Lowrdyer - Shifting the light pattern to 24/0 at day 52


I have 3 lowryder2's growing and are 18 days away from finish. The cold weather has stuck and its likely to be bad for a week with a good chance of snow. They in the loft!

Yesterday cabin temps dropped to 8c during lights off and during lights on are staying about 12-13c with all fans killed apart from extraction. Im going to be away for 3 days this weekend and they going unwatched, so i hope drenching the coco before i go with hold em up til i get back but the temp is also a concern.

I am going to put them up from 19/5 to 24/0 to keep them from getting frosted, i guess its nothing out of the ordinary for this stain given its heritage. My question is this....

Is it best to leave it at 24/0 or will i be ok knocking it back when the severe weather passes? electricity being a factor.

Thanks lads


hi this is my first grow and im growing lowryder2 i am at week 5 their about three inches tall i moved them outside for some stupid reason but i am going to move them back in when i do will it hurt them to be under light for 18 hrs and 6 in the dark for the rest of flowering stage or is it too soon to put under light to flower as u can tell this is my first so if u want to ignor me i fully understand thanks for your hbelp


Well-Known Member
I have 3 lowryder2's growing and are 18 days away from finish. The cold weather has stuck and its likely to be bad for a week with a good chance of snow. They in the loft!

Yesterday cabin temps dropped to 8c during lights off and during lights on are staying about 12-13c with all fans killed apart from extraction. Im going to be away for 3 days this weekend and they going unwatched, so i hope drenching the coco before i go with hold em up til i get back but the temp is also a concern.

I am going to put them up from 19/5 to 24/0 to keep them from getting frosted, i guess its nothing out of the ordinary for this stain given its heritage. My question is this....

Is it best to leave it at 24/0 or will i be ok knocking it back when the severe weather passes? electricity being a factor.

Thanks lads
in my experience autoflowers show little to no signs of stress toward light changes if they are not too frequent. I don't think you will encounter any problems. basically the longer your lights are on the more bud you end up with in autoflowering strains anyway, however i'd put money on the plant showing stress toward not having some darkness to rest in