LST to the extream


Well-Known Member
:leaf:well i saw a post on here about growing around the potter and keeping the plant low rather then grow up.... i like how this is going so far... all my side growth is now all going up... i wont have low branches... its all ganna be up on top .. if u understand

this is some bag seed at about month and a half under 2 30w cfl and 3 26 w cfl about 4 inch away:leaf:



New Member
Fuck yeah man! That's sweet. Next time try topping at the 2nd or 3rd node, then tie those down..... makes for a well balanced plant.


Well-Known Member
yeah ES if your talking about topping it and then having one top go right and the other top go left and then it would complete the circle faster that would have been a great idea i should have posted this plant when i started and got that idea...

next time i try it i will


Well-Known Member
Yea, shes lookin good.. reminds me of back in the day when I used to do LST. I've switched to SOG now though, here's a pic of the last one I did like 4 years ago.. if the pic name is correct that should be them at about 43 days in veg. The top views are cool too, seeing all the budsites. :D



Well-Known Member
Yeah that one on the left was probably the most potent plant i've smoked even compared to my white widow. If I remember right she was a NL#5x(G13xHashplant), can't wait till I get a mother so I can LST again. :D


Well-Known Member
Yea, shes lookin good.. reminds me of back in the day when I used to do LST. I've switched to SOG now though, here's a pic of the last one I did like 4 years ago.. if the pic name is correct that should be them at about 43 days in veg. The top views are cool too, seeing all the budsites. :D
:leaf:well i saw a post on here about growing around the potter and keeping the plant low rather then grow up.... i like how this is going so far... all my side growth is now all going up... i wont have low branches... its all ganna be up on top .. if u understand

this is some bag seed at about month and a half under 2 30w cfl and 3 26 w cfl about 4 inch away:leaf:

Those are wicked looking plants. Looks so clean and sleak aesthetically.


Well-Known Member
i have 3 other plants that im ganna have to start flowering soon but are in the same room as this plant.... is it big enough to really start flowering.. i know u can start flowering really early sometimes but i wasnt sure... or should i wait another 2 weeks and let her kinda fill in a little better???


Well-Known Member
You can flower whenever you want but since you've gone this far might as well keep it going till she can fill your space better.. you'll get a lot more bud.


Well-Known Member
yeah thats what i was thinking also.... plus i figure if i wait a lil it will get colder and inside my box wont be so hot so i can add more lights soon..


Well-Known Member
yeah thats what i was thinking also.... plus i figure if i wait a lil it will get colder and inside my box wont be so hot so i can add more lights soon..
Heh yea, i've got the same problem.. maybe a 250w is a bit much for my cabinet but I wouldn't want anything else. Actually skipped a couple months in the summer to avoid the hot temps and I live in alaska.. I guess my room has really good insullation lol.


Well-Known Member
i was thinking about using some hermit crab coconut fiber soil stuff on top of the reg soil to keep the soil from drying so fast on some of my other plants.... it would act as a mulch is what im thinking... has anyone used this before?? what if it was used when making your own soil for drainage and water retention and air .

this is what i have that i put on the top of the soil


Well-Known Member
I like to lst, then top, then lst once again..
Reason being, to get the main stalk sideways first, and get some good secondary growth reaching up so it can be topped rather than the main stalk.. The smaller new growth sets have always been very cooperative to fill in the inner radius area, while the main stalk is free to travel around the perimeter of it all at any growth rate it pleases..


Well-Known Member
well here is an update for my extream LST.... i moved it where it gets more light now so its getting a lot bigger... i ended up taking a lower branch and going around the circle the oposite way to cut the time down... there is maybe 2 in gap till its done... so im ganna switch to 12/12 soon...

that single leave is not serated like it should be??? hmm



Well-Known Member
Just so you know, LST stands for Low Stress Training. If you LSTing gets too extreme it won't be LST anymore, it'll be more like MST or HST. The important thing to realize is although you're just tying down your plant, it does cause stress and could cause your plant to hermie. like the idea, but make sure the knots around the stems have enough slack so the stems can continue growing.


Well-Known Member
Its still LST, since its a slow process. I'd think the extreme part comes from doing it in veg for a longer time and keeping the main loop low.