Lower Leaves Turning Yellow and Dieing Off


Throughout the whole life of this plant it has been doing this, starting with its embryonic leaves, the leaves slowly go yellow, giving the plant enough time for its higher leaves to get strong enough before it dies. This plant has been nothing but trouble, yet i grew a very successful plant beside it.


Its about 33 days old.


I just did a soil flush with about 6.5 ph water and the orangeish brownish water that came out the bottem still measured around a ph of 8.


Well you are definately on the right track, it appears to be a nitrogen deficiency for starters. Your runoff PH is way too high as I am sure you are aware. I am not sure if this is "proper technique" but when my runoff PH is too high, I run about 5.0 PHed water through. This helped cure my soil PH problems. New and old lower growth is nice and green! :)


I just flushed quite a substantial amount of water through it, the last bit being quite acidic, so im gonna give it a couple days to dry and hope it improves. : \.
some yellowing happened to my aeroponic veg plants, i lowered ph and lowered nutes and they stopped yellowing. sometimes its good to trim the bad growth so it doesnt become diseased and spread. i use pH in the 5 range in aero, but soil may be able to go a lil higher. my nutes started at 1450ppm for the first week, plus i used tap water. now, i have nutes at 750 ppm and am using filtered "zero water" which filters water to 0 ppm.


Thanks for the feedback, the ph was definitely a problem so i hope to see some improvement. As for nutes, hasn't received much.


Weed Modifier
Ph is very important, Probably had Nute lockout which mean it will show diff in the leaves...good call on flushing and start your normal feeds when time to water let it dry right out wait an extra day when you think it needs water, the leaves will droop but soon as you feed they will bounce back fast!!! Good job not feeding extra nutes and flushing out toxins!


This plant just showed its sex today, you can't really see in these pics but there are little white hairs popping up around all the nodes. Does this mean the plant is ready for 12/12(it had been shifted to 12/12 earlier in its life but was shifted back)? Should i get this ph problem under control first? It seems the soil just wont neutralize, should i let it dry and flush more?


ON another note the topping seems to have been successful.



Weed Modifier
Def get your Ph under control as it will affect bud formation and it will go to shit if you don't get control of your Ph problem...looking very nice man! good job so far the topping seems to have made it bushy!!!if it is showing white hairs it is preflowering which if it is a clone and not from seed you can put it into 12/12 whenever you feel like it! when you flush you should have your ph adjusted still @ 6.5-7 not just normal water@8., even 1/2 strenth with nutes is good after you flush with ph adjusted water! Hope this helps...


Haven't been given much nutes since the ph problem hit. i have been flushing it with 6.5 ph and slighty more acidic water and the run off today was about 6.8.

The yellowing does seem to have slowed down quite a bit, just waiting for it to stop completely :P


Weed Modifier
Haven't been given much nutes since the ph problem hit. i have been flushing it with 6.5 ph and slighty more acidic water and the run off today was about 6.8.
Almost Their you are def on track man...Good job seems you know more than your letting on Though!