Lets say I was germinating and the paper tower dried out...


Well-Known Member
i would just dampen the towel again. not every seed will germinate, remember that.

if you think you wont have much success, germinate alot of seeds at a time, then pick which seeds look best to you.


stays relevant.
plus if it hasn't popped out of the shell yet, chances are good that rehydrating the towel AND WATCHING OVER IT THIS TIME might still yield some germ'd seeds for ya. :)


Well-Known Member
The wet paper towel in between two plates sounded like the best idea

Also, is it a good idea or a bad idea to leave it next to a heating vent?


Well-Known Member
paper plates? hm never heard that, i just wrapped the seeds in a moist paper towel, placed them in a plastic bag.. and put it by a sunny window.


Well-Known Member
My paper towel goes into an empty weed baggy... that way none of the moisture escapes. The seed doesnt need fresh air to germinate, you can put it in a plastic bag and it will work fine, and stay moist for almost two weeks.


Well-Known Member
I cant believe what a bunch of idiots are on here sometimes. The only thing you need to do is keep a bloody paper towel moist!!! How will you look after a plant if you cant do that right? I use this method and know my towel will stay moist for at least 3 days. How?
1. Get 2 pieces of kitchen roll (the most absorbent).
2. Fold into one square and dampen with warm water.
3. place the seeds in one corner of the paper towel, not too close to each other, and then fold the paper over twice, once from left to right or vice versa. Then fold the rectangle into a smaller square.
4. Place the damp paper towel in a bowl, rather than a plate, a bowl acts like a humidity dome and is more effective at keeping a constant temp and humidity level.
5.Cover the bowl with cling film (dont know what you call it in USA) it is also important to block out light so I cover in tin foil also, you could just place a book on it.
6.Place in a warm place, I use my airing cupboard.

I have never had a seed not germinate this way!!! FACT.


Well-Known Member
I put a few layers of paper towel in a dvd case and put my seeds down and put a few more layers, moist the paper towel n close it n keep watch. 24 hours - 5 days, all depends.
