medical marijuana questions


Well-Known Member
Ideally, once it's legal to buy it will also be legal to grow. If that's the case I'm happy enough to build a cabinet and grow my own supply. I just need possession and consumption legalized.


Well-Known Member
It should be a lot easier than that.....that's for sure...
I was instrumental in changing my doctors mind......she even asked me if I wanted to be hooked up with an LP last time I was said No thanks....
good luck...and relax it will work out and you will be legal.....and soon It probably won't matter anyways....
My feeling is legal rec weed will kill any medical market....just due to price....
So you never had a LP? You just went to dispensaries then?


Well-Known Member
My recommendations:
  1. Ask your doctor to fill out prescriptions for 2 LPs. Be prepared to explain why (show proof that they have low supply, low quality, you need 2 different strains, etc). You might get lucky.
  2. Signup for an LP that gives out memership cards (ie: Aphria - I know there are others, but that's the only one I've seen in person)
  3. Take the membership card and a photocopy of your prescription to the local compassion club or dispensary and start a relationship
  4. Order from an LP once so you have a legal container for MMJ
At this point you should now have a good source (dispensary), a legal document in case you get pulled over (membership card - most cops don't know the difference) and a legal container (whatever bottle or bag the LP provided). You're now living in a pseudo-legal realm that shouldn't fail you, without having to smoke the irradiated crap from the LPs.
Thank you for the list and your help! So when a doctor decides to give you a mmrp, they'll give you a prescription on the spot (along with choosing a LP)?

Now I just need a doctor who will prescribe me, I'm looking into it but the results are sparse. Random question: do dispensaries usually carry pure CBD oils? ...In case I never find a dispensary or LP that carry CBD dominant strains


Well-Known Member
Not pure cbd. But most cc's carry strains and other products high in cbd that won't get you stoned. Don't even bother with lp's they're all overpriced shit.
Thank you for the list and your help! So when a doctor decides to give you a mmrp, they'll give you a prescription on the spot (along with choosing a LP)?

Now I just need a doctor who will prescribe me, I'm looking into it but the results are sparse. Random question: do dispensaries usually carry pure CBD oils? ...In case I never find a dispensary or LP that carry CBD dominant strains


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the list and your help! So when a doctor decides to give you a mmrp, they'll give you a prescription on the spot (along with choosing a LP)?

Now I just need a doctor who will prescribe me, I'm looking into it but the results are sparse. Random question: do dispensaries usually carry pure CBD oils? ...In case I never find a dispensary or LP that carry CBD dominant strains
if you're in Vancouver, Green Cross Society carries CBD oil. i believe it's $60/g or 1 ml syringe


Well-Known Member
anxiety, well i wont lie; if you're uncomfortable growing, it aint gonna help that at all while it's growing ;)
Tell me about it :)
Everytime I opened the door my anxiety would soar and dip based on how perky the leaves were and what the humidity and temperature gauges said.
Such volatile ladies.


Well-Known Member
Hey guy, natural health clinic is giving away licences for mmpr for free!! They just opened a clinic in Edmonton!

I personally have the mmar with the right to grow sustained until a relevant court case has been decided.

Can still grow at the location assigned....unfortunately I need to change locations and as patients under the mmar, we are unable to do so....

Cheers mate!!

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Is that the "Lynwood Natural Health Clinic"?

All i could find on the google...


Well-Known Member
summers coming. screw signing up and jumping hoops.. just plant a seed ;)
just growing itself actually helps A LOT with depression.
anxiety, well i wont lie; if you're uncomfortable growing, it aint gonna help that at all while it's growing ;)
Oh, it's a dream of mine. I wish I could but there's almost no places to grow stealthy where I live, I would do it with a partner but I got nobody :( (anybody in GTA area, *cough *cough*)

And also the paranoia takes over which converts into anxiety but it'd be worth it for a successful grow because it'll make me so happy!