Marijuana in general losing potency over the last few months...

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
I read the first page and a half of this thread and decided to skip ahead and chime in...

I personally don't believe in / don't prefer a long cure. I believe the best overall flavor and effects (total quality) will occur with roughly a one month cure, this of course means it was dried properly, jarred and burped until the perfect moisture level is achieved. I highly respect people such as DJ Short and many others who claim the long cure (years) will produce the best smoke but in my personal experience a solid month is best.

Last fall i cracked open a jar of AK-47 that had been curing in an air tight jar for close to 3 years. I rolled two spliffs, one of the 3 year cured AK and another of some fresh AK that was cured for maybe 3 weeks, both were cuts from the same mother. I knew which spliff was which but my friend did not (blind taste test for her), she and i both agreed that the fresh buds had a much better flavor and didn't really notice a difference in harshness. I cannot say which one packed more of a punch because we each sparked one up at the same time and just traded back and forth for a few hits.

The 3 year cured bud defiantly wasn't as pretty as the fresh bud, the 3 year old bud had changed from a beautiful lime green when first jarred to almost golden brown. I know this wasn't a super scientific test but its my own real world experience...


Well-Known Member
Yes I get the whole tolerance and proper cure thing. And it is my impression that the THC has been increasing. BUT I believe what is happening is a lack of diversity in the gene pool. Strain X is good so let's cross it with strain Y... and strain V... and strain G etc... On and on and on. Back in the early and mid 80's when I smoked A LOT, we would get burnt out on what our dealer had and then he would get something different, and then something different and so on. Mexican A to Monkey Paw to Lambs Breath to Sensimelia, to Thai, to Mexican B, To Panama, to Colombian etc... The gene pool was MUCH more diversified. Personally, I take a single hit off the stuff now a days and I'm LOST in my head for a couple hours. That's all I need. Any more and I get too high. But I haven't been smoking since the 80's and a joint will last me a month. But other friends of mine who have been smoking since then seem to be building a tolerance like never before. Not burnt out, just not high. Not all of my smoking friends since then, but quite a few have. Some MM people have moved up to concentrates. But some people can't afford that or they don't want to do concentrates. There's something much bigger going on here other than curing or weak meds.

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
As for the op's actual topic, i believe its all a big tolerance issue...

There are two types of tolerances when it comes to smoking ganja. The first time is directly related to how often you smoke...

Smoke all day every day and you're just going to get used to feeling right, its that simple. The second type relates to smoking the same cut every day vs. switching things up semi regularly. If you steadily puff on your favorite strain, after a while its just not going to hit you as hard... Switch things up to something new and it may be much more ​effective.