looking good?


These are my babies. They were planted as seed on 5/28. This is also my first grow. The plants stay outside most of the time. I live in the Midwest. Not sure where to go from here if I need to fertilize. Any input is good input so I would appriciate and welcome it. Thanks



Active Member
Plants look pretty good, depending on the soil you should be able to start nutes. I will say they seem a touch small for 5/28 but that maybe because they are outside? I planted osme 5/25 and they are about 8 inches tall, but could just be the pics.

Also one of the leaves looks like its possibly been someones lunch, the holes in the middle of the leaf. careful your not picking up some unfriendly.


My plants are about 8 inches tall also. One is very short like 5 inches. What nutes would you recomend? Yes someone did snack on one og my girls but I sprinkled all of them with bug be gone. Thinking about trimming leaf? I dunno just looks bad..and thanks for the reply!


Active Member
I wouldnt trim leaf, you took care of it... leaf is still very productive and healthy so leave it be. There are a ton of different nutes, all depends on whats avail where you are. I am presently using 2 different ones, people will make fun of me for the second one but its ok.... trying Fox Farm products on all my plants but 2 ( so far so good ) and was told to try miracle grow for tomatoes, I will honestly say this shit is AWESOME for veg, creates huge stalks and growth is crazy, both the 2 plants I am testing it on are over 4" taller than the other plants and the stalks are almost twice as thick, its truly sick. I wont use it on anymore till I have a chance to find out the final product, but had a few friends tell me it worked well, so far amazing.

Miracle grow for tomatoes npk is like 20-18-18 something like that, I feed it at 60% recommend dose. started around week 2


I was actually thinking about getting the tomato spikes. My soil is actually 60% fertilized miracle grow and 40% vermiculite. Btw my gf sister just told me she had 15 sweet tooth seeds. If this grow goes well then I will try those next. I am actually thinking of builing a grow box. To control more. Although mother nature seems to be treating them well.... thanks for info man! Very helpful!


Active Member
I dunno bout the spikes, I kinda like being able to control the nutes going in... the spike feeds at its own pace. be careful. Good luck with the grow!


Active Member
gonna get called on this probally but I use plain ole fashioned miracle grow at a reduced rate and miracle grow bloom for flowering .... I start the bloom with flowering at half strength and just feel it out from there .... buy it anywhere and no waiting for the delivery ... cheap as hell and a box last forever .... I've been told that it's not the right balance , not mj friendly nutes , even that it will kill my girls if I used it ... buncha b.s er's repeating what they have heard a hundred times ... dont believe it ... try it on one and see for yourself - shit does wonders for me .........

btw - they look very good and healthy ...what ever you use introduce it at a like a quater strength and go from there ... easier to add more than to remove it ....