Mg Deficiencey?? how do I treat?


Well-Known Member
I think my plants have a Mg deficiencey but im not sure. If it is how do I treat, if not any suggestions to what it might be. thanks much!!IMG_1161.jpgDSC_0013.jpgDSC_0011.jpgDSC_0006.jpgDSC_0002.jpg
they're in 3gal pots.20" tall and I just started flowering a week ago


Ursus marijanus
I see traits of N, P and K deficiencies ... no identifiable Ca or Mg tells ... I would feed with a typical grow fert. cn


Well-Known Member
Looks like mag and potassium. Add cal mag and a potassium additive to your nutes start at half strength and if not corected After a week go full. You can't go by damage levase you have to watch the larger healthy ones. Later you will trim off the bad and your done if no other yellowing. Just know you have to add the to the feeding regiment or you will get it agine. Good luck


Ok #1 what are you feeding them?
#2 what type of water are you using?
#3 what is your ph?
Those 3 questions will tell everyone a ton when asking this question! Why because it could be and probably is a mg issue but then the question is why are you having this issue? Bsafe


Well-Known Member
My ph is around 6.2-6.5 after I mix nutes. I use tap water and for nutes I'm using botanicare pure blend pro grow and bloom. I've been using 1tablespoon per gal of the grow for about a month now. Last watering I used just a tablespoon of bloom. Should I be using both or more of one? This is my first grow