Life after lockup, anyone see it last week or the repeat of it this week?


Well-Known Member
sort of. The ones who are like porters and cleaning and all that are paid by the prison. So increasing their pay would mean more money would be needed to run the facility. With the ones who make things or do things that bring in an income for the prison its not quite so clear, but lets say they are making a certain amount of profit off the men which is used to help run the prison, if you were to increase their pay it would decrease the amount they are profiting and more money would be needed to fill in for the lost amount of profit. Department of corrections uses taxpayers money to fund itself.


bud bootlegger
sort of. The ones who are like porters and cleaning and all that are paid by the prison. So increasing their pay would mean more money would be needed to run the facility. With the ones who make things or do things that bring in an income for the prison its not quite so clear, but lets say they are making a certain amount of profit off the men which is used to help run the prison, if you were to increase their pay it would decrease the amount they are profiting and more money would be needed to fill in for the lost amount of profit. Department of corrections uses taxpayers money to fund itself.
damn. i guess i have just never connected the dots like that before.. i still do feel bad for some of them though..
and maybe soon we will be paying $300 for our license plates, lol...
i know that up in maine they have a store that sells furniture that is made in a prison up there.. really beautiful stuff as well, and not all that cheap either..


Well-Known Member
So racerboy, you had to pick your top 3 scenes/people from lockup(and lockdown if youve seen it) what would you pick?
Do you ever watch lockdown, a very similar show to lockup thats on national geographic channel? I like it for the most part, some of the episodes give a different feel than lockup but its actually kind of nice to see something from a different sort of angle.
For lockdown my favorite is this crazy as hell girl named eileen rose, her attitude and everything towards the prison rules was kind of intersting(at board hearing for hitting a c.o. w/ a lock and a sock.)"I'm telling you all if i ever get the chance I'm going to kill that bitch like i should of done in the first place"
"its alright im in ad seg, I dont really like other people and can just talk to the voices in my head"
at the moment i cant decide on my 3 favorite from lockdown.
From lockup it really depends, their are tons of them i like quite a bit.
You know how you were talking about the guy who killed his mom and ate part of her brains was talking to the mental health unit leader about girls writing him from the street we talked about? Have you ever thought of trying to write any of the people on lockup? I have a few times(not to say how i think they are so hot or whatever the girls tell them when they write, I'm 100% straight) thought of writing them to be penpals, to be honest i could see myself giving them a small amount of money to buy shit from the canteen(like $10-20 a month) if we became fairly good friends. I like to help people and try to make others lives easier if i can, especially if they have a good attitude and try to better themselves by helping others. I may not make a ton of money(10-15k a year max) but i try to donate when i can because i live a fairly decent life off that amount, I dont buy bud anymore and my rent is split between 3 people so for only 300 each we've all got full cable and internet and phone and all other utilities paid, so i try to help others as much as possible. I dont let people i try to help use me though.


bud bootlegger
yah, i try and give to others as well, but i tend to end up getting used in the end by a lot of people cuz they see how generous that i can be.. i really am a softy at heart, and i don't have many bills aside from internet and phone and car insurance, so i tend to have not a lot of extra money, but more then i really need, and when i see people who are in more need then i am, well, i also try and help them out..
i have to admit, i've never thought of writing to anyone on the show, but i really like the idea of it.. i know that a lot of them probably don't have anyone on the outside and getting letters and shit like that is a big deal when your in lockdown like some of them.. i'd have to think who i would like to correspond with though.. i think i may actually do that.. sounds like a cool thing to do honestly..
and of course i don't get the nat geo channel.... that other show sounds pretty cool.. as much as i love lockup, i've seen them all about four or five times each on most of them, and it would be nice to see something new..

i'd really have to think about what episodes i like the most.. i love that white dude who beat the piss test, and then goes on to tell us that he's still going to keep smoking and shit.. of course i would like that dude, lol..
i also liked that guy phantom, and how the lady got through to him some what and how he said he's paying for his kids college even though he didn't have a job or anything, and i loved his stories and how he told them as well..

oh snap.. i don't know if we ever talked about this guy, but he was in alaska.. a big bald headed white guy.. he was in there for killing someone, and also for cruelty to animals.. when the lady asked him what that was about, he was all.. well, i wasn't trying to be cruel to it, but he kept going over to the body and gnalling on his ear or some shit, so i tried to nuke him.. she goes, what do you mean by that.. he goes, well i put him in the microwave for two minutes, but it must not have been long enough as it still lived...
don't get me wrong, i absolutely love animals and don't see how someone could ever do that shit to an animal, but i just liked this guy.. then he went on to tell the story of how he killed his celly cuz he was bragging about killing his mommy.. he said i hate people who are mean to women and children, and this dude just wouldn't shut up about how he killed his mommy like he was some kind of tough guy.. dude was getting so pissed off telling the story, all gritting his teeth and shit, then he says how he went and choked out the dude and killed him and told him to say hi to mommy for me.. thought it was great.. even animals like that don't like people who are mean to women and kids.. i think its kinda funny, but cool at the same time if that makes sense at all, lol... he just really stuck out to me for some reason or another..


Well-Known Member
I was gonna bring that part up a while back when we talked about him earlier, i too thought his story was kind of funny/interesting, but putting a poor cat in a microwave and then laughing about it really made me hate the guy. I still think his outbursts and story are interesting, but as you have probably realized by now un needed cruelty and hurting others who are weaker or have no change kind of spark up the fire of my rage. lol. To be honest i think he deserves pain and suffering for that, but im unsure if i would really like to see him dead by my hands. Some people do grow up w/horrific things like that being fine(for example, if you saw your parents and other respected people killing and torturing others w/o a trace of guilt for doing so you would grow up thinking that was normal and not give a 2nd thought of doing it yourself. In your view of the world you would be doing nothing wrong even though the rest of the world would consider it monstorous and evil.


bud bootlegger
agreed.. the whole nature vs. nature thing.. i am pretty lucky to have come from two loving parents who took care of me the best that they could and sheltered me from most of the cruel shit in the world and taught me to be respectful towards others and animals and all as well..
i can't imagine having grown up with say a super abusive parent, or a drug addicted parent where their child is on the bottom of their list of priorities.. you never know how fortunate you are till you get older and learn how some other people grew up and some of the things they have seen or what was normal for them as kids.. sometimes you'll know someone and always wonder why they are the way that they are, then you meet the parents, and all of a sudden things become very clear... its a crazy world out there sometimes..


Well-Known Member
Have you ever seen the one shot tv show "*some persons name* want me to die that was about daryl holton and him killing his kids. I liked the way he was not afraid to admit that while it is revenge and hate/loathing that makes us feel the death penalty is warranted, that some things are just so terrible society in general cant forgive them and we have a sort of hatred for them and their crimes that demand justice/revenge . Capital punishment is considered homicide, but no one ever wants to truly look at it and admit that we hate/loathe these people and that yes, it is murder, it is for revenge, it is an eye for an eye justice for a hideous crime. I dont think the death penalty is as much of a crime prevention tool as they say to help justify it. in truth i think its still quite justified w/o it.


bud bootlegger
i was always pro death penalty till i was in like 11th grade, and i had to do a debate on the death penalty.. i got the against side, and i did a lot of reading on the whole thing, and i have to admit that its changed my view on it for sure..
of course the death penalty is all about revenge, and i don't agree with saying that killing is wrong, and to show you how wrong it is, we are going to take your life... i just find that a very silly way to think.. how is it wrong to kill, but the death penalty not be wrong?? i just don't understand how that can be.. i am also very against it just for the reason that i'd hate to see one innocent person killed as a result... i would flip out if i ever got convicted of something i didn't do, and i would hate to think of facing the death penalty knowing that i was an innocent man.. i'm sure it happens much more then we as a society would like to believe..


Well-Known Member
How is it right that the person savagely killed someone? It's not. We are not killing someone for the hell of it or that we enjoy it like they did. They started it. If you dont want to be killed, dont do it to someone else. I do agree our system needs to be worked on though. We need to make sure any dna evidence is checked from multiple labs and that all possible testing is done. John wayne gacy, ted bundy, jeffrey dahmer(although he was from my state which doesnt have the death penalty), michael bruce ross, the green river killer, any of the other serial killers, Could you honestly say that any of them do not deserve to die?


bud bootlegger
yah, idk dark.. i'm going to have to think long and hard about this before i just come back with some knee jerk reaction, which is not what i want my answer to be..


Well-Known Member
sorry if that last post sounded rude.(just in case you misunderstood). I like how daryl holton himself(on lockup) put it the best i think "Can you mitigate the lives of 4 children?can you? with a straight face?" when asked his view on the death penalty.
i was so mad yesterday, get home from a long ass day at work and plop down light a bowl and go to msnbc and.....they are talking about the government shutdown bs, all fucking night. it was a repeat from like 1 am on is the worst part, it made me mad when they did it for the japanese tsunami and the earthquake that hit haiti, much less political theatre. I like politics, but that was all total theatre. I saw something interesting(for the 3rd or 4rth time) and saw some imo startling facts i didnt remember though. In L.A. 1 out of 5 foot pursuits by the sherriff/police department ends with shots fired and since 2007 something like 207 sherrifs deputies have been killed, but heres the crazy thing, that show was first aired in like 2009. Thats more than have been killed in the last 100 yrs here in wisconsin im betting.


bud bootlegger
sorry if that last post sounded rude.(just in case you misunderstood). I like how daryl holton himself(on lockup) put it the best i think "Can you mitigate the lives of 4 children?can you? with a straight face?" when asked his view on the death penalty.
i was so mad yesterday, get home from a long ass day at work and plop down light a bowl and go to msnbc and.....they are talking about the government shutdown bs, all fucking night. it was a repeat from like 1 am on is the worst part, it made me mad when they did it for the japanese tsunami and the earthquake that hit haiti, much less political theatre. I like politics, but that was all total theatre. I saw something interesting(for the 3rd or 4rth time) and saw some imo startling facts i didnt remember though. In L.A. 1 out of 5 foot pursuits by the sherriff/police department ends with shots fired and since 2007 something like 207 sherrifs deputies have been killed, but heres the crazy thing, that show was first aired in like 2009. Thats more than have been killed in the last 100 yrs here in wisconsin im betting.
lol at that.. i felt the same way.. looked on the tv guide channel, lockup all night long.. woo to the hoo.. go and put on msnbc, and what was it but that bullshit talking about the gov'ment shutting down.. such a waste.. i didn't mind so much when some world news shit comes on like the japan shit or what have you, don't get me wrong, i get tired of that right quick as well, but i kind of understand the need to keep at it over and over and over.. some peopel are a lil slow, i get that, lol.. but yah, i too was pissed last night with that bullshit..

on a side note, we just got a new tv channel called id, ivestigation discovery, and i've been into it since it's been on..

and btw, i wasn't offended at all by your post dark, just gave me something to think about, and there is nothing at all wrong with that, i just didn't want to respond until i had done some good thinking on the subject was all..


Well-Known Member
If you dont know what any of those guys did I would advise you not look it up btw. Imo at least, once you read it you cant go back. Sometimes its better not to know. I kind of wish i had not, as i said earlier i one day all of the sudden thought about how i would feel if someone did something that horrible to my daughter/mother/ etc, i also did/do the same for the victims and it really really really makes me wish I could avenge their deaths somehow and make their killer suffer the same way they did, it also fills me with basically pure hatred and rage and disgust. I hate them so much that i will think about how badly i think they should suffer and all that stuff almost out of the blue sometimes. Like- "What kind of sick fucker could ever do anything as horrible as they do to someone else?" or imaging how terrible the families of the victims too would suffer while talking to my female co-workers and grandma/mom/ etc . while writing this response i myself am even surprised at the hatred for the sick bastards i feel. It also makes me wish i could of saved the victims somehow and that no innocent/not evil killer type of person should ever have to suffer that. I will probably carry this hatred of mine all the way to the grave, but I dont think its really a bad thing.


Well-Known Member
i see alot of good shows on id i wish i could get when i look online for whats on tv too(which i always do everyday so i dont miss any good shows that may be on). Same w/the science channel. we used to get them and whats called "on-demand" as well. on demand is where they are different shows from differents networks that you can watch anytime if you've never heard of it. but then the cable company started charging us an unbelievable amout for it once the first 6 months was up. we had to pay all this rent just for using their equipement and then for the actual normal cable itself and then for the advanced features.


bud bootlegger
i don't know dark.. i've heard of most of those people you mentioned as i'm kinda interested in serial killers and the like, but i still think i stand strong on my anti death penalty feeling..
i just can't see how saying that killing someone is wrong, so to show how wrong it is, your going to die as a result of your actions.. it just seems kind of revengeful and bitter at the same time to me, which makes us no better then the person who did the killings to begin with imo..
not only that, but i just don't think its much of a deterrent to people either obviously, or we would have much less people killing others here in the us.. the violence of our country is something that deeply disturbs me to the core, and i often try and think of a cause of it or atleast a reason why the us is sooo much more violent then even many third world countries.. the fact that we have simply come accustomed to murders happening everyday in our big cities just really bothers me to no end..
i know that some religious rights say that it comes from violent video games and kids exposure to violence at a young age.. i don't really buy into that theory very much as japan is pretty much where all of the video games derive from, and they surely don't have the kind of violence in their society that we have in the us..
then you have the democrats who say that guns are the reason why people get killed so often, and maybe they have a point to a point, i'm sure more people in the us have access to guns then pretty much any other country minus maybe a few small ones.. but i do believe that we should have the rights to arms.. if we only let the government or the military access to these weapons, well, i shudder to think of what would happen then..
i know that ireland has way less guns in their country, so people just end up stabbing others as a result.. is this any better?? i don't think so.. it kinda cuts down some on innocent bystanders being killed by stray bullets, but that is pretty much the only positive i see from no guns honestly.. idk..
i know i've gone wayyy off topic from the death penalty, but i just got to thinking about the violence we see in our country in general and had to address that, lol... and i also don't think that prison is much of a deterrent to many crimes either.. we have more people in prisons in the us then i think any other country in the world, and yet, we still have more violence than any other countries too.. i only wish i had an answer.. i myself kind of think of myself as a pacifist.. i don't really care much for violence of anykind.. heaven forbid what would happen if i actually had to go out and kill my own food... i'd probably starve to death, lol.. probably not, i'm sure i would change my opinion right quick if i had to kill to survive, but as things are, that's not how it is for me...


Well-Known Member
Yeah,its the People with guns who kill people that kill people, not guns that kill people. lol. I've been around guns since i was a boy and as of yet ive never killed anyone. I do think though that alot of the democrat gun control measures are demonized when in reality they do make a little sense. I hunt and shoot guns but i dont see why someone needs to have clips that hold 20+ bullets. It only takes me about 15 seconds to reload which at first seems to support that it wouldnt matter because if the person had a smaller clip they'd just reload real fast, but if you look at most of these mass shootings that is when the guys get taken down, when they go to change clips. I used to be hardcore republican and believed what i read about gun control w/o a second thought but 90% of it is just people trying to demonize any sort of restrictions on guns at all. I dont need a missle launcher, i dont need assault weapons, saying i cant own them doesnt mean i cant own any guns. I was strongly opposed to al gores stand on hand gun control however, that one was an actual assault on rights i believe, thats why i voted for bush. Most of our rights do have some guidelines attached as to what we can and cant do, why shouldnt guns? it just has to be within reason. im happy to talk about whatever you want, to, staying on topic is a weakness of mine as well. lol.


Well-Known Member
You ever watch the show river monsters? It's one of my favorite shows, unlike quite a few similar series he almost always finds and catches what he's looking for. while also showing that the bad rap the river monsters recieve is based on ignorance and superstition most if not all the time. Even on the ones that actually were responsible for fatalities. Well anyway, They have been playing a commercial talking about a/the new season for probably the last month. I'd been looking forward to it since the first time i saw the commercial. So i turn on the tv to animal planet hoping its on, which it wasnt yet, it was one they put out a while ago which technically being considered a part of the new season put out a while back sort of in between the seasons but its just old clips from other seasons put together. So i figured(correctly) that the new one would follow. which it did. however it too is all just old clips compiled together and not an actual new episode as well. what a huge let down.


Well-Known Member
did you see the squeeze last night? I sort of did, drifting in and out of paying attention and i couldnt believe what i heard the one gang investigator/detective/whatever they are called say. In this one weekend they had a total of.......(might want to sit down, lol).....63 shootings!!! that blew me away.


bud bootlegger
Damn dark, kinda scary how similar our tastes are, aside from d republican n voting for bush parts, lol, but Yah, I love river monsters, n now ur going to b really pissed as I.just watched d new episode tonight, it came on after d best of clip show n was in fuck, d island country that is infamous for.being cannibals, rain cart sorry.. it wasn't d best episode though tbh, it was ok..
My favorite episode was d one where he was in Africa n was staying in. A small village n d chiefs brother went missing on a fishing trip.. he finds out d next day that if they haunt of found his brother that night, some of d villagers were going to stone him to death as.they think that there is no such thing as coincidence.. I can't believe he stayed one second after finding that out as I would have caught d first canoe.back to.civilization lol.. I really do love that show though..


Well-Known Member
you are right. Apparently the second episode of clips from old shows was not a new one and was released around the same time as the other best of clip ones. The new one is going to be replayed at 4 am central time right before big cat diary, which im very happy they started playing it in that slot, gives me something to watch other than morning joe because its the only thing thats on every morning till the history channel comes off its paid advertisement block. I was overall disappointed in the congo one myself, he never caught or saw anything really. it did have a few interesting parts though like you said but after seeing that awesome pic he had of the pretty big catfish it was a pretty big let down he didnt catch anything good. I'm having a hard time picking a favorite right now. i'll have to think it over.