Lost track sheet for this plant can anyone tell me how much longer i'm looking at.


Not sure when this is due just wondering if a pro can give me some input as to when to harvest, i do not want to fuck it. IMG_2938.jpgIMG_2936.jpgIMG_2940.jpgIMG_2974.jpgIMG_2975.jpg


Livid hahah some fuck ass cropped all my shit this ones pooched, got some of the remains after finding it. the main colla prob dry even this pic woulda been 6-8gs i bet.. fuckin pissed now stuck with premature bud to shit


Well-Known Member
one way to harvest is by looking at the caylx thats where all the hairs (pistills) will recede into caylxes, and caylxes will be swollen, its chop time.

Hope you will have a good bounitful soon :D

happy harvesting.