Let's talk serious SCROG


Well-Known Member

can anyone tell if these are showing 9 days into flower and most especially if it is true that male preflowers have those hooks cause some of mine have hooked all the way into circles. Tell me.....I think I can take it


Well-Known Member

can anyone tell if these are showing 9 days into flower and most especially if it is true that male preflowers have those hooks cause some of mine have hooked all the way into circles. Tell me.....I think I can take it
looks female to me in the last pic atleast


Well-Known Member
Really hard to see in those pictures bro. Female flowers are EASY to spot... They have a stamen which is very obvious. If you have a white, thread like hair coming out of the little pod (there should be two in most preflowers) then your golden. Not a thin green hair like thing, it's white. There are also sessile, which a plant geek way is saying the pod attaches directly to the stem. Male pods are on the end of a little stalk..this is harder to see in preflowers.


Well-Known Member
these should be them
From what I saw, all female.

You should take some closer pictures. See if your camera has a "macro" setting or something that looks like a little rose/plant flower onm your camera. That is the macro setting. It is designed for closeup shots.


Active Member
Whoa! I take a 2.5 day tech vacation and the thread explodes!

Sounds like we have a bit of clone talk to do so lets start there.

To address the issue of how to use clone gel, where to take cuttings from etc. First off, use clonex. It's mild acid formula makes cuttings soft and you can't really over do it so its ease of use is excellent.

Clippings should always be taken before the plant is scrog'd, wasting electricity and time vegging a giant bush that turns out to be a male is beyond bad news. the first clone to root should be put into flower immediately to tell sex, as soon as it shows discard it and make sure to use its sister clones for your next run.

Take all your clippings from the lowest and greenest branches you can, the more "woody" the branch, the longer it takes to root. The closer it is to the bottom the more rooting hormone the branch has and faster it will root as well.

The end all be all in cloning is to use an aero-cloner, there are many sites that teach you how to build one and they are the fastest way of making clones. You don't need clonex or anything other than a timer set to 15 min on 15 min off, the clones are forced to root quickly because they only humidity they get comes from the sprayers inside the cloner, you basically leave them and come back a week later to fully rooted plants, ready for vegging.

Now for the comments on all the "show and tell" I missed.

Lillidian, I'm lovin' your grow, sub'd a while back. Avoid vertical grows, apical dominance (earlier forum discussion) killed my yield. The highest buds got nice and thick and the bottom was pop-corn. I won't do another vertical grow, it was a waste, I think I pulled a little over 10oz off 2 plants and thats unacceptable even fr a 400w.

Mr.green, can't see the edge of your screen in that pic so hard to tell how close you are but you definitely have a couple weeks. get the screen 80% full then veg for a few days without training, then flip, if you need to train after that fine but give them a couple days into flowering so you can see what branches are getting taller. I tend to take the tallest branches during the first 2 weeks and bend them so the other branches can catch up, what you end up with is a very dense and uniform canopy of compact colas.

Luv2grow, your setup is looking great! I'm super impressed, flowers are looking really tight and heavy, love it!


Well-Known Member
From what I saw, all female.

You should take some closer pictures. See if your camera has a "macro" setting or something that looks like a little rose/plant flower onm your camera. That is the macro setting. It is designed for closeup shots.
used the macro setting, susposed to be able to get within inches....not happening, came to the conclusion that it's a s... camera however if you look close enough you can see ....what I see (closely examine all the pics) esp number 7, 9 and 10


Well-Known Member
I'll tell you how, post pics and bump me to the last page LOL

I have a quiz for someone.. I spent several hours reasearching and think I determined why the plants in the middle of the room stretched more then the plants on each end. I'll mail out a free sample on harvest if you can tell me the most probably reason. It's not genetics or size. All the info is in the picture


Active Member
I'll tell you how, post pics and bump me to the last page LOL

I have a quiz for someone.. I spent several hours reasearching and think I determined why the plants in the middle of the room stretched more then the plants on each end. I'll mail out a free sample on harvest if you can tell me the most probably reason. It's not genetics or size. All the info is in the picture
I'm gonna go with the location of your circulating fan, temps getting lower in the middle of the room causing the stretch?


Well-Known Member
They seem to have more room on the sides, and are packed tighter in the middle. When packed tighter, they compete for space and tend to grow more vertical in competition for light; thus the middle plants stretch more than those on the perimeter.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna go with the location of your circulating fan, temps getting lower in the middle of the room causing the stretch?
Ohhh. So Close. Damn close! It is the fans.. but I don't think it is the temperature.. as the temp is pretty even throughout the room. Although... I guess it could be temps under the lights.. but there is another plant phenomenon that many people don't know about and it relates to my theory of why the plants in the middle are stretchier.

Care to give it one more shot?