Meat Cleavered in London


Well-Known Member
CNN story about a targeted attack on a guy wearing a tee-shirt sypathetic to the military.

Hit him with the car and hacked him to death.

They dragged his body into the road and invited the on-lookers to cellie vid, their political statements.

African Jehadists. Nigerian by the accent. Covered with blood, yelling about Islam. Yelling against the govt. Saying the women should witness because in his homeland, women also witnessed horror.

Then, since the cops are not armed, they had to calmly wait for armed response to show up.

They shot it out with the cops at that point. Wounded, then taken. In London. In the USA, he would be quickly dead, before the armed response. A citizen would have shot him, guaranteed.


Well-Known Member
You must not have the story straight. You see, they have strict gun contol laws in London. So, they couldn't possibly have "shot it out" with the armed police. Unless, gun control ONLY keeps guns out of the hands of LAW ABIDING citizens, while the criminals carry and use what they please. This story does not fit the current narrative, a decree will be put forth, it MUST be ignored by the MSM.


Well-Known Member
You must not have the story straight. You see, they have strict gun contol laws in London. So, they couldn't possibly have "shot it out" with the armed police. Unless, gun control ONLY keeps guns out of the hands of LAW ABIDING citizens, while the criminals carry and use what they please. This story does not fit the current narrative, a decree will be put forth, it MUST be ignored by the MSM.
Don't worry. They are already talking about making it illegal to cell vid, obvious terrorism.


Well-Known Member

He sounds pretty local to me


Well-Known Member
You're daft. That's Nigerian accented Colony British. I am almost sure.

Have you never been to London? Do you think any but, punk poser Brits sound like this?

Why would you even say it sounds London born? What agenda are you pushing?


Well-Known Member
You're daft. That's Nigerian accented Colony British. I am almost sure.

Have you never been to London? Do you think any but, punk poser Brits sound like this?

Why would you even say it sounds London born? What agenda are you pushing?
i live in london you FOOL
and i said he sounds pretty local, now stop being so dramatic and be more observant it says location LONDON next to my avi LOL

You wouldn't be American by any chance ?


Well-Known Member
i live in london you FOOL
and i said he sounds pretty local, now stop being so dramatic and be more observant it says location LONDON next to my avi LOL

You wouldn't be American by any chance ?
Now now enough of this American VS British nonsense this is a respectful political forum. Nice cuptits.


Well-Known Member
i live in london you FOOL
and i said he sounds pretty local, now stop being so dramatic and be more observant it says location LONDON next to my avi LOL

You wouldn't be American by any chance ?
So, you say. That's my point. Londoners that i know and talk to in business and service folks I see when I am there, don't sound like this.

My Nigerian friends sound like this. I have a guy at work that sits next to me that sounds like this. OF COURSE, they don't talk like this. But, it is the Colonial School accent, as I understand it.

So, I will stipulate for now you are in London. OK. Do the local Nigerians sound this way or not? Now if you are splitting hairs and saying the London local Nigerian enclave sounds like that....then what is your point, at all?

My Nigerian friends and colleagues have made me aware of African Jihad, but you seem to be in denial. The Nigerian situation is dicey. That guy blames you for being stupid. So, this is London HomeGrown street Jihad???

Run, my friend, leave town. pssst...don't you remember him saying "women in my homeland"?


Well-Known Member
Have any of you yet wondered what would have happened if after the filming got going and everyone relaxed a bit. There was even the question about " front of women..." While they wait for the armed response.....

They suddenly turn back to it gets filmed. Good thing you all are not armed. You can't protect yourself, so no worries....RUN.


Well-Known Member
You are very dramatic , you seem so eager to second guess what has happened , why not just wait for the events to unfold
then you will know, without all the childish speculation

i have no interest in your political agenda, my only interest in this story is that it happened in Woolwich which is an area that i once lived in
the only thing that makes this news is the word terrorism that has been attached to it,
woolwich is not the nicest of places, people getting stabbed and killed there is not uncommon

your This would not happen in AMERICA John Wayne attitude is very juvenile but it is fairly typical i do not blame you for that

no he does not sound Nigerian , i have lived around this area south east london for over 30 years lol , the Nigerian accent is very well known here
it has already been pointed out by others in news reports that he does not sound Nigerien he does not have a strong Nigerian accent at all, so he could of been in the country for a long time
this will all come out as the events unfold, your speculation based on your British friends accents on the internet is preposterous

the biggest concern for many locals will be having to listen to all the silly newsreaders mispronouncing WOOLWICH locals will know that
the correct pronunciation is WOOL-IDGE having to hear all the middle-class accents on the news pronouncing WOOL-itch must be hurting the ears of many a local
folk who live in Grin-idge GREENWICH have the same issues lol


Well-Known Member
You must not have the story straight. You see, they have strict gun contol laws in London. So, they couldn't possibly have "shot it out" with the armed police. Unless, gun control ONLY keeps guns out of the hands of LAW ABIDING citizens, while the criminals carry and use what they please. This story does not fit the current narrative, a decree will be put forth, it MUST be ignored by the MSM.
the average member of the public cannot get hold of guns due to the laws but still easy enough to get hold of if you know the right (dodgy) people


Well-Known Member
They don't even have tasers?
Average police on the street/on patrol carry CS spray and flick batons, dog units whizz around in cars n have the same plus tazers, and the armed respons units ( generally 2-3units per county) have batons, CS spray, tazers, a semi-auto and a sidearm


Well-Known Member
Well, because I am already hearing more about it than you, obviously. It has been called a terror attack by the PM or some muck muck.

And I know, that you won't hear much more about it. And I have the right to say what I want, when i want. We don't have hate speech law.


Well-Known Member
Hero? Fool?

In America we don't stand there and talk to someone with blood on his hands.
He is a hero? Where are the Cops?

WE DO NOT stand for this. It doesn't happen here. We gang up and wrestle them down
and kick the shit out of them. Nobody goes a murdering here with hackers. They will die.

That is way it happens on airplanes even. We don't just stand there, like sheep.
They were shouting Jihad...the pussiness of London is an embarrassment.

Damn man. I'm a Boy Scout and a martial dude. For me and 2 big guys, it would be..Let's Roll.
I'd hit him so hard with the nearest garbage can and pile on.

It just happens. I've been in it before. Instant and lawful vigilante. For our own protection.
We are not Subjects.


Well-Known Member
To even suggest that the outcome would have been better in the USA is just a joke.
Get a grip. Violence and guns just breed more guns and violence. If it were legal to carry guns here, it would just escalate. We would end up with people flying aeroplanes into each other (OK, that wasn't a good example as the us gov did that to start an oil war) and people going around schools shooting kids.


Well-Known Member
Well, because I am already hearing more about it than you, obviously. It has been called a terror attack by the PM or some muck muck.

And I know, that you won't hear much more about it. And I have the right to say what I want, when i want. We don't have hate speech law.

I doubt that mate, all over every channels news and i only live 15miles away an got friends in that area lol


Well-Known Member
Hero? Fool?

In America we don't stand there talk to someone with blood on his hands.

WE DO NOT. We gang up and wrestle them down and kick the shit out of them.

That is way happens on airplanes even. We don't just stand there.
As brave as that sounds on the internet mate I somehow cant see unarmed people trying to disarm 2 men with multiple knives that have just tried beheading someone in the street lol