Lowryder 2, 13 days old, Leaf gone brown. Need Help Pls


Active Member

This is my first grow and first post. I've read a lot off the internet but apart from that I'm a total noob when it comes to growing.

My feminized Lowryder 2 is 13 days old and under 2 30 watt flourecent strip lights in a well ventilated closet. She is planted in Miracle Grow potting compost and is watered every 3-4 days with an amount depending on how dry the soil underneath the surface is. Lighting is 20 hours on 4 hours off, and temp with lights on is about 85-89. Hope this is all you info you need.

Just on the side of one leaf it has gone brown and I'm getting a bit worried. I read that it might be due to the nutes in the MG, but considering its only on one leaf I'm not sure.

Any help at all is appreciated, I don't want to lose my baby :-(




Well-Known Member
I don't think you will lose your baby.
It looks like some nutes may have hit the leaf while you were watering.
She will rebound. Don't worry.
I grew this strain, you will like it!!!! Very good smoke and not a bad yielder either.


Well-Known Member

This is my first grow and first post. I've read a lot off the internet but apart from that I'm a total noob when it comes to growing.

My feminized Lowryder 2 is 13 days old and under 2 30 watt CFLs in a well ventilated closet. She is planted in Miracle Grow potting compost and is watered every 3-4 days with an amount depending on how dry the soil underneath the surface is. Lighting is 20 hours on 4 hours off, and temp with lights on is about 85-89. Hope this is all you info you need.

Just on the side of one leaf it has gone brown and I'm getting a bit worried. I read that it might be due to the nutes in the MG, but considering its only on one leaf I'm not sure.

Any help at all is appreciated, I don't want to lose my baby :-(

Hey there Edit,

By the looks of things, it looks like one of the lights got a wee bit too close to the leaf there. How close to the plant do you have those cfl's???

Have you ever misted the plant while the lights were on??

And if I may ask, you don't plan on just using those two lights do you??? From what I've seen with cfls, people have a tendacy to use about 10 - 30 bulbs, however that does depend on how tall you plan to grow it (on average, a cfl plant is about a foot tall (vegged for 1 month, so it may grow bigger than that)) or so before putting it into flowering, and wether you lst it, top it, w/e the case may be....those are the factors you gotta take into account....

Hopefully I was able to help,



Active Member
Hey there Edit,

By the looks of things, it looks like one of the lights got a wee bit too close to the leaf there. How close to the plant do you have those cfl's???

Have you ever misted the plant while the lights were on??

And if I may ask, you don't plan on just using those two lights do you??? From what I've seen with cfls, people have a tendacy to use about 10 - 30 bulbs, however that does depend on how tall you plan to grow it (on average, a cfl plant is about a foot tall (vegged for 1 month, so it may grow bigger than that)) or so before putting it into flowering, and wether you lst it, top it, w/e the case may be....those are the factors you gotta take into account....

Hopefully I was able to help,

Thanks for the reply Bud.

The lights are about 2 1/2 inches away and I always mist in the dark cycle, making sure not to have much light on in the room when i do as to not disrupt the cycle.

My mistake with the lights, they are not CFL they are 2 long flourecent strip lights not the small spiral ones, and they're what I'll be using for this grow. It being my first grow it's more of an experimentation than a grow for maximum yield, so I think they should do the job.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply Bud.

The lights are about 2 1/2 inches away and I always mist in the dark cycle, making sure not to have much light on in the room when i do as to not disrupt the cycle.

My mistake with the lights, they are not CFL they are 2 long flourecent strip lights not the small spiral ones, and they're what I'll be using for this grow. It being my first grow it's more of an experimentation than a grow for maximum yield, so I think they should do the job.
Ahhhh I see....you may want to get the light up that other half inch....and if you have a 8 incher (muffin fan)....let the plant have a gentle breeze......with that being said...they say not to have a fan blowing directly on the plant(s) but depending on what you want to do, having it around the tops (indirectly) will do wonders to the temps.....

This is just a suggestion man, if that was my plant, I would lst the top (if
it wasn't topped)....that way you may not have to lower the lights that much (if any, since it is fairly close already)

Keep it up man,



Active Member
This is just a suggestion man, if that was my plant, I would lst the top (if
it wasn't topped)....that way you may not have to lower the lights that much (if any, since it is fairly close already)
Excuse my noobishness, but what does 'lst the top' mean?



Well-Known Member
Watch the Miracle Grow soil. I'm using MG organic and having similar problems but starting around the 4th week of growing from seed.

Here's a couple of pics of my Lowryder 2 (germed on 8/16).



Well-Known Member
Excuse my noobishness, but what does 'lst the top' mean?

Simply put:

LST: Low-Stress-Training, the process is simple, tying branches downwards (ever seen people say on here, "Tie those b!tch#$ down")

You might want to "top" it: It means to just cut off the very top branch, instead of having one main cola, you'll end up having two....you can do it more than once though......

There ya go man



Well-Known Member
I think it's probably moisture on the leaf that acted like a magnifying glass with your lights and burnt it. It will definitely be ok. Do not top your plant!!! I hope I'm not too late. I have grown LR2's a bunch of times and I don't recommend it with them. I use MG soil and don't have any problems. I don't fertilize until the 4th week, and even then I only use 1/2 strength. I fertilize every other watering and I stop fertilizing at the end of the 6th week. I have my light on 18/6 as recommended by the creator of LR (the jointdoctor). There most likely aren't going to be any branches for you to LST because you don't have enough light to cause more branching. On my grow right now I am using sunblaze 24" which has 4 T5 bulbs that put out 2000 lumens each, and I have 12 cfl's(9 2700K's and 3 6500K's) that put out 1600 lumens each on 5 LR2's. I am harvesting most of each plant today, probably all the colas and some of the side branches that are ready. If you have any questions about LR2's I will try to help you if I know the answer. Here is a link to the official grow guide for Lowryders written by the jointdoctor, I hope it helps. Good luck.

lowryder grow guide


Well-Known Member
i have two lowryder 2 feminized growing under 400 MH then i have a 400 HPS 50.000 lumens, 10 or 12 days old they are 2' to 3' tall no sex yet, i can wait any more, i have a shit potting soil from cristimas tree shop 1$ for a big bag, first week no feeding and after that every day w/ 20 20 20 MG looks strong plants to me, my temp. is 90 df to 99 df w/ lights on 24/7 and humit. is ok i think, never checked i have some good in fresh air to me grow but temp. stiil high, check ur fertilizer or the potting, soil just transplat them its going to stunt them a bit but save ur plants.


Well-Known Member
EDIT89 my was like yelow leafs and not growing at all on fisrt week, them i feed w/ 20 20 20 fert. from MG and the problem was solved, now they are growing 1/4' u need more nitroge to urs plants like they need to grow, u never said the fert. u are feeding them thats very import.


Active Member
can i just say, for the record, I've grown lowryder 2's twice before, each time been severely dissapointed. I have to be frank, the lowryder strains are cool as autoflowering curiosities, but thats really all they are good for. Each time my yield, with a dwc and hps light, is less than 1/4 oz dried per plant. If you're doing it with CFL's it will be even less. If your worried about power usage and heat, get a UFO LED, they're only 500 USD and the results will be infinitely better. Seriously, why take all the risk and time in growing just to get some lowryders, when you can raise almost any strain from seed to bud in 3 and 1/2 months?


Well-Known Member
I've been growing LR2's for over a year now and I almost always get over a 1/2 oz per plant. There has only been 2 plants that were under that. I didn't have good soil, and I had mediocre nutrients. For lighting I was using CFL's on my first couple and T5's with a few CFL's on almost all of the others. I am on my first grow with a 250 watt HPS and am using BIO BIZZ all mix soil with Earth Juice nutrients with Thrive Alive and they are already much bigger than any of my others were at this point in the grow. I don't think they are everyone but I like them.