Lots Of People Getting Visit From The Police, What?


Active Member
Friend of mine is legal and always follows our local limits and everything but she had a couple of cops stop by her house. (This was a couple of years ago, nothing recent)

At her house before she moved the neighbors would always bitch to the cops about the marijuana smell coming from her house and the couple of marijuana plants outside in her garden. When the cops came over on their first visit they asked her if they could come inside and check to make sure she is within her legal limits. She complied and let them check out her grow room because she knows everything was within the laws and she had nothing to worry about. They complimented her plants, saying they were very nice and even said they look like they will produce some good smoke! They left her grow room and went back into her front room. Explaining further that they will not come to her house anymore just for smell complaints as they saw she was complying with the law. She (being a smart ass woman) says that she was a bit shook up from the cops being there and asked them if they wouldn't mind her taking a couple of bong hits. The officers told her that it's her house, she can do as she wants.

Then she told them they might want to move as she blows the smoke out her door and doesn't want them to think she is blowing it at them to intice them. One cop moves out of the way (the asshole cop that didn't talk the whole time but just mean mugged) and the other 3 (yeah, 4 cops, 2 patrol cars came, bet they were wanting a big bust bonus) just stood there in the doorway fully taking in the smoke. She told me she had never felt more untouchable in her life as she lit up greens with 4 cops standing in her living room watching her do it haha.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
My plan is to keep my medical card and grow license current and keep the grow license posted in plain sight outside the grow area. Then I will hope for the best. :)


Active Member
It is great that alot of you live in "legal" states.

But alot of us do not, but we use and or need MJ just the same as the "legal" people do.

It seems to me at times legal MJ growers kinda look down on others that are not in legal states.

Maybe that is just how I percieve some of the posts.

But people in nonlegal states need to think of backup plans in case something happens or he/she has time to implement them.

This thread is to maybe help these people, me being one of them.


Well-Known Member
In Canada there are plenty.
Yeah, up here you are federally legal to grow when you are "legal". Kinda sweet.

But at the same time, we have the RCMP who are both local police and federal police at the same time.

It's like State and Feds rolled into one if I lived in the States. A beat cop/highway patrol cop has federal jurisdiction.

Kinda like the Gestapo............


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
It is great that alot of you live in "legal" states.

But alot of us do not, but we use and or need MJ just the same as the "legal" people do.

It seems to me at times legal MJ growers kinda look down on others that are not in legal states.

Maybe that is just how I percieve some of the posts.

But people in nonlegal states need to think of backup plans in case something happens or he/she has time to implement them.

This thread is to maybe help these people, me being one of them.
no we just look down on the cry babies that are crying over there own choices they make to grow in a no tolorance state or just not legal to grow..trhen they come on here and cry the blues.. you play with fire ur going to get burnd, if u can't handle the heat stay out the kitchen, u play u pay...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
And i look down on the med users who cry their eyes out when the feds roll in, anyone else seen those dispensaries being raided youtube vids, crying their fecking eyes out haha good entertainment.

It is all about paying with fire and getting burnt as mygirls states though. I know i'm not legal, i know what the laws and limitations and punishments are, and i fully accept that what might happen might happen. I don't need a backup plan, i can accept the repercussions, they are a result of my actions after all :)


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
And i look down on the med users who cry their eyes out when the feds roll in, anyone else seen those dispensaries being raided youtube vids, crying their fecking eyes out haha good entertainment.

It is all about paying with fire and getting burnt as mygirls states though. I know i'm not legal, i know what the laws and limitations and punishments are, and i fully accept that what might happen might happen. I don't need a backup plan, i can accept the repercussions, they are a result of my actions after all :)
and they want to say they are legal to sell pot oops i meant take donations..


Well-Known Member
And i look down on the med users who cry their eyes out when the feds roll in, anyone else seen those dispensaries being raided youtube vids, crying their fecking eyes out haha good entertainment.
Ok so it's great that you're accepting of what might happen, etc. But why look down on med users, find joy in trouble for them?


Well-Known Member
The supreme court just ruled that the cops can enter your place without a warrant if they first knock and they then believe you might be destroying evidence. Good luck making a plan for that.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Ok so it's great that you're accepting of what might happen, etc. But why look down on med users, find joy in trouble for them?
Well partly because the US medical cannabis system has to be one of the bigger jokes of the decade. I'd bet not even 1% are real medical users, all the kids running around claiming back ache from a school football game and such. You happily accept an utterly backwards failure of a system then get annoyed when such a display of the systems failings is displayed. Yet any question of legalisation and you all vote no because it would cut into profit margins. I have respect for people who need medicine but i can find no respect in US MMJ, it' a joke.


Well-Known Member
Well partly because the US medical cannabis system has to be one of the bigger jokes of the decade. I'd bet not even 1% are real medical users, all the kids running around claiming back ache from a school football game and such. You happily accept an utterly backwards failure of a system then get annoyed when such a display of the systems failings is displayed. Yet any question of legalisation and you all vote no because it would cut into profit margins. I have respect for people who need medicine but i can find no respect in US MMJ, it' a joke.
Well, I think the actual number of legitimate medical users is somewhere north of 1%, but I take your point. Geralizations are rarely accurate though. I am a medical user who would definitely vote for legalization.

I believe we are headed for legalization, probably within 5 years is my guess. It won't happen overnight or all at once, that just can't happen. MMJ, decrirminalization, rescheduling of marijuana, all baby steps. We should embrace any moves to liberate marijuana, as incremental and unfair as they may be along the way.