flower with as little as 9 hours of darkness. Most seed breeders dont have the chance to test there seeds outdoors anymore and they cant tell you when its going to be done, so they think 7 weeks oh it will be done early when in reality this plant needs a full 12 hours to start flowering and wont be done untill late october...

I was worried about my GWS they said end of sept but I wasnt 100% trusting their word on it but the plants got huge and the flowers have started to bloom...and last week i think I checked sun up/set and we had a total of 9:14 dark in my neck of the woods i know its more like 9:45 now...


Well-Known Member
hey neighbors, took a walk with the rain this morning and am glad I did. about half the girls I checked on had a few yellow leaves on the bottom, I'm glad I had fertilizer in hand!.. Well so far I am still looking good, Have not had a plant cut down or ripped up yet,so thats real good. If they don't get took in the next 5 weeks they will most likely be there at the end.

Right know it's looking like I am going to have to go through and harvest 2 times, but we will see. Oh and that friggin trainwreck looks like it's starting to bud but still no hairs yet on it.


Well-Known Member
well thats good to here hic.. what trainwreck do you have? from what breeder I mean...my GWS are in there 2nd week of flowering...OH and a quick wierd Q ,for everyone, that I've notice with some ppl and some vids on the net, When do you consider your plants flowering? as soon as you flip to 12/12 or as soon as you notice the hairs and forming calyx's?...personaly when you flip to 12/12 games on, but I have seen a few vids across the net that say week 1 when there plant already has a button on it!

Anyways I'll be harvesting twice myself maybe three times due to having 3 strains out there...The GWS will be done sept 19th(8weeks)-25th(9weeks)...and the blue hash oct 10th, blue fruit even later at october 20th which wont happen in my neck of the woods, be far to cold an moldy by then.

A few of my girls also got lit up bad by thrips or aphids while waiting for my safers concentrate to come in the mail... which if you oreder from the safers site it's only 18.00 and comes in 3 days(to MI) plus you can sign up and get 10% off and free ship with 25$ purchase..so sprayed the girls down good and have been removing dead/yellow leaves cuz its not fall yet!..

All my plants look great except for one that was almost destroyed by a pack of rabid bugs, it looks like hell and its all scragly due to too much leaf loss im sure. but the other 13 GWS look amazing, I also went out yesterday and had to cut down some small thorny trees and stick them in the ground infront and around the 2 biggest GWS for better camo just to break it up from the sky...

any other good sug. that I ca do for camo? the area im in is like all these big bushes and I've put my plants in between them the bushes are about 10-18ft tall and somtimes 20ft across, so basicly walked around the outside of the bush and found a spot that I could throw a plant in or made one myself ... now the plants are huge and dont so much blend like they did when they were 5-6ft tall I didnt plant on having a 8-10ft bush...lol...I wont mind at all come harvest!


Is it too late to put something outside??

I have a few 5 footers and someone offered me the use of an outdoor climate controlled greenhouse..Would it be too late to put them
out in the house in some 50 gallon smart pots?? I figure if it gets too late in the year I can always turn on the heat at night to finish them up?

I'm no stranger to indoor, but never done greenhouse before.



Well-Known Member
yea it can rain for the next 3 weeks or so...then I pray for nothing but 70 degree weather and 20% humidity, maybe a light breeze...lol...then two beautiful blondes will come up to me outta nowhere and want me for thier next porno flick!


some thinking music...get the art out TIME TO THROW SOME GRAFFITI!

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
IranianG13.jpgJillybean.jpg Well here are 2 of the girls the others are really close the jilly bean is at least 7 ft tall the Iranian has a stem bigger then a beer can
Thinkin the Iranian wont finish in Aug maybe mid to late Sept
Nice lookin Ladies there hic
Saw 4 bucks 3 6 point anda 12 point


Well-Known Member
Hey Green Dave nice plants. looks like you almost need to be standing on them to see em, awesome job makin em blend in with the surroundings!. Where's Pothead 32? did he get grounded?lol. Sorry to hear them iranians won't be done in august ,but hey you'll get more. Cool to hear your seeing some bucks, I am seeing a few here and there to...ha ha won't be long and I'll be kentucky fried stoned bow hunting!

oh and KB that is ghs trainwreck

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Ya hic they are a bitch to find you can walk within a few yards before you can find them even if you know they are there
I cant take credit for that mother nature did most of the work

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
How is that auto smoke wise I hear that the yeild is not the best and that the smoke had a lot to be desired but they have done alot of crossing latly
Looks good Dude


Well-Known Member
nice fella's glad to see im not the only one gonna be makin out fat this year!...I dont have any new pics as I forgot to take some yesterday but i'll probably go back out tomar..I feel ok but not like 100% there, been trying to kick a habit of mine that well isnt easy, I get sick when I dont take my meds (pills, not pot)..while also tryn to quit smoking cigg's...might as well do it all at once lol