McCain is a refreshing blast from the past.. . . .

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New Member
[SIZE=+1]There is a further drawback to common ownership: the greater the number of owners, the less the respect for the property. People are much more careful of their own possessions than of those communally owned; they exercise care over public property only in so far as they are personally affected. Other reasons apart, the thought that someone else is looking after it tends to make them careless of it.[/SIZE]
Aristotle, Politics, Book II, Chapter 3 (T.A. Sinclair, Penguin, 1962, p. 58)

Big P

Well-Known Member
lol, did Saddam ask for help?

my friend if we could help everyone all at once we would. since we cant do everything for everyone all at once pls just wiat paciently as we are doing are best, godforbid while we are spilling our blood we are not allowed to choose the places with the most urgent need for the security of all free nations

ill just paste it for u so u can understand from a different thread because u guys all so blind and ignorent:

My fellow war heros, dont let it all get lost in the chatter of the "people" ("sewing circle")

are you not glad all the alqeda have been killed captured and fled from all of Iraq? thousands of enemies cut down or captured. sworn enemies of america called al queda whom have killed your women and children. does this not make you proud?

everyone should understand that the whole point was to let them take over falujia,

do people ever realize that the plan was to let all these terrorists trickle in and fill up in iraq and to co-aless in one place so we could kill them all in great numbers?

did anyone ever stop to think what George Bush was thinking when he said bring them on?


when bush said that, he was stating his pleasure with the fact they were dumb enough to come and try to fight us! when the reporter says "what do you say about all the terrorists of alqueda coming now to fight" my man says "bring them on" basically says "what do u think we are here for?"

the whole point is to rip them off the face of this planet. period end of story

so we wouldnt have to search for them high an low and far and wide to kill them because that would not fully be possible

dont get it twisted, u men were killing the enemies of america if you served in iraq

give our leaders half a credit. they are not stupid men. those who try to make you believe they are, are either liers or the ignorent people that believe thembongsmilie

you truly are lost in your own bigotry

Big P

Well-Known Member
bush felt like after we were attacked that he could not just sit and wait untill openly defient saddam got sanctions removed and began trying to hurt america again with possibly even a future nuke

as you know his sons would take power even after him and he was a man all about revenge. so much so he was trying to kill Bush sr after he left office. no doublt he was a lose cannon and a clear danger

bush as being responsible for the safty of this country, which its all on his shoulders, he felt the risk was too hi that the sadam would finally tire out the international community and get sanctions removed, rebuild his wmds then pass them to terrorists to attack america without a return address

which i may add is the only way to destroy america without us being able to destroy the country that did it unless we new who it was

1 simple real nuke smuggled in and detonated in DC during the state of the union address would kill 95% of americas federal leadership

as you know a sworn enemy is a sworn enemy whether he has a gun yet or not, u may not wanna wait to find out what he will do if he gets one.

also Abu Musab Al Zarqowi our famous dead butcher / animal of a man was being shilded in saddams iraq and running the terrorist group Ansar Al Islam which then conviniently became "Al Queda in Iraq" as soon as we started dropping bombs on saddam with zarqowi as the leader


New Member
bush felt like after we were attacked that he could not just sit and wait untill openly defient saddam got sanctions removed and began trying to hurt america again with possibly even a future nuke

as you know his sons would take power even after him and he was a man all about revenge. so much so he was trying to kill Bush sr after he left office. no doublt he was a lose cannon and a clear danger

bush as being responsible for the safty of this country, which its all on his shoulders, he felt the risk was too hi that the sadam would finally tire out the international community and get sanctions removed, rebuild his wmds then pass them to terrorists to attack america without a return address

which i may add is the only way to destroy america without us being able to destroy the country that did it unless we new who it was

1 simple real nuke smuggled in and detonated in DC during the state of the union address would kill 95% of americas federal leadership

as you know a sworn enemy is a sworn enemy whether he has a gun yet or not, u may not wanna wait to find out what he will do if he gets one.

also Abu Musab Al Zarqowi our famous dead butcher / animal of a man was being shilded in saddams iraq and running the terrorist group Ansar Al Islam which then conviniently became "Al Queda in Iraq" as soon as we started dropping bombs on saddam with zarqowi as the leader
All bullshit. Saddam was no threat to America.

Big P

Well-Known Member
so solomin

do u think the children of the slain innocent iraqs will be glad in 50 years when thier country is free and thier childrens children and thier childrens children are free forever???

or maybe u think like the average palistinian propeganda that would forsake thier own children for an eternity?

the sad thing is those palistinians , i mean the fucked up ones love thier chilren less than they hate the isralis

so what kind of father is that????

im a palistinian, my grandparents fled from palistine at gunpoint and lost thier home and everything they have and I can even see the sad emarrasment that my people have become

u dont know anything about freedom

Big P

Well-Known Member
All bullshit. Saddam was no threat to America.

garry if a homless man comes to your house without any wepons and says he wants to kill you, and you have an uzi

he has no weapons

do u laugh at him and forget about him?

then he says he wants to kill u and is hiding knives and such, u take his knives and tell him to stop gettin knives and threatening you. u already had to get him of this little guy that was your friend whom he stabbed a few times (kuwait)

then he tries to kill one of your dog (atempt on bush sr) a sad failed attemt,

do you then forget about him again gary ??????

then some other homless guy comes along seemingly urelated to the first homless guy but this guy is nuts and smart, and he uses just one match to burn you house down (9/11)

sure this homless guy seemingly has no connection with the first homless guy who have been threatening you for years. atleast u cant make a connect between them so they are not related or in cahoots

so u being who u are would still ignore the first homless guy and wonder if one day he will manage to get a gernade and actually kill your dog this time or even worse. i mean u say what that other guy did with just a match right?

but me, being a proper defender of my familiy from death. I will go to that first homless guy and tell him, look im sick of your shit, my house just burned down and im not in the mood to fuck with u no more. Either u let me search u for weapons every day or im going to get rid of u, i cant take the risk no more. u are the one threating to do crazy shit all the time

so then he says fuck u, i dont have a gun but im not gonna let u search me.

thats it, he made his choice.

i pop his ass. i gave him all the slack i could

but u defend the homless crazy guy because u dont like me and my family, not because your friends with the homless guy

and to that i say u are an enemy with a secret identity.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
just pointing out your hypocrasy and you fooling yourselfs into beliving you are "good people" or somthing "better" than you really are

I am a good person.... I live everyday trying to be a good person, You must not have read my feelings on the subject otherwise you wouldn't be so broad with your rudeness.

to me everyone is an evil selfish killing pig

I really am sorry you feel that way.

example: instead of going out to that fancy dinner why dont u use that money to save a starving child in africa that is being eatin alive by maggots?

B/C i try and spend it on the dieing starving kids that are in my country!

exactly you wont becaue u are a selfish killer as I am,

i understand what i am, and that i could save lives but choose not too because I would rather by a video game

this is being truly honest with yourself

you guys are just hypocrates

you cannot understand the world if you do not first understand what you are

which is everything you claim to stand against.

wrap you biscuit around that one kiddos!!:mrgreen:

I do understand what i am and i try to make myself better everyday!

this above fact in itself proves that god does not exist or if he does then he is one sick fucker for being able to stop all this suffering but chooses not to

You must understand that there is no good without evil, therefore suffering. . .. . . .

i would piss on a guy like that, not worship him like a selfish fool who is just afraid for thier own death.

your belief has nothing to do with you compasion, instead it has everything to do with your own selfish needs and your fears


So what are my selfish needs??? And death is not something i fear anymore.....i am at peace with the person i've become and continue to shape into.
I'm sorry you have no is a powerful thing...real or not, it is a very powerful thing.

i cant understand how poeple can be so blind. it must be a human mechanisum used to keep you sane in this crazy world. whatever it is it must be natural or it wouldnt occur

maybe i have just evolved beyond this.

maybe i should be the new prophet to shepard you to the truth

You'd probably would get shit thrown at you, sorry.....but true.

:peace: ~~TLB


New Member
garry if a homless man comes to your house without any wepons and says he wants to kill you, and you have an uzi

he has no weapons

do u laugh at him and forget about him?

then he says he wants to kill u and is hiding knives and such, u take his knives and tell him to stop gettin knives and threatening you. u already had to get him of this little guy that was your friend whom he stabbed a few times (kuwait)

then he tries to kill one of your dog (atempt on bush sr) a sad failed attemt,

do you then forget about him again gary ??????

then some other homless guy comes along seemingly urelated to the first homless guy but this guy is nuts and smart, and he uses just one match to burn you house down (9/11)

sure this homless guy seemingly has no connection with the first homless guy who have been threatening you for years. atleast u cant make a connect between them so they are not related or in cahoots

so u being who u are would still ignore the first homless guy and wonder if one day he will manage to get a gernade and actually kill your dog this time or even worse. i mean u say what that other guy did with just a match right?

but me, being a proper defender of my familiy from death. I will go to that first homless guy and tell him, look im sick of your shit, my house just burned down and im not in the mood to fuck with u no more. Either u let me search u for weapons every day or im going to get rid of u, i cant take the risk no more. u are the one threating to do crazy shit all the time

so then he says fuck u, i dont have a gun but im not gonna let u search me.

thats it, he made his choice.

i pop his ass. i gave him all the slack i could

but u defend the homless crazy guy because u dont like me and my family, not because your friends with the homless guy

and to that i say u are an enemy with a secret identity.
oh my...what a bunch of shit........:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Nice post. Now how about breaking Panda's post down piece by piece and then tell us all what you consider to be the "bunch of shit" parts? :blsmoke:

I for one am not wasting my time reading one more post form him, for one it's ridiculously hard to read cause he won't spell check. Then the other half of the time he is just assuming he is more enlightened in the ways of making others moral decisions for them, much like you and Cc. At least you two argue non moral issues


New Member
Give me a B......give me a I..........give me a G.........give me a P........what do you have..........a Man.


New Member
I for one am not wasting my time reading one more post form him, for one it's ridiculously hard to read cause he won't spell check. Then the other half of the time he is just assuming he is more enlightened in the ways of making others moral decisions for them, much like you and Cc. At least you two argue non moral issues
Well, I like intellectual discussions, so when a poster tells another poster that what he has written is a "bunch of shit," that poster should be able to say why he thinks that and what part of the post he disagrees with. I mean, this is a political "discussion" forum, is it not?

Then the other half of the time he is just assuming he is more enlightened in the ways of making others moral decisions for them, much like you and Cc.

The fact is, most of the people who post in this forum don't know what they are talking about. Its not a matter of "assuming we are more enlightened." All you have to do is read some of the posts in this forum to recognize that we ARE more enlightened than most.

And ... who is trying to make moral decisions for others? You're mistaken there, my friend. Unless of course you are talking about our anti-socialism stance. Do you think that by pointing out the thievery that socialism is, we are making moral decisions for others?


PS: I took the liberty to use the spell checker to clean up your post a bit so it will now appear as more understandable to others who may be reading this. :blsmoke:

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
Is this site about growing and existing altogether in peace and harmony or being a bunch of arguing idiots? Politics is for politicians. If you think for one minute what you think makes one iota of difference you're sadly mistaken. Unfortunately we have a 2 party system. Therefore, by it's nature it is divisory. It is meant to keep 50% of the populace acting 1 way and the other 50% the opposite. That way, while we're all distracted and arguing amongst each other the "government" can maintain the staus quo. I swear each and every day Americans are becoming more and more like sheep. Go here, go there, get in the pen and eat your hay so we can shear you all and take your wool. Instead of arguing, get together and effect change for your interests for a change. In the end, it all won't matter. 2027 or 2036, one or the other, may end us all. So I say, "Get your stashes ready for the last party we'll all ever have!" :).


New Member
2027? that the year the Nintendo Wii 3000 comes out? Hell yeah, I'm going to blaze all F'n year that year........IIIIII Wanna bEEEEEE, AN AR CHY