Mango, Brains Damage, and G13 Labs Power Skunk


Green Thumb of God
I mix it half and half ffof with some composted shit I have going in my backard. I burned out a few seeds going straight ffof you are right very hot. I agree on pretty much all with the nutes. I usually use the grow big 1-2 times before they go into flower and less than a capful per gallon of water. One bottle is like a years supply. Same with tiger bloom, I use the tiger bloom but only about half a capful every other feeding. the micros are like a ten year supply in those little bottles I use a small pinch of that stuff with every feeding.


Green Thumb of God
Super slow growth going on right now I don't know if I have some kind of heat issue or what the hell has happened. All of the plants are only like an inch tall and sprouting their 2nd or 3rd leaves. I am going to play around with some things and get this resolved. I have never had this issue before but i haven't grown from seed in a long time and I think my clones are adapted to my environment.


Well-Known Member
........let's see a pic of how they're looking. Are the leafs staying tiny too?? Could be heat and/or RH..........


Active Member
Here are some pics of our current problem. I believe the soil was too dense and is slowing growth, what are your thoughts. Nothing has changed much in the veg room, other than the rate of growth.

We also just picked up a microscope to check the nugs. I took a few pics threw it and they turned out all right, it was difficult. The magnification is much better than these pics indicate.



Green Thumb of God
they are actually doing a bit better today. Sill growing slow though. The week old plants have already outgrown the month old plants we started this grow out with.


Well-Known Member
The new room is looking cool! How is it coming?? You guys are going to love having that!!<----much easier to control!
Hey, in your latest pics I notice there are leafs on top of your soil....... You might want to keep that clean----that stuff is heaven for gnats, larvie, mold and fungus as it decomposes...... Just my 2cents.....


Active Member
Sorry about our lack of updates. We had a problem with our soil which has been solved (no more straight potting soil!). Then we started a major project in the garage building our new room. It is not 100% complete, but we have moved all of the girls in. Our Mango plant is looking great, big phat kola on top. Our Brains Damage is coming along more slowly, and the Power Skunk is about as good as garbage. I had a seed from a bag of some great chron, we planted it and had a baby girl, it is doing well. We also have picked up some new seeds and we look to get them going quickly. Not sure on all of these, but I think most are Green House Seeds, here is what we got: Train Wreck, The Church, and the Chiesel... Impressive I know. This garden is back on track. We'll make sure to get some pics up soon. Thanks for all your help and advise.


Well-Known Member
i have been using grow big and tiger bloom strait from 2 weeks old. i talked to a woman at fox farm and its fine to feed grow big and tiger bloom at the same time. never mind she said use the grow big till 2 weeks before flowering is done. mine are kicking ass with it. its keeping the foliage dark healthy green all the way till the end of flower. fox farm rules. but seriously only use about half a capful per gallon of water.

the pics i posted of the seedlings will get grow big in about 3 weeks at the most three weeks. then 3 weeks into a 6 week veg i give em both tiger bloom and grow big. i stopp grow big about 2 weeks before harvest. it has been an rx for sucess for me so far

the last pic i posted has been getting both for a couple weeks now. and its flourishing. you have to go easy in the beggining though so you dont burn em

