Marijuana fail X


I open up this thread for the all smokers of MJ with the scenario of Best funny moments of yours "High"!

Mine is when i was high and i staring at my door 5 minutes with the key inserted in the door and i didn't know how to open it :))bongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Oh man too many moments to talk about,
One of my memories is when I gave a friend 100 dollars to go down to the store and grab some drinks and snacks for our munchies. Anyways when he gave me the receipt I looked and saw my money given not the change. So all I saw was 100.00 and inwas like WTF man? Why did you spend all the money? He was like no dude I only spent 5 I was like oh shit you did. Just an honest stoned mistake.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
i tried hurdling a shrub one day after far to many bowls...i missed a lil bit and my foot got caught up and i did a face slide



Well-Known Member
My wife and I were taking gravity hits and when we went inside I couldn't get on my bed! I didn't know how to lift my legs or some crap?! Lol, when I finally did (which felt like forever) I was done. Thays all she wrote.


Well-Known Member
I used to work on a commodities trading floor, and we always got high during lunch. Our top client called to discuss the days trades, and I was going on and on for 5 minutes arguing with him that he had bought many contracts, and he kept insisting that he sold them. Finally, he asked me in the most irritated voice, 'Are you fucking HIGH?' That snapped me out of it enough to see that I was saying the exact opposite of what I meant for the entire conversation. I never smoked at work again :)


Well-Known Member
My wife and I were taking gravity hits and when we went inside I couldn't get on my bed! I didn't know how to lift my legs or some crap?! Lol, when I finally did (which felt like forever) I was done. Thays all she wrote.
Oh man that happens to me when I smoke down stairs, it's so hard lifting and moving my legs forward (I'm not fat, ha) when I try to go upstairs.


Well-Known Member
one time i was watchin a movie and accidentally grabbed my bong(its small) instead of my drink. no bueno!


Well-Known Member
We were blazed as fuck and a friend needed me to take him home, but I couldn't find my keys, so he finds them, and it was several of us there so we were talking, so by the time we get to the car I realize I don't have the keys, and the dude found them again. By this point I had dry mouth so I went to go get a drink before we left, while I was taking a drink I realized I didn't know where the fuck my keys were, my friend by this point is getting frustrated as hell. We tear up the house looking for them, only to find them in the car door, I had put it in there to unlock it when I had gotten thirsty.

I take him home, get back and am chilling with my friends toking some more. One of them asks me to take him home, but again, I didn't know where the fuck my keys were, he said, "Oh, no, fuck it, dude, I'll just walk..."


I once went on a rather extreme Atkins diet for about four days. I hadn't smoked any weed in about a month. All that had been in my system at all was mandarins. So I was in a bit of a fragile state.

Me and an aquaintance drove to a park and smoked up, and were planning to drive on soon after. However the weed hit me so intensely that I lay there for about 50 minutes, unable to feel any part of my body except for my teeth

It was scary at the time but has become a fond memory lo


Well-Known Member
Oh man that happens to me when I smoke down stairs, it's so hard lifting and moving my legs forward (I'm not fat, ha) when I try to go upstairs.
I'm not fat either. Lol but there's times when I feel like I am the laziest persin in the world. But still could care less. :)


Well-Known Member
Back in college we were smoking on an outdoor patio when the joint came to me. I tried to pass it to the guy standing next to me and got a bit impatient when he wouldn't take it from me. I looked up and saw his stiff green uniform and brass badge. He talked to us for a while and as he left looked at me and said "next time, don't try to pass the joint to the cop, put it behind your back" and laughed. Epic fail! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
trying to smoke a joint with my ex girlfriend. got down to the roach.
hit the roach and started bullshitting and laughing about whatever
realized the joint roach was no longer btween my fingers but stuck to my bottom lip once it began burning.
smile went to frown real quick there. not a smooth operator....


Well-Known Member
I remember a friend back in highschool taking like 10 knifers in a row and he literally passed out and fell forward onto the red hot blade. The burn was like a big red thumb print right below his bottom lip! Lol at school all the teachers were like wtf happend to you? He was like its a bruise...


Active Member
@ Durden and Raven that shits funny guys, i think both of those scenarios are just the epitomy of getting really stoned with some homies!!! Good shit!!!

Back when i was in college (RTR!!! 4-0 baby!!!) my hair used to be pretty long. one day a friend of mine and these three pretty hot girls all took a ride to get stoned. We got pretty high and ended up parking for like the 3rd or 4th bowl. Well my boy and his gf were in the front and i was sittin bitch between these two cuties. Giggling and jamming out and chilling and all happy go luck and shit i go to hit the bowl and my hair just goes into an inferno. the chick on my left immediately started beating me in the head with a magazine she had to put my hair out, and the chick on my right started slapping my head bare handed. Needless to say the fire was out almost immediately. Chick in the front says "and thats another classic case of when keepin it real goes wrong" I never hooked up with any of those girls. Oh well, shit happens.