Lighting needs in flowering


Well-Known Member
Ok i am starting flowering and i am using 2 - 110 watt t5 2 - bulb lights for a total of 22o watts with 4 bulbs in a small tent with 2 plants. So my question is do i go with all 3000k bulbs or should i leave some of the 6500k bulbs in as well.


Well-Known Member
ehhh daylight bulbs are in the veg spectrum....i dont know the right answer because i flower with a hps ...but i have a hard time accepting the fact that the flouros i use for veg are the same he should use in flowering....


Well-Known Member
oh lol he said t5 idk anything about those i thought he was just using reg 4ft flourescents...or wait are those called t5s lmao idfk if my post was relevant now...


Well-Known Member
hmm...they arent very orange red looking....wouldnt the purple plant lights be better? or are daylight really the best for both cycles?


Dude, this is my first grow but I bought a 4' (6) bulb T8 polished reflector shop light and since HD doesn't sell 4' aquarium bulbs and I'm NOT paying $23 per bulb @ Petsmart (wtf?) , I bought 3 different bulbs sets @ HD and did a mix ...(2) 3100K inside, (2) 4500K the next outer and (2) 6000K on the very outside. No clue if this is the best stagger pattern or not. It's my budget way of mocking the spectrum of light they need. Now, some on here are already judging me for this set up but it's ok lol; Again, it's my first grow, I have 3 ladies all beginning to produce VERY herby buds with long white hairs. I might switch to an HPS or a MH just because the light frequency seems to be f'n amzing. I'd love to post pics but I'm just to paranoid about whomever being able to track my pics back to my files and ruining my anonymity....lame, I know lol.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
I get my CFL's at the grocery store. 23W (real), pack of 4, 6500K daylight, is around $15.00, 2700K are even cheaper.

What I like about the 23W, is if one bulb burns out, you still have a bunch of others (no single point of failure).


Well-Known Member
Yeah as said earlier, a mix of spectrums is generally best. For flower use mostly 3000k/red spectrum though


MorroN, just curious how do you know that the 3KK are the best? Did your plants respond differently? Experiences?


Well-Known Member
I found the grow guide for cfl growing on here and it said to go with 2700k to 3000k for flowering so i guess i will try that for a while just to see how it goes and i can always change later if i dont get the results i want. Thanks to you all for the advice.