Long Flowering Vs. Short Flowering potency


Well-Known Member
It's actually true. If you have a predisposition to mental illness, cannabis can trigger those potential issues earlier than 'normal'. If this concept is hard to wrap your head around then you're not growing strong meds ;).

Google 'Cannabis and mental health'.

All-in-all, if you're a healthy, mature adult you pretty much have little to worry about in regards to cannabis consumption.
Thanks mate at least someone's willing to research before they fire off.
i was only trying to put some helpful info out.


Well-Known Member
His claim that he believes it never would have happened without cannabis consumption is where his claim becomes unverifiable with no research to support it.

Rates of mental illness haven't increased with cannabis consumption. I certainly wouldn't recommend a schizophrenic smoke strong high THC cannabis either though.

CBD cannabis? Different story.
read it again man I never said that, I said had he/she never smoked it would have come on later in life, please don't misquote me to make your point because it's just dumb and I'll correct you.
and I said sativas were the main culprit in onset psychosis from marijuana use as opposed to indicas. Reading comprehension seems
to have gone out the window here, and I never said mental illness rates have risen, I said people with a predisposition to mental illness are at risk! Really is it that hard to read and and comprehend? Loosely quoting someone's almost as bad a lying!


Well-Known Member
It's because your so called rational conclusions aren't rational. Defensive isn't how I'd describe my post.

Biggest claim is that it causes schizophrenia. Ok, so where are all the extra schizophrenics compared to 80 years ago when cannabis consumption was nowhere near what it is today? They don't exist.

Can cannabis cause psychotic episodes in folks? Absolutely. Does cannabis cause people to become psychotic for the long term? There's no evidence.

And high CBD cannabis is a potent anti psychotic anyway and probably could replace a lot of currently prescribed drugs which have some god awful side effects to go with them.


Well-Known Member
Here in Australia Sativa had been king for many years because of our proximity to Asia,
all of those positive things you said about sativas as are correct, and I rather enjoy them.
i spent a few years working as a counsellor for alcohol drugs and other addictions and sativas
actually are the main culprit in cases of onset psychosis from cannabis use.

yes most of us are not predisposed to mental illness but if you are sativas can be really bad news.
i saw a few cases where the psychosis was permanent and I'm of the opinion had they not had sativa they
would have had a episode later on in life but the rush and increased heart rate and paranoia we see as positive
can be devastating to the few who may suffer from mental illness or have the propensity for psychotic episodes.
so for those of you who've never tried sativa please be careful and do a sample (small amount) especially if there's any
family history of any type of mental illness and see how you feel and if alls good smoke up and enjoy.
If you wrote with paragraphs and more clearly it would be easier to read your posts. My apologies for confusing what you wrote.


Jeezus guys with the hostility i thought this was a thread for stoners? A simple correction would've sufficed, but niced to see you guys patched things up :D that being said are there any strains you guys can list from reputable seed breeders(clones are not available in the island I live in) with good sativa highs and short flowering times? It doesn't have to be a pure sativa high. Rep on that hs plant though she seemed to have frosted up pretty nicely :D