Making Hash


Well-Known Member
but he is v also herd that with large marijuana crops in the middle east, once the plants are trimed they rub their hand along the stem of all the plants and make finger hash. but that takes alot of plants!


Well-Known Member
You can use the buds, leaves, seeds and even the stems if u want, but the more buds the more high quality hash ur guna get in the end. Just dont use the roots!!!


New Member
Hahaha chiceh. Figures you would ask for blender hash!!!! LMAO!!! 2 friggin' funny.:mrgreen:
After reading fdd's bubble has recipe (wow), I need something a little easier. Do you have your own recipe for the blender hash (is it the one in growfaqs?) :peace:


New Member
I will check out the bubble hash 'cause I don't care how long it takes me to make it. I LOVE HASH!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
black hash is afghani i believe, and it's black from the way they prepare it, running it thru screens and water and pretty much boiling it in big pots the heat activates the THC and also brings the trichromes together to solidify, its usually black from the heat....also i wouldnt recommend getting any black hash unless you know the product is "clean" the taliban started putting opium into the hash to turn it darker, but you will notice it has a different smell and looks brownish unless you want to be addicted to opium you should always know where it's from, i personally like the "finger hash" because i know how it was prepared start to finish-


Well-Known Member
oh, and wallaby im not sure about the seeds being used, but absolutely about the buds, if you want a strict hash production group of plants, let them grow to full weight and never harvest the buds, just up root the whole thing preferably when it's been able to dry out some of the water and go thru any method you choose the more buds, the more hash you get extra than if you had no buds on a post harvest plant.


Well-Known Member
I thought it was just the darker the hash the more potent it was... and also diferent strains make different darrkenss'


Active Member
Stormfront-lonehippie Here;one Of The Real 60's Hippie Thatmade Hash.first Of All You Grind Herb, Put In Qt. Jar 3/4 Full Of Ice Cold Water, Shake Hard For 15 Min.,let Set For 45.min.,do Prosess Over 3-4 Times Let Set 24 Hrs. Bottom Residue Is Your Hash.


Well-Known Member
Stormfront-lonehippie Here;one Of The Real 60's Hippie Thatmade Hash.first Of All You Grind Herb, Put In Qt. Jar 3/4 Full Of Ice Cold Water, Shake Hard For 15 Min.,let Set For 45.min.,do Prosess Over 3-4 Times Let Set 24 Hrs. Bottom Residue Is Your Hash.

You're a real live hippie!!!!!!!!! We must be friends! I need HIPPIES!


New Member
Good post. I also wondered the same thing because I love black hash. Very interesting. Its just been recently that i have wondered what they do or put in it to make it black and yes I have smelled some very different types of black.
black hash is afghani i believe, and it's black from the way they prepare it, running it thru screens and water and pretty much boiling it in big pots the heat activates the THC and also brings the trichromes together to solidify, its usually black from the heat....also i wouldnt recommend getting any black hash unless you know the product is "clean" the taliban started putting opium into the hash to turn it darker, but you will notice it has a different smell and looks brownish unless you want to be addicted to opium you should always know where it's from, i personally like the "finger hash" because i know how it was prepared start to finish-


New Member
Oh how cool. Oh thanks lonehippie. I am gonna try this 'cause I LOVE hash.:mrgreen:
Stormfront-lonehippie Here;one Of The Real 60's Hippie Thatmade Hash.first Of All You Grind Herb, Put In Qt. Jar 3/4 Full Of Ice Cold Water, Shake Hard For 15 Min.,let Set For 45.min.,do Prosess Over 3-4 Times Let Set 24 Hrs. Bottom Residue Is Your Hash.


Well-Known Member
Stormfront-lonehippie Here;one Of The Real 60's Hippie Thatmade Hash.first Of All You Grind Herb, Put In Qt. Jar 3/4 Full Of Ice Cold Water, Shake Hard For 15 Min.,let Set For 45.min.,do Prosess Over 3-4 Times Let Set 24 Hrs. Bottom Residue Is Your Hash.

I heard of that method before, but i still prefer the family way, I know it's a hard long process but to each his own...

tck, yes the darker the better (I personally enjoy the darkest brown almost black), and yes black hash with no additives is great stuff, but unfortunately the taliban started adding opium to the mix i think around '03' and i think i worded it wrong when i was explaining, so here's another try...they added opium to the mixture for some reason i thought had to do with making it darker, but it turns out the opium turns the hash a dirty brownish black and unfortunately the quality dropped and made people addicted to opium, so now i stay away unless i find people with the real deal-if it crumbles easily without warming it up, or has a powdery residue, stay away.


Well-Known Member
When i think back years ago the hash (early 80's) i smoked was somewhat moist and slightly soft, (it even came in different colors) but the hash i get from the bubble bags is hard as a rock after it's dried, i have been making it with fresh trimmings and it's always green, now i see it should be dried for around 5 days, that would probably change the color of the final product. Any comments?


Well-Known Member
You want full melt clear dome ...................good hash melts doesn't smolder....real hash is properly dried by breaking it into powder and letting it dry properly not pressing it wet in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Could you please explain what breaking it into powder means? How do you properly dry it? The shit I make is hard after it dries, I just let it air dry on it's own. Educate me please


Well-Known Member
after dabbing it with the pressing screen with a towel on each side you should put it on a dessicant such as triple corrugated cardboard and break it into lil bits and spread out so it can dry properly. notta problem here to help and man for much more in depth info check out the bubble man's new forums at haha where i've been checking out sick shit and soaking up knowledge just spreading what i've learned there....