Lil' Shop of Spores!


Active Member
Has anybody ordered their spore syringes from Lil' Shop of Spores online??? Are they reliable??? Please Reply!!!


Well-Known Member
They are on's list of trusted vendors so I would trust them. My personal favorite is Great selection and fair prices.


Well-Known Member
Sporevisions are cheap...$13 bucks on all he always throws in a free syringe with ur order!
Spores101 is a good company...bought many syringes from them


Active Member
yea, i ordered from lil shop of spores(money order) but never sent the cash cuz i have heard of bad vendors so i got scared lol. Just ordered from spores101 instead. figure stick with wats known to work right


Active Member
just visited yuckatopia. idk. hope you get your stuff to. let me kno if u end up getting of luck


Active Member
How Hard or easy is it to grow your own shrooms ..?
Have not actually grown yet, but im confident if u do your homework and know what to do it is fairly easy. just getting to know the process seems to b the most daunting thing for people. Just read up on it and c wat u think.


Well-Known Member
Have not actually grown yet, but im confident if u do your homework and know what to do it is fairly easy. just getting to know the process seems to b the most daunting thing for people. Just read up on it and c wat u think.

Being the 1st to try ones crop might be the last .. Too ya know what i mean .. :?


Active Member
Being the 1st to try ones crop might be the last .. Too ya know what i mean .. :?
hahaha no i hope not. Contaminations r the things that make shrooms poisonous, and you will know if you have them and toss that jar. if someone else knows otherwise from experience let me know but im pretty sure thats the only time they r poisonous.


Well-Known Member
Has anybody ordered their spore syringes from Lil' Shop of Spores online??? Are they reliable??? Please Reply!!!
I ordered from spores101 and never got them pretty lame I sent them a bunch of e-mails. I only got a couple crappy responses.

I ordered from the hawk eye and got some great spores that germinated quickly. I'm about to fruit a couple cakes next week. I'll let you know how they turn out. Hawk eye is pretty stealth too and they have a nice strain list. :peace:


Well-Known Member
How Hard or easy is it to grow your own shrooms ..?
It is easier that growing plants indoors for sure korvette. I'm doing it for the first time and they grow fast and super easy. You don't have to worry about identifying them either just order a spore syringe and you will be safe.

I had a lot of contamination on my first batch of cakes but I had adjusted the moisture content of my media and have begun cultivating them all with no contamination using mycelium culture from the first batch.

I will be fruiting two cakes next week.

Makes it really easy to do a perpetual grow and harvest shrooms pretty much everyday from your closet. It requires little effort and investment as well. Seems like a win/win to me. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
It is easier that growing plants indoors for sure korvette. I'm doing it for the first time and they grow fast and super easy. You don't have to worry about identifying them either just order a spore syringe and you will be safe.

I had a lot of contamination on my first batch of cakes but I had adjusted the moisture content of my media and have begun cultivating them all with no contamination using mycelium culture from the first batch.

I will be fruiting two cakes next week.

Makes it really easy to do a perpetual grow and harvest shrooms pretty much everyday from your closet. It requires little effort and investment as well. Seems like a win/win to me. :mrgreen:
agreed...its win/win for sure:mrgreen: