leggy female tree, trimmed and tied many times


i was running out of vertical space in my tent and i really hate having string everywhere so i just tied the branches together in a circular fashion. what do you guys think? is this okay? does she look ready to be flowered?


i'm a bit concerned her stems are so thin... I never had a plant with branches this thin. I'm wondering if it's because I fimm'd and topped her many times or if its just genetics. My other girls have thicker stems. Should this make me consider flowering a bit later than planned, and wait until they thicken a bit, or is this not important?


Well-Known Member
If you are running out of vertical space, why did you tie the lower branches up? Why not tie the upper ones down?
From the look of the light in the pics, the way the side branches are on one side, and the height, it looks like your lights are way too far away.


If you are running out of vertical space, why did you tie the lower branches up? Why not tie the upper ones down?
From the look of the light in the pics, the way the side branches are on one side, and the height, it looks like your lights are way too far away.
yea i should have done that earlier in veg but i waited too long and the top of the canopy you see in the picture is about the lowest i can go. if i pull down most of the branches any lower i'm afraid they will snap, so i'm trying to get everything even at that point (and cutting any lower branches that can't reach that high). i hate using string and tape so i am just tying the branches together,otherwise they would be sticking out everywhere.

have you ever seen a thinner plant though? i mean thats an anorexic-looking plant and its almost 2 months old!!