
Well-Known Member
get a laptop, they are only like $600 or something.............
mainliner... ok critty I admit I am only 14
letsgetcritical... you shouldn't be on here
mainliner... don't tell sunny lol
letsgetcritical.. your secret is safe with me Ian
lol your a total idiot lol

i posted some picks of myself the other day on that picture of your self thread !!

feel free to photshop lol


Well-Known Member
get a laptop, they are only like $600 or something.............
mainliner... ok critty I admit I am only 14
letsgetcritical... you shouldn't be on here
mainliner... don't tell sunny lol
letsgetcritical.. your secret is safe with me Ian
lmfao!! You just added Ian lol


Well-Known Member
Turn the phone sideways, as in landscape and it should show.

How long you had that phone?

Have you ever been arrested or done community service? I think you have.
turned the phone still not work :(

10 month

been arrested for some stuff i did and some stuff i didn't ....... Kidnapping for my crack and heion habit wasn't one of them :)

no community service for i am a good man and was too clever not to as a teenager:) plus my dad was a commnuity service superviser.

plus i thought it was Lauren who killed Lucy on eastenders lol ....... Before u ask :)


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Other then mainliner, mainliner2, mainlinerkush, bradburry, Iloveskywalkerog what other screen names do you use?
Thank you that just explained a lot.
Dude that could be Finshaggy's dad...
You have all the good openings today. I thought FinSpermy's dad was a turkey baster and his mom was not a speciesist.
an anagram of mainliner is Ian Milner. is that your name Ian?
I thought, Bradburry, mainl, ilovesk., or whatever, was a somewhat heavy girl named Terry from Ireland? Am I misremembering