Meat Cleavered in London


Well-Known Member
i think people would feel more comfortable if he was not black, but a more traditional looking terrorist
something a little more Team America friendly

desert dude

Well-Known Member
It was actually Elvis that did the murders. JFK ordered him to behead that poor British soldier under penalty of no more blow jobs from Marilyn.

Conspiracy theorists are deranged.


Active Member
lol @ video and media claiming "machettes" hahaha, those are bloody kitchen knifes ....

I'm betting it was personal, and the purps simply flipped it to some stupid religeous thing in hopes to get support.
Screw that.

Its good the civilians didnt mob on on them .... seems to be a civil country, right ? :)

And the armed forces didnt even kill them, they'll get prosecuted, and hopefully thrown in jail with lots of white chrisitians with a strong affection for millitary personel.
Lets see them love their faith there.

If I could, +rep for the english.


Well-Known Member
He grew up in london and went to school in Romford he has family all over the area

Doer you're clearly an imbecile, as i said yesterday he sounded pretty local
but in your ignorance you thought you knew better because you have Nigerian and British friends on the internet LOL
i have only lived in the general area for over 30 years but what would i know...

The best thing for you to do is admit you were wrong that will in some way save what little credibility you have left
Yet, they are Nigerian as I said. They spoke about women in the homeland. What, Essex is the homeland? I know there are dozens of Londoner accents, divided by class. And this is Nigerian Enclave accent as I said and you the Londoner deny. They are indeed Nigerian, so I've not losing my hearing.

It must not be PC to regard different accents and link them to African Jihad.

I'm not PC. So. clear now, bro? :) don't know me at all, if you think these slim insults are meaningful. Just put me on the ignore list please, but don't throw into the brier patch!!!

I'm not after credibility. I'm influencing, if you like it or not. If you think so or not, or if it is good or not. Don't care. Self Absorbed.


Well-Known Member
lol @ video and media claiming "machettes" hahaha, those are bloody kitchen knifes ....

I'm betting it was personal, and the purps simply flipped it to some stupid religeous thing in hopes to get support.
Screw that.

Its good the civilians didnt mob on on them .... seems to be a civil country, right ? :)

And the armed forces didnt even kill them, they'll get prosecuted, and hopefully thrown in jail with lots of white chrisitians with a strong affection for millitary personel.
Lets see them love their faith there.

If I could, +rep for the english.
Those are meat cleavers. I suppose that's a kitchen knife.


New Member
Hero? Fool?

In America we don't stand there and talk to someone with blood on his hands.
He is a hero? Where are the Cops?

WE DO NOT stand for this. It doesn't happen here. We gang up and wrestle them down
and kick the shit out of them. Nobody goes a murdering here with hackers. They will die.

No, your cops love shooting innocent an people. Period.

That is way it happens on airplanes even. We don't just stand there, like sheep.
They were shouting Jihad...the pussiness of London is an embarrassment.

Yeah, stupid sheep retake a plane only to crash it into a field.

Damn man. I'm a Boy Scout and a martial dude. For me and 2 big guys, it would be..Let's Roll.
I'd hit him so hard with the nearest garbage can and pile on.

You sound hard and really tough. Have you thought about using your skills to train green berets? Forgive me but you sound like Oscar the grouch.

It just happens. I've been in it before. Instant and lawful vigilante. For our own protection.
We are not Subjects.
Stop while your ahead bro, your ASS-umptions about London and the rest of the world are so far a field we are honestly laughing at your ignorance. Oh and don't for a second think you're not a subject...


New Member
Don't be retarded. It happens here and the neighborhood chases these guys down and the police resuce them and we are patted on the head.
"don't kill em boys!!" I told my little store robbery story, my home invasion stories. We don't stand there. Subjects freeze.
Americans act.

So, dream on, boy-o. It would never be. A gangsta would have a brick on his head...I'm not kidding. 3-4 angry men and 2 punks with knives. And 1 of us is armed, secretly, just for this. We see this on TV, for real. Some old dude stands up. Boom.

We don't know each other, but we know our Rights. Tango Toast, gurranteed.

Kill. It is an instinct, I guess. Valuable.
You watch too much tv... Sign up for af/pak, head over and show us all how it should be done...


Active Member
Those are meat cleavers. I suppose that's a kitchen knife.
Meat cleavers are indeed a standard item in any good kitchen.

The media in our country (at least on the radio in the car earlier) claimed muslims with machettes had attacked a millitary soldier, assuming it was an act of terror.
Hype crazy media fanatics, they are the true trolls.

The purp in the video looked high too, probably on khat.


New Member
what is the point of you saying you would of stopped it,
the only point is your trying to act like a tough guy, it is pathetic
stop acting like a white knight you are pathetic no one cares how tough you think you are

This would of never of happened in America BECAUSE WE ARE SO TOUGH lmfao do you truly realise how juvenile and ignorant you are ?
This is a statement from a Texan, who hasn't been outta the states and has no idea on how the rest of the world views the "American fuck yeah" attitude.

Borat showed the WORLD everything we need to know about Texans.


Well-Known Member
Meat cleavers are indeed a standard item in any good kitchen.

The media in our country (at least on the radio in the car earlier) claimed muslims with machettes had attacked a millitary soldier, assuming it was an act of terror.
Hype crazy media fanatics, they are the true trolls.

The purp in the video looked high too, probably on khat.
That would fit. But, that early report was true, I think. They said they hit him with the car, and 2 guys jumped out yelling Jihad.
One had a cleaver and the other a Machete. They hacked him to death and dragged him into the road.

They gave Jihadist statements.

What is so hard? The personal agenda filter we all carry, Mr. Mind makes it difficult to see even the most obvious.


New Member
Oh, yeah, I've been saying. As soon as something happens the Subjects lose the right to know. Neat trick. The press is the restricted press we rebelled against.
Honestly, how fucking stupid are you? Have you been living under a rock for the last 50years as a national security state has risen all around you...

Right to know? Free press? can you say national security? Seen war on whistleblowers?


Active Member
That would fit. But, that early report was true, I think. They said they hit him with the car, and 2 guys jumped out yelling Jihad.
One had a cleaver and the other a Machete. They hacked him to death and dragged him into the road.

They gave Jihadist statements.

What is so hard? The personal agenda filter we all carry, Mr. Mind makes it difficult to see even the most obvious.
I dont believe this was an organised attack, especially not from any real extreme muslim faction which tries to spread terror.
If it would be a true terror attack, doesnt the knifes bit seem a bit petty ? They use frigging planes or bombs or at least some firepower or attack known public figures.

Hitting some john doe with a car then attacking with knifes and blades ? thats not organised, that sounds personal.


New Member
That picture of the muslim guy with a meat cleaver and butcher knife with blood soaked hands and arms yelling Allah Akbar is pretty much the signature image of Islam in most non muslim's minds. Terrible PR problem, that. All of the "religion of peace" prattling sounds a bit thin.
All terrible PR problems can be rectified...



Ursus marijanus
i think people would feel more comfortable if he was not black, but a more traditional looking terrorist
something a little more Team America friendly
I don't think that's the issue. Educated Americans understand that Europe is a quiltwork of all races and colors. cn


Well-Known Member
I pulled a pistol on a Sheriff's deputy before. When it was all over the deputy apologized for his actions and we all had a laugh after he told us he peed himself a little.


Well-Known Member
I dont believe this was an organised attack, especially not from any real extreme muslim faction which tries to spread terror.
If it would be a true terror attack, doesnt the knifes bit seem a bit petty ? They use frigging planes or bombs or at least some firepower or attack known public figures.

Hitting some john doe with a car then attacking with knifes and blades ? thats not organised, that sounds personal.
well according to the latest info on the news they drove over 100 miles from Leicester to london and parked in a car park overlooking the barrack gates until someone walked out then well you know the rest